9 research outputs found
Taste sensitivity in cancer patient
Le modificazioni della sensibilità gustativa dovute alla chemioterapia possono contribuire all'elevata prevalenza della malnutrizione nei pazienti oncologici. La diagnosi di disgeusia è importante per la prognosi dei pazienti.
L'obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di contribuire a prevenire e/o ridurre le alterazioni del gusto e la malnutrizione aprendo prospettive future che considerano la valutazione precoce delle alterazioni del gusto per una migliore gestione dell’alimentazione del paziente. Nello studio I, 35 pazienti oncologici sottoposti a chemioterapia sono stati confrontati con controlli sani (N=32). Il test della sensibilità gustativa è stato utilizzato per determinare l’alterazione del gusto. Sono state valutate concentrazioni diverse per ciascuno dei 4 gusti base (salato, dolce, acido, amaro) e sono stati valutati anche il gusto del grasso e dell’acqua. Nello studio II, abbiamo confrontato i pazienti affetti da cancro al seno (N=17) e i pazienti affetti da cancro gastrointestinale (N=15) al basale (T0) e dopo il trattamento. Anche il gusto umami è stato valutato. Sono stati analizzati l’intake calorico e la composizione corporea.
È stata riscontrata una differenza significativa nella sensibilità al gusto tra i pazienti rispetto al gruppo di controllo. Nello studio II il gusto che tutti i pazienti erano in grado di discriminare al basale era amaro, mentre quello che era più difficile da identificare correttamente era l'umami. Dopo il trattamento, i gusti che hanno subito i cambiamenti più rilevanti erano l’amaro e l’acido (che sono aumentati nella maggior parte dei pazienti), il gusto dolce (che è diminuito nella maggior parte dei pazienti) e l'umami (che è stato quello che è diminuito di più nella maggior parte dei pazienti). In particolare, vi era una correlazione statisticamente significativa tra la perdita di percezione dell’umami e una maggiore sensibilità all'acido.
Poiché le alterazioni nella sensibilità gustativa influenzano le preferenze alimentari e l'appetito, una valutazione potrebbe essere utile per modificare la composizione della dieta in modo da garantire l'apporto nutrizionale necessario. Sono necessari ulteriori studi per chiarire il carattere, la frequenza e la durata delle modifiche del gusto e le loro implicazioni per la salute.Taste changes due to chemotherapy may contribute to the high prevalence of malnutrition in cancer patients. The diagnosis of dysgeusia is important in the prognosis of patients. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to preventing and/or reducing taste alterations and malnutrition by opening future perspectives that consider early evaluation of alterations in taste for better management of future food behavior alterations of the patient.
In the Study I, 35 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy were compared to healthy controls (n = 32). Taste function test was used to determine taste sensitivity. Different concentrations for each of the 4 basic tastes (salty, sweet, sour, bitter) and also fat and water tastes were evaluated. In the Study II, we compared Breast Cancer patients (N=17) and Gastrointestinal Cancer patients (N=15) at baseline (T0) and after treatment. Also umami taste was evaluated. Dietary intake and body composition were analyzed.
A significant difference in taste sensitivity among patients compared to the control group was found. In the Study II the taste that all patients were able to discriminate at baseline was bitter whereas the one that was more difficult to identify properly was umami. After treatment, the tastes that experienced the most relevant changes were bitter and sour tastes (that increased in most patients), sweet taste (that decreased in most patients) and umami (which was the one that decreased the most in the majority of patients). In particular we found that there was a statistically significant correlation between loss of umami perception and increased sensitivity to sour.
Since alterations in taste sensitivity influence food preferences and appetite, an evaluation of taste sensitivity could be useful to modify diet composition in such a way as to guarantee the necessary nutritional intake. More research is needed to clarify the character, frequency, and duration of taste modifications and their healthy implications
The Influence of Age and Oral Health on Taste Perception in Older Adults: A Case-Control Study
Declining gustatory function, nutrition, and oral health are important elements of health in older adults that can affect the aging process. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of age and oral status on taste discrimination in two different groups of elderly subjects living either in an Italian residential institution (TG) or in the community (CG). A total of 90 subjects were enrolled in the study (58 CG vs. 32 TG). Masticatory performance (MP) was assessed using the two-color mixing ability test. Taste function was evaluated using cotton pads soaked with six taste stimuli (salty, acid, sweet, bitter, fat and water). A positive correlation between age and missing teeth (r = 0.51, C.I. [0.33; 0.65], p p p p p < 0.05). The best understanding of the relationship between MP, taste sensitivity, and nutritional factors is a necessary criterion for the development of new therapeutic strategies to address more effectively the problems associated with malnutrition in elderly subjects
General Decrease of Taste Sensitivity Is Related to Increase of BMI: A Simple Method to Monitor Eating Behavior
Background and Objectives. The present study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between taste identification ability and body mass index (BMI) by studying the response to the administration of different taste stimuli to both sides of the tongue in three different groups of subjects. Subjects and Methods. Thirty healthy normal-weight volunteers, 19 healthy overweight subjects, and 22 obese subjects were enrolled. For each subject, the lateralization Oldfield score, body weight, height, and blood pressure were determined. The taste test is based on filter paper strips soaked with 4 taste stimuli presented at different concentrations to evoke 4 basic taste qualities (salty, sour, sweet, and bitter); pure rapeseed oil and water were also administered to evoke fat and neutral taste qualities. The stimuli were applied to each side of the protruded tongue. Subjects were asked to identify the taste from a list of eight descriptions according to a multiple choice paradigm. Results. The results showed a general lowering of taste sensitivity with the increase of BMI, except for the taste of fat with rapeseed oil as the stimulus. Other variables affecting taste sensitivity are age (negative association), gender (women generally show higher sensitivity), and taste stimuli concentration (positive association). Conclusions. Our findings could provide important insights into how new therapies could be designed for weight loss and long-term weight maintenance and how diets could be planned combining the correct caloric and nutritional supply with individual taste preferences
