187 research outputs found

    Protected 0-pi states in SIsFS junctions for Josephson memory and logic

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    We study the peculiarities in current-phase relations (CPR) of the SIsFS junction in the region of 00 to π\pi transition. These CPR consist of two independent branches corresponding to 00- and π\pi- states of the contact. We have found that depending on the transparency of the SIs tunnel barrier the decrease of the s-layer thickness leads to transformation of the CPR shape going in the two possible ways: either one of the branches exists only in discrete intervals of the phase difference φ\varphi or both branches are sinusoidal but differ in the magnitude of their critical currents. We demonstrate that the difference can be as large as 10%10\% under maintaining superconductivity in the s layer. An applicability of these phenomena for memory and logic application is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Lexical combinability of adjectives and nouns expressing elements of appraisal

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    The present article aims to examine and analyze the nature of lexical combinability in the English language, namely collocates expressing elements of appraisal found in authentic online news article

    Non-language factors and language evolution

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    This paper is devoted to the description of the functioning and development of the language system seen in correlation with the influence of non-language factor

    Semantic features of the phraseological units with the component light within the artistic discourse

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    Conduct lexical and semantic analysis on the concept light in the artistic discourse of postmodern fictio


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    Purpose: To conduct lexical and semantic analysis on the concept light in the artistic discourse of postmodern fiction. Methodology: In this research, comparative method, search for synonyms, continuous sampling and seminal analysis are used. Main Findings: As a result, it becomes obvious that the boundaries of the artistic concepts are extremely blurred and much wider than the boundaries of the corresponding non-artistic concepts. In conclusion, the concept light is frequently used in English artistic discourses, i.e. significant in the culture, and a special status in the semantic space of the concept light has the meaning of knowledge and information. Applications: The study results can be used by students and universities. Novelty/Originality: In this research, a model of the semantic features of the phraseological units with the component light is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Frame "Social Activities to Achieve the Goal": Formation and Specifics of Its Representation at Language Level

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    The proposed article is devoted to describing the specifics of the frame formation "social activity to achieve the goal" represented by the verbal tokens (achieve, accomplish, attain, gain, succeed in, obtain, manage, strive, etc.) with the corresponding meaning and revealing the dependence of the modification of their meaning on the intrasystem and extra system restructuring of the proper frame

    Understanding the notion "mariagge" in british lingvoculture (by means of its verbalization)

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    The article deals with the studying the structure of the subconcept "marriage" in modern british lingvoculture. The subconcept is viewed as one of the basic conceptual structural elements of the concepts sphere "family relations


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    The investigation was carried out on the white outbred female rats (n = 80) which were being under the influence of15 % solution of ethanol during pregnancy, from the first to the sixth months before its approach and on their viable posterity (n = 440). Anatomic, macro-microscopic and statistical methods of research were used. Two periods of increasing mortality in rats were revealed: the first fell on 1st month of the experiment (mortality reached 25 %) and the second - on 5th and 6th months of the experiment when this indicator rose up to 10 %. The rats' pregnancy duration was increased: the most considerable prolongation of pregnancy (for 5 days) was determined in the female rats which were under the ethanol influence within six months before its approach. The pre-implantation mortality was prevailed in structure of the general antenatal mortality. The highest rates of these indicators were noted in the rats under the ethanol only during pregnancy, and also within two and six months before its approach. The maximum post-implantation mortality was registered in the animals which were affected by alcohol throughout five months before pregnancy. The indicator of mortality of posterity in the early post-natal period reached 100 % in posterity of female rats under the ethanol within three months before pregnancy and for its duration.Работа выполнена на самках беспородных белых крыс (n = 80), находившихся под воздействием 15 %-го раствора этанола во время беременности, от одного до шести месяцев до ее наступления, и на их жизнеспособном потомстве (n = 440). Использованы анатомические, макромикроскопические и статистические методы исследования. Выявлено два периода повышения уровня смертности самок крыс: первый приходился на 1-й месяц эксперимента (смертность достигала 25 %) и второй - 5-й и 6-й месяцы эксперимента, когда этот показатель повышался до 10 %. У крыс наблюдалось увеличение длительности беременности: наиболее значительная пролонгация беременности (на 5 дней) выявилась у самок, находившихся под воздействием этанола в течение шести месяцев до ее наступления. В структуре общей внутриутробной смертности преобладала доимплантационная смертность, наиболее высокие показатели которой отмечались у крыс, получавших этанол только во время беременности, а также в течение двух и шести месяцев до ее наступления. Максимальная постимплантационная смертность регистрировалась у самок, подвергавшихся воздействию алкоголя на протяжении пяти месяцев до беременности. Показатель смертности потомства в раннем постнатальном периоде достигал 100 % у потомства самок, получавших этанол в течение трех месяцев до