198 research outputs found

    Shallots in Croatia ā€“ genetics, morphology and nomenclature

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    The term \u27shallot\u27 in Croatia denotes three genetically and morphologically different, vegetatively reproduced relatives of the common onion, Allium cepa L., which are mainly traditionally cultivated for consumption and as a spice: A. cepa Aggregatum group, (2n = 2x = 16), A. Ɨ proliferum (Moench) Schrad. (2n = 2x = 16) and A. Ɨ cornutum Clementi ex Vis. (2n = 3x = 24). This paper reviews the results of studies of their morpho-anatomical characteristics and genetic structure. Although all three taxa were determined as varieties of the common onion, only the shallot A. cepa Aggregatum group (syn. A. ascalonicum L.) belongs to that species. The shallot A. Ɨ proliferum represents a hybrid between the two closely related species, A. cepa and A. fistulosum L. The third form of shallot, A. Ɨ cornutum is a still incompletely understood triploid hybrid between A. cepa and one or two closely related Allium species, whose identity has not been fully elucidated. In contrast to shallot A. cepa Aggregatum group, which has normal meiosis and produces fertile seed, hybrid shallots A. Ɨ proliferum and A. Ɨ cornutum are sterile, and reproduce exclusively vegetatively by underground bulbs or bulbils from the inflorescence

    Classical and molecular cytogenetic studies of top onion, Allium x proliferum (Moench) Schrader

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    Top, tree or Egyptian onion, Allium x proliferum (Moench) Schrader, 2n=2x=16, is a minor, vegetatively propagated garden crop in Europe, North America and North East Asia. Several clones of the top onion were found to be locally cultivated in the region of South Croatia under the name ā€œLjutika-talijankaā€. One of these, clone Biorina, was studied by means of both classical cytogenetic techniques (karyotyping and meiosis) as well as molecular techniques (genomic in situ hybridization, GISH and flow cytometry). Analysis of a Feulgen stained karyotype revealed its pseudodiploid structure, since among 16 chromosomes no homologous pairs could be detected. A high frequency of heteromorphic bivalents, followed by univalents and a rare occurrence of multivalents, was recorded in meiosis in the pollen mother cells. Although bivalents with random chiasmata prevailed, we observed occasional occurrence of the bivalents with localized chiasmata. All pollen degenerates at the one-nucleate stage, resulting in complete pollen sterility. Using GISH, we identified the parental origin of all 16 chromosomes and confirmed the hybrid status of the analyzed clone: 8 longer chromosomes originated from the Allium cepa L. parent, whereas 8 shorter chromosomes originated from the Allium fis- tulosum L. parent. The investigated clone had an intermediate amount of DNA (26.98 pg DNA/2C) as compared to its parent species, A. cepa (31.95 pg DNA/2C) and A. fistulosum (21.62 pg DNA/2C)

    Endangered witnesses and their protection

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    Jedan od zadataka svjedoka tijekom kaznenog postupka je davanje iskaza o činjenicama koje je svjedok opazio ili saznao od drugih subjekata, a koji mogu biti od vaÅ£nosti za rjeÅ”avanje kaznenog procesa. U kaznenom postupku svjedok ima odreĎene duÅ£nosti koje su propisane zakonom, a to su duÅ£nost odazivanja pozivu, duÅ£nost davanja iskaza, duÅ£nost istinitog iskazivanja i duÅ£nost trpljenja tjelesnog pregleda. Zakon o kaznenom postupku navodi da kad je prisutna mogućnost da bi svjedok davanjem iskaza ili odgovorom na pojedino pitanje sebe ili njemu blisku osobu izloÅ£io ozbiljnoj opasnosti po Å£ivot, zdravlje, tjelesnu nepovredivost, slobodu ili imovinu većeg opsega taj svjedok spada u kategoriju ugroÅ£enog svjedoka koji ima odreĎena prava. Osobit način ispitivanja i sudjelovanja ugroÅ£enog svjedoka u postupku ureĎuju se Zakonom o kaznenom postupku, a najčeŔće su u ulozi ugroÅ£enih svjedoka prikriveni istraÅ£itelji i krunski svjedoci. Navedena vrsta svjedoka ovlaÅ”tena je uskratiti iznoÅ”enje osobnih, identifikacijskih podataka, ne odgovarati na pojedina pitanja ili ne davati iskaza u cijelosti, dok se ne osigura njegova zaÅ”tita. ZaÅ”tićeni svjedok ima pravo na brojne postupovne i izvanpostupovne privilegije koje bi u konačnici trebale rezultirati pribavljanjem ključnih dokaza za kazneni postupak uz minimiziranju Å”tetnih posljedica po svjedoka koji predstavlja izvor dokaza.One of the witness's tasks during the criminal proceedings is to give testimony of the facts he observed or learned from other subjects, which may be of crucial importance for solving the criminal process. In the criminal proceedings, the witness has certain duties prescribed by the law, namely the duty to respond to a call, the duty to give a statement, the duty of truthfulness and the duty to endure a physical examination. The Criminal Procedure Act states that endangered witness is a witness who is giving a testimony that can be harmful for his or a close realtiveĀ“s life, health, body integrity, freedom or property. A special way of examining and participating in the endangered witness is in the process of being regulated by the Criminal Procedure Act, and most often the undercover witnesses are the undercover investigators and Crown witnesses. The aforementioned type of witness is authorized to refrain from issuing personal identification data, not answering individual questions, or failing to give full statement until his / her protection is assured. A protected witness has the right to numerous procedural and out-of-privilege privileges that ultimately should result in obtaining key evidence for criminal proceedings while minimizing the adverse consequences of the witness who is the source of evidence


