36 research outputs found

    Stability-preserving model order reduction for linear stochastic Galerkin systems

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    Mathematical modeling often yields linear dynamical systems in science and engineering. We change physical parameters of the system into random variables to perform an uncertainty quantification. The stochastic Galerkin method yields a larger linear dynamical system, whose solution represents an approximation of random processes. A model order reduction (MOR) of the Galerkin system is advantageous due to the high dimensionality. However, asymptotic stability may be lost in some MOR techniques. In Galerkin-type MOR methods, the stability can be guaranteed by a transformation to a dissipative form. Either the original dynamical system or the stochastic Galerkin system can be transformed. We investigate the two variants of this stability-preserving approach. Both techniques are feasible, while featuring different properties in numerical methods. Results of numerical computations are demonstrated for two test examples modeling a mechanical application and an electric circuit, respectively.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figure

    Model order reduction for random nonlinear dynamical systems and low-dimensional representations for their quantities of interest

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    We examine nonlinear dynamical systems of ordinary differential equations or differential algebraic equations. In an uncertainty quantification, physical parameters are replaced by random variables. The inner variables as well as a quantity of interest are expanded into series with orthogonal basis functions like the polynomial chaos expansions, for example. On the one hand, the stochastic Galerkin method yields a large coupled dynamical system. On the other hand, a stochastic collocation method, which uses a quadrature rule or a sampling scheme, can be written in the form of a large weakly coupled dynamical system. We apply projection-based methods of nonlinear model order reduction to the large systems. A reduced-order model implies a low-dimensional representation of the quantity of interest. We focus on model order reduction by proper orthogonal decomposition. The error of a best approximation located in a low-dimensional subspace is analysed. We illustrate results of numerical computations for test examples.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    Model order reduction and sparse orthogonal expansions for random linear dynamical systems

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    We consider linear dynamical systems of ordinary differential equations or differential algebraic equations. Physical parameters are substituted by random variables for an uncertainty quantification. We expand the state variables as well as a quantity of interest into an orthogonal system of basis functions, which depend on the random variables. For example, polynomial chaos expansions are applicable. The stochastic Galerkin method yields a larger linear dynamical system, whose solution approximates the unknown coefficients in the expansions. The Hardy norms of the transfer function provide information about the input-output behaviour of the Galerkin system. We investigate two approaches to construct a sparse representation of the quantity of interest, where just a low number of coefficients is non-zero. Firstly, a standard basis is reduced by the omission of basis functions, whose accompanying Hardy norms are relatively small. Secondly, a projection-based model order reduction is applied to the Galerkin system and allows for the definition of new basis functions as a sparse representation. In both cases, we prove error bounds on the sparse approximation with respect to Hardy norms. Numerical experiments are demonstrated for a test example modelling a linear electric circuit.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Stability preservation in Galerkin-type projection-based model order reduction

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    We consider linear dynamical systems consisting of ordinary differential equations with high dimensionality. The aim of model order reduction is to construct an approximating system of a much lower dimension. Therein, the reduced system may be unstable, even though the original system is asymptotically stable. We focus on projection-based model order reduction of Galerkin-type. A transformation of the original system guarantees an asymptotically stable reduced system. This transformation requires the numerical solution of a high-dimensional Lyapunov equation. We specify an approximation of the solution, which allows for an efficient iterative treatment of the Lyapunov equation under a certain assumption. Furthermore, we generalise this strategy to preserve the asymptotic stability of stationary solutions in model order reduction of nonlinear dynamical systems. Numerical results for high-dimensional examples confirm the computational feasibility of the stability-preserving approach.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Balanced truncation for model order reduction of linear dynamical systems with quadratic outputs

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    We investigate model order reduction (MOR) for linear dynamical systems, where a quadratic output is defined as a quantity of interest. The system can be transformed into a linear dynamical system with many linear outputs. MOR is feasible by the method of balanced truncation, but suffers from the large number of outputs in approximate methods. To ameliorate this shortcoming we derive an equivalent quadratic-bilinear system with a single linear output and analyze the properties of this system. We examine MOR for this system via the technique of balanced truncation, which requires a stabilization of the system. Therein, the solution of two quadratic Lyapunov equations is traced back to the solution of just two linear Lyapunov equations. We present numerical results for several test examples comparing the two MOR approaches.Comment: 35 pages, 20 figure