Impact of Elderly Masticatory Performance on Nutritional Status: An Observational Study
Background and Objectives: Masticatory limitations on the dietary habits of edentulous subjects restrict their access to adequate nutrition, exposing them to a greater risk of protein energy malnutrition. The aim of this study is to verify the existence of an association between Masticatory Performance (MP) and nutritional changes in the elderly. Materials and Methods: 76 participants were enrolled. MP testing was performed using the two-color chewing gum mixing test. The system used reveals the extent to which the two differently colored chewing gums mix, and allows discrimination between different MPs. The assessment of the participants’ nutritional statuses was carried out through a food interview. Anthropometric parameters were collected, and bioimpedance analysis was performed. Results: Mean MP was 0.448 ± 0.188. No statistically significant differences were detected between male and female subjects (p > 0.05). According to the Body Mass Index (BMI), obese patients had a lower MP than overweight and normal weight subjects (0.408 ± 0.225, 0.453 ± 0.169 and 0.486 ± 0.181, respectively). MP values were lower both in male and female subjects with a waist circumference above the threshold than those below it (0.455 ± 0.205 vs. 0.476 ± 0.110, respectively, in males and 0.447 ± 0.171 vs. 0.501 ± 0.138, respectively, in females). No relationship was noticed between MP and bioimpedance parameters (p > 0.05). Conclusions: A statistically significant relation was observed between MP and the number of missing teeth. A reduced MP could worsen nutritional parameters. A reduced MP did not seem to negatively affect bioimpedance parameters
TAS1R3 and TAS2R38 Polymorphisms Affect Sweet Taste Perception: An Observational Study on Healthy and Obese Subjects
Background: The inter-individual differences in taste perception find a possible rationale in genetic variations. We verified whether the presence of four different single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes encoding for bitter (TAS2R38; 145G > C; 785T > C) and sweet (TAS1R3; −1572C > T; −1266C > T) taste receptors influenced the recognition of the basic tastes. Furthermore, we tested if the allelic distribution of such SNPs varied according to BMI and whether the associations between SNPs and taste recognition were influenced by the presence of overweight/obesity. Methods: DNA of 85 overweight/obese patients and 57 normal weight volunteers was used to investigate the SNPs. For the taste test, filter paper strips were applied. Each of the basic tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter) plus pure rapeseed oil, and water were tested. Results: Individuals carrying the AV/AV diplotype of the TAS2R38 gene (A49P G/G and V262 T/T) were less sensitive to sweet taste recognition. These alterations remained significant after adjustment for gender and BMI. Moreover, a significant decrease in overall taste recognition associated with BMI and age was found. There was no significant difference in allelic distribution for the investigated polymorphisms between normal and overweight/obese patients. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that overall taste recognition depends on age and BMI. In the total population, the inter-individual ability to identify the sweet taste at different concentrations was related to the presence of at least one genetic variant for the bitter receptor gene but not to the BMI
Prospective observational study of taste assay in patients with solid tumors treated with standard chemotherapy (POTATO)
The aim of our study is to evaluate taste changes in patients affected by solid tumors not involving oral cavity within the first month of standard chemotherapy
With increasing world population, agriculture must face the challenge of ensuring the growing demand for food. Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. Durum) is a staple food that provides calories and nutrients in many parts of the world. It is the main cereal crop in Italy and in the Marche region is the most representative crop. The Interdepartmental Research founded by Università Politecnica delle Marche called “PFRLab: Setting of a Precision Farming Robotic Laboratory for cropping system sustainability and food safety and security”, is examining the effect of different nitrogen (N) fertilization sources, soil tillage depths and crop rotations on durum wheat quality, which is still underway. This project also aims at evaluating specific criteria for food safety, studying the effects of pollutants together with the bioavailability of nutrients. The durum wheat samples were cultivated and subsequently collected at “Pasquale Rosati” experimental farm of the Università Politecnica delle Marche on a ground divided into conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT). As regards the biochemical characterization of durum wheat, the percentage of proteins via the Kjeldahl method, lutein, and the mineral composition (Mn, Cu, Se), present in wheat grains, were evaluated. The preliminary results suggest a higher percentage of protein in the product on NT soil compared to CT; in relation to the quantity of fertilizer used N 0 Kg ha-1 and N 180 Kg ha-1 a higher protein percentage following N 180 Kg ha-1 fertilization was noted. Durum wheat is a significant source of manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and selenium (Se) and between the two types of soil and fertilizer no significant differences were found. The same also for lutein. The NT treatment expressed its superior nature for a good level of grain quality. Further and extensive studies are planned to combine the effects of nitrogen fertilization and soil management on the main durum wheat production variables