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    Cilj istraživanja: Incidencija ozljeda meniska je u porastu u pedijatrijskoj populaciji. Postoje snažni dokazi da meniscektomija u djece pospjeÅ”uje razvoj osteoartritisa koljena, pa su se tako u proteklih dvadeset godina tehnike popravka ruptura meniska razvile u smjeru očuvanja tkiva i funkcije meniska. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio analizirati epidemioloÅ”ke, demografske, kliničke karakteristike i ishod bolesnika operiranih zbog ozljeda meniska te unutar ispitanika usporediti dvije skupine bolesnika operiranih različitim tehnikama popravka meniska. Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici su svi bolesnici operirani u Zavodu za dječju kirurgiju KBC Split zbog ozlijede meniska od 1. siječnja 2006. do 1. lipnja 2016. godine. Svakom ispitaniku analizirani su sljedeći parametri: dob, spol, mehanizam nastanka ozlijede, lateralizacija ozlijede i meniska, anatomska lokalizacija ozljede i pridružene ozlijede. Ispitanicima koji su podvrgnuti tehnikama popravka meniska analizirani su joÅ” i vrsta kirurÅ”ke tehnike popravka meniska, vrijeme trajanja operacije, duljina hospitalizacije, rezultati subjektivne evaluacije 4 tjedna nakon operacije putem Lysholm i IKDC upitnika te komplikacije nakon operacije. Rezultati: istraživanje je obuhvatilo 102 bolesnika operiranih zbog ozlijede meniska. Od ukupnog broja bolesnika u 24 bolesnika je učinjena resekcija meniska, u 36 bolesnika ā€žshavingā€œ meniska, 21 bolesnik operiran je tehnikom postavljanja Å”avova i 21 bolesnik operiran fiksacijom meniska strelicama. Dječaci su čeŔće operirani od djevojčica u odnosu 2:1, a prosječna dob operiranih je bila 16 godina. Medijalni menisk (62%) i desno koljeno (58%) su čeŔće zahvaćeni ozljedom. NajčeŔća anatomska lokalizacija ozljede meniska su prednji rog (36%) i tijelo meniska (36%), a među ozljedama srednjeg djela meniska, najčeŔća je ozljeda po tipu ā€žBucket-handleā€œ (84%). Sport (87%) ima najviÅ”u incidenciju kao uzrok ozljede meniska, a nogomet (33%) je najčeŔći među sportovima. Između skupine bolesnika operiranih tehnikom postavljanja Å”avova i tehnikom fiksacije meniska strelicama nije bilo značajne razlike između promatranih ishoda liječenja, osim za anatomsku lokalizaciju ozljede (p=0.035). Medijani operacijskog vremena u skupinama bolesnika operiranih tehnikama popravka meniska bili su 62.5 i 70 minuta (p=0.184). Medijan duljine hospitalizacije bio je 3 dana za obje skupine (p=0.951). Medijan vrijednosti Lysholm ljestvice za promatrane skupine bio je 86.5 i 84.5 (p=0.651) i IKDC ljestvice 81.05 i 81.6 (p=0.986). Zaključci: Poznavajući Å”tetne učinke meniscektomije, tehnika popravka meniska je dugoročnije bolji odabir i trebala bi se provoditi kad god je to moguće. Obje tehnike (tehnika postavljanja Å”avova i tehnike fiksacije meniska strelicama) su sigurne i uspjeÅ”ne u liječenju ruptura meniska u djece, bez značajnijih komplikacija te s dobrim dugoročnim rezultatima.Objectives and background: Incidence of meniscal lesions is increasing in the pediatric population. There is strong evidence that meniscectomy in pediatric patients induces the development of premature osteoarthritis, so given the harmful impact of meniscectomy, meniscal repair is attempted whenever possible. The aim of this study was to analyze epidemiologic, demographic, clinical characteristics, outcomes in patients with arthroscopic management of meniscal injuries and to compare two groups of patients that have undergone different techniques of meniscal repair. Patients and Methods: From January 2006 until June 2016 case records of 102 patients who underwent arthroscopic management of meniscal injuries were retrospectively reviewed. Each patient was analyzed for following parameters: age, gender, mechanisms of injury, side of injury and injured meniscus, injury localization regarding anatomic position, injury type and associated injuries. The patients that underwent meniscal repair were analyzed for type of repair technique, operating results and the results of follow-up (Lysholm and IKDC score). Results: The study included 102 patients who underwent arthroscopic management of meniscal injuries. There were 24 patients with meniscal resection, 36 patients with meniscus ā€žshavingā€œ, 21 patient with suture technique and 21 patient with meniscal dart technique. The male to female ratio was 2:1 and mean age was 16. Medial meniscus (62%) and right leg (58) were predominantly injured. The anterior segment was involved in 36% cases, the middle segment in 36% cases and among middle segment injuries there were 84% bucket-handle tears. Mechanisms of injury included sports-related accidents in 89% of the cases and football (33%) had the highest incidence among sports. In patients that underwent meniscal repair, statistically significant differences regarding clinical outcomes were not found, but differences between groups were found in anatomic injury localization (p=0.035). Median of operation time was 62.5 and 70 minutes for two groups (p=0.184), median of hospital stay was 3 days for both groups (p=0.951), median of Lysholm score was 86.5 and 84.5 (p=0.651) and median of IKDC score was 81.05 and 81.6, respectively (p=0.986). Conclusions: Understanding the harmful impact of meniscectomy, arthroscopic meniscal repair should be attempted whenever possible. Our data support routine arthroscopic repair of meniscal tears, since the suture technique as the meniscal dart techniques are safe and successful in meniscal repair, with good long-term results and without important complications