    Poly-Sinc Solution of Stochastic Elliptic Differential Equations

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    In this paper, we introduce a numerical solution of a stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) of elliptic type using polynomial chaos along side with polynomial approximation at Sinc points. These Sinc points are defined by a conformal map and when mixed with the polynomial interpolation, it yields an accurate approximation. The first step to solve SPDE is to use stochastic Galerkin method in conjunction with polynomial chaos, which implies a system of deterministic partial differential equations to be solved. The main difficulty is the higher dimensionality of the resulting system of partial differential equations. The idea here is to solve this system using a small number of collocation points. Two examples are presented, mainly using Legendre polynomials for stochastic variables. These examples illustrate that we require to sample at few points to get a representation of a model that is sufficiently accurate

    Stability preservation in stochastic Galerkin projections of dynamical systems

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    In uncertainty quantification, critical parameters of mathematical models are substituted by random variables. We consider dynamical systems composed of ordinary differential equations. The unknown solution is expanded into an orthogonal basis of the random space, e.g., the polynomial chaos expansions. A Galerkin method yields a numerical solution of the stochastic model. In the linear case, the Galerkin-projected system may be unstable, even though all realizations of the original system are asymptotically stable. We derive a basis transformation for the state variables in the original system, which guarantees a stable Galerkin-projected system. The transformation matrix is obtained from a symmetric decomposition of a solution of a Lyapunov equation. In the nonlinear case, we examine stationary solutions of the original system. Again the basis transformation preserves the asymptotic stability of the stationary solutions in the stochastic Galerkin projection. We present results of numerical computations for both a linear and a nonlinear test example.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Sensitivity analysis of random linear dynamical systems using quadratic outputs

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    In uncertainty quantification, a stochastic modelling is often applied, where parameters are substituted by random variables. We investigate linear dynamical systems of ordinary differential equations with a quantity of interest as output. Our objective is to analyse the sensitivity of the output with respect to the random variables. A variance-based approach generates partial variances and sensitivity indices. We expand the random output using the generalised polynomial chaos. The stochastic Galerkin method yields a larger system of ordinary differential equations. The partial variances represent quadratic outputs of this system. We examine system norms of the stochastic Galerkin formulation to obtain sensitivity measures. Furthermore, we apply model order reduction by balanced truncation, which allows for an efficient computation of the system norms with guaranteed error bounds. Numerical results are shown for a test example.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figure

    Time and Frequency Domain Methods for Basis Selection in Random Linear Dynamical Systems

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    Polynomial chaos methods have been extensively used to analyze systems in uncertainty quantification. Furthermore, several approaches exist to determine a low-dimensional approximation (or sparse approximation) for some quantity of interest in a model, where just a few orthogonal basis polynomials are required. We consider linear dynamical systems consisting of ordinary differential equations with random variables. The aim of this paper is to explore methods for producing low-dimensional approximations of the quantity of interest further. We investigate two numerical techniques to compute a low-dimensional representation, which both fit the approximation to a set of samples in the time domain. On the one hand, a frequency domain analysis of a stochastic Galerkin system yields the selection of the basis polynomials. It follows a linear least squares problem. On the other hand, a sparse minimization yields the choice of the basis polynomials by information from the time domain only. An orthogonal matching pursuit produces an approximate solution of the minimization problem. We compare the two approaches using a test example from a mechanical application

    Frequency domain integrals for stability preservation in Galerkin-type projection-based model order reduction

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    We investigate linear dynamical systems consisting of ordinary differential equations with high dimensionality. Model order reduction yields alternative systems of much lower dimensions. However, a reduced system may be unstable, although the original system is asymptotically stable. We consider projection-based model order reduction of Galerkin-type. A transformation of the original system ensures that any reduced system is asymptotically stable. This transformation requires the solution of a high-dimensional Lyapunov inequality. We solve this problem using a specific Lyapunov equation. Its solution can be represented as a matrix-valued integral in the frequency domain. Consequently, quadrature rules yield numerical approximations, where large sparse linear systems of algebraic equations have to be solved. We analyse this approach and show a sufficient condition on the error to meet the Lyapunov inequality. Furthermore, this technique is extended to systems of differential-algebraic equations with strictly proper transfer functions by a regularisation. Finally, we present results of numerical computations for high-dimensional examples, which indicate the efficiency of this stability-preserving method.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figure