34 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity among Orobanche cumana Wallr. and O. cernua L. (Orobanchaceae) populations in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Orobanche cumana is found in the Iberian Peninsula as an allochthonous species parasitizing exclusively sunflower, in contrast to the closely related species Orobanche cernua, which is an autochthonous species that only parasitizes wild Asteraceae hosts. Ten O. cumana populations were collected in the two traditional areas of sunflower broomrape occurrence, the Guadalquivir Valley, Southern Spain (six populations) and Cuenca province, Central Spain (four populations). Twelve O. cernua populations were collected on wild hosts across its natural distribution area in Southeastern Spain. Genetic relationships within and between both sets of populations were studied using a set of 50 robust and co-dominant SSR markers from O. cumana. The results supported the taxonomic separation of the two species and the existence of two distant genetic groups for O. cumana, one in Guadalquivir Valley and another one in Cuenca province. The inter- and intra-population variability was extremely low for O. cumana, whereas the overall genetic diversity was much higher for O. cernua. The genetic structure of O. cumana populations probably reflects a founder effect, with the two genetically distant groups deriving from separate introduction events. The high degree of genetic differentiation observed in O. cernua is mainly explained on the basis of restricted gene flow due to ecological barriers together with the occurrence of a predominantly self-pollinating mating system. Complementary diversity studies on both species in its current distribution area are required for understanding global genetic variability and evolutionary characteristics of the parasitism.The study was partially funded by Fundación Ramón Areces, Madrid, Spain. R. Pineda-Martos was the recipient of a Ph.D. fellowship from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (JAEPre_08_00370).Peer Reviewe

    Genetic diversity in two variants of Orobanche gracilis Sm. [var. gracilis and var. deludens (Beck) A. Pujadas] (Orobanchaceae) from different regions of Spain

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    The pattern of genetic variation among populations of two Orobanche gracilis Sm. taxa (var. gracilis and var. deludens (Beck) A. Pujadas) from Northern and Southern Spain growing on different hosts was analysed using RAPD markers. The diversity analysis within populations revealed a higher level of diversity in the populations from the North when compared to the Southern ones. The results of principal co-ordinate analysis (PCoA) based on Dice distances among samples clearly established the separation of samples according to the taxonomical variety and the geographical origin of each population. The Southern populations of both var. gracilis and var. deludens were more differentiated among them than those of var. gracilis from the North. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that the lowest level of population differentiation was found in O. gracilis var. gracilis from the North, whereas in the case of O. gracilis var. deludens from the South most of the genetic diversity was attributable to differences among populations. Possible explanations for the distribution of variation in these populations are discusse

    Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L.) Gueldenst., redescubierta en el marquesado del Zenete (Granada)

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    El género Erigeron L. (Asteraceae) en la Flora Ibérica

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    Orobanche icterica Pau and Orobanche ritro Gren. & Godr. (Orobanchaceae) in the Iberian Flora

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    Nueva combinación nomenclatural en el género Taeniatherum Nevski )Poaceae)

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    Orobanche alsatica Kirschl. (Orobanchaceae) en la Península Ibérica

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    Orobanche montserratii A. Pujadas & D. Gómez (Orobanchaceae) new species from the Huesean Pyrenees

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    9 páginas, 1 figura, 1 tabla.[ES] Se describe una nueva especie localizada en el Pirineo español. Aportamos su diagnosis, descripción, iconografía original y el análisis de los caracteres que permiten su diferenciación de Orobanche alsatica Kirschl., O. bartlingü Griseb, y O. mayeri (Suess. & Ronniger) Bertsch & F. Bertsch.[EN] Orobanche montserratii A. Pujadas & D. Gómez a new species of the spanish Pyrenees is described. The diagnosis, description, original illustration and the analysis of the morphological differences between the new species and O. alsatica Kirschl., O. bartlingü Griseb, and O. mayeri (Suess. & Ronniger) Bertsch & F. Bertsch, are given.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el proyecto AGF97-1230-CO2-01 de la CICYT, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura.Peer reviewe

    Orobanche nepetae M. Porto & A. Pujadas (Orobanchaceae) especie nueva del sur de la Península Ibérica, Baixo Alentejo (Portugal)

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    A new species of the Iberian flora is described, Orobanche nepetae sp.nov. [Orobanchaceae, sect. Orobanche L., subsect. Minores (Beck) Teryokhin] from Baixo Alentejo, southern Portugal. The new species lives in shady environments, in well-preserved holm oak understory, on siliceous soil and parasites on Nepeta multibracteata Desf. Its diagnosis, morphology, known distribution and ecology are provided. Differences with the taxonomically closest species of the subsect. Minores are studied. Its conservation status and protection measures are analyzed.Se describe una nueva especie de la flora ibérica, Orobanche nepetae sp. nov. [Orobanchaceae, sect. Orobanche L., subsect. Minores (Beck) Teryokhin] del Baixo Alentejo, sur de Portugal. Vive en ambientes umbríos, en sotobosque de encinar bien conservado, sobre sustrato silíceo y parasita a Nepeta multibracteata Desf. Se aporta su diagnosis, morfología, distribución conocida y ecología. Se estudian sus diferencias respecto a las especies taxonómicamente más próximas de la subsect. Minores. Se analiza su estado de conservación y medidas de protección

    Orobanche montserrtii A. Pujadas & D. Gómez (Orobanchaceae), especie nueva del Pirineo oscense

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