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    Cilj istraživanja: Incidencija ozljeda meniska je u porastu u pedijatrijskoj populaciji. Postoje snažni dokazi da meniscektomija u djece pospjeÅ”uje razvoj osteoartritisa koljena, pa su se tako u proteklih dvadeset godina tehnike popravka ruptura meniska razvile u smjeru očuvanja tkiva i funkcije meniska. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio analizirati epidemioloÅ”ke, demografske, kliničke karakteristike i ishod bolesnika operiranih zbog ozljeda meniska te unutar ispitanika usporediti dvije skupine bolesnika operiranih različitim tehnikama popravka meniska. Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici su svi bolesnici operirani u Zavodu za dječju kirurgiju KBC Split zbog ozlijede meniska od 1. siječnja 2006. do 1. lipnja 2016. godine. Svakom ispitaniku analizirani su sljedeći parametri: dob, spol, mehanizam nastanka ozlijede, lateralizacija ozlijede i meniska, anatomska lokalizacija ozljede i pridružene ozlijede. Ispitanicima koji su podvrgnuti tehnikama popravka meniska analizirani su joÅ” i vrsta kirurÅ”ke tehnike popravka meniska, vrijeme trajanja operacije, duljina hospitalizacije, rezultati subjektivne evaluacije 4 tjedna nakon operacije putem Lysholm i IKDC upitnika te komplikacije nakon operacije. Rezultati: istraživanje je obuhvatilo 102 bolesnika operiranih zbog ozlijede meniska. Od ukupnog broja bolesnika u 24 bolesnika je učinjena resekcija meniska, u 36 bolesnika ā€žshavingā€œ meniska, 21 bolesnik operiran je tehnikom postavljanja Å”avova i 21 bolesnik operiran fiksacijom meniska strelicama. Dječaci su čeŔće operirani od djevojčica u odnosu 2:1, a prosječna dob operiranih je bila 16 godina. Medijalni menisk (62%) i desno koljeno (58%) su čeŔće zahvaćeni ozljedom. NajčeŔća anatomska lokalizacija ozljede meniska su prednji rog (36%) i tijelo meniska (36%), a među ozljedama srednjeg djela meniska, najčeŔća je ozljeda po tipu ā€žBucket-handleā€œ (84%). Sport (87%) ima najviÅ”u incidenciju kao uzrok ozljede meniska, a nogomet (33%) je najčeŔći među sportovima. Između skupine bolesnika operiranih tehnikom postavljanja Å”avova i tehnikom fiksacije meniska strelicama nije bilo značajne razlike između promatranih ishoda liječenja, osim za anatomsku lokalizaciju ozljede (p=0.035). Medijani operacijskog vremena u skupinama bolesnika operiranih tehnikama popravka meniska bili su 62.5 i 70 minuta (p=0.184). Medijan duljine hospitalizacije bio je 3 dana za obje skupine (p=0.951). Medijan vrijednosti Lysholm ljestvice za promatrane skupine bio je 86.5 i 84.5 (p=0.651) i IKDC ljestvice 81.05 i 81.6 (p=0.986). Zaključci: Poznavajući Å”tetne učinke meniscektomije, tehnika popravka meniska je dugoročnije bolji odabir i trebala bi se provoditi kad god je to moguće. Obje tehnike (tehnika postavljanja Å”avova i tehnike fiksacije meniska strelicama) su sigurne i uspjeÅ”ne u liječenju ruptura meniska u djece, bez značajnijih komplikacija te s dobrim dugoročnim rezultatima.Objectives and background: Incidence of meniscal lesions is increasing in the pediatric population. There is strong evidence that meniscectomy in pediatric patients induces the development of premature osteoarthritis, so given the harmful impact of meniscectomy, meniscal repair is attempted whenever possible. The aim of this study was to analyze epidemiologic, demographic, clinical characteristics, outcomes in patients with arthroscopic management of meniscal injuries and to compare two groups of patients that have undergone different techniques of meniscal repair. Patients and Methods: From January 2006 until June 2016 case records of 102 patients who underwent arthroscopic management of meniscal injuries were retrospectively reviewed. Each patient was analyzed for following parameters: age, gender, mechanisms of injury, side of injury and injured meniscus, injury localization regarding anatomic position, injury type and associated injuries. The patients that underwent meniscal repair were analyzed for type of repair technique, operating results and the results of follow-up (Lysholm and IKDC score). Results: The study included 102 patients who underwent arthroscopic management of meniscal injuries. There were 24 patients with meniscal resection, 36 patients with meniscus ā€žshavingā€œ, 21 patient with suture technique and 21 patient with meniscal dart technique. The male to female ratio was 2:1 and mean age was 16. Medial meniscus (62%) and right leg (58) were predominantly injured. The anterior segment was involved in 36% cases, the middle segment in 36% cases and among middle segment injuries there were 84% bucket-handle tears. Mechanisms of injury included sports-related accidents in 89% of the cases and football (33%) had the highest incidence among sports. In patients that underwent meniscal repair, statistically significant differences regarding clinical outcomes were not found, but differences between groups were found in anatomic injury localization (p=0.035). Median of operation time was 62.5 and 70 minutes for two groups (p=0.184), median of hospital stay was 3 days for both groups (p=0.951), median of Lysholm score was 86.5 and 84.5 (p=0.651) and median of IKDC score was 81.05 and 81.6, respectively (p=0.986). Conclusions: Understanding the harmful impact of meniscectomy, arthroscopic meniscal repair should be attempted whenever possible. Our data support routine arthroscopic repair of meniscal tears, since the suture technique as the meniscal dart techniques are safe and successful in meniscal repair, with good long-term results and without important complications

    An Overview of Bcl-2 Expression in Histopathological Variants of Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Actinic Keratosis and Seborrheic Keratosis

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    The Bcl-2 protein has been shown to suppress cell death and protects cell against apoptosis induced by different death-inducing signals. In this study the authors have analyzed imunohistochemically the expression of Bcl-2 protein in the histopathological variants of the most common malignant tumors of the skin ā€“ basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell tumor (SCC), as well as in the precancerous lesion actinic keratosis (AK) and in benign tumor seborrheic keratosis (SK). Bcl-2 expression in solid, adenoid and cystic variants of BCC exhibited immunoreactivity of tumor stroma with more intense staining among peripheral palisading cells. Morphoeic variant demonstrated reduced amount of Bcl-2 expression. Among SCC in all samples, tumor tissue lack to express Bcl-2 positivity. In cases of hypertrophic and atrophic variants of AK, Bcl-2 expression was confined to basal cell layer, as well as in one case of hypertrophic variant in suprabasal cells. In three histological variants of SK expresseion of Bcl-2 protein was in areas of basaloid proliferation, while in areas of squamous differentiation was negative. In clonal variant immunostaining was positive among cells in characteristic Ā»nestsĀ« Distribution of Bcl-2 protein expression in solid, adenoid and cystic variant of BCC showed that peripheral proliferating cells are protected against apoptosis what permits tumor growth. In morpheaform variant reduced amount of Bcl-2 expression indicated that this variant of BCC has increased cell proliferation, and in practice shows tendency for recurrence and difficulties to eradicate. Bcl-2 expression supports the observation that tumor cells are derived from basal keratinocytes. In SCC, lack of Bcl-2 expression indicates that origin of tumor cells is from more differentiated suprabasal keratinocytes. In AK results suggest that immunoreactivity is regulated with respect of the keratinocyteā€™s differentiation status, but not closely correlate with proliferative rate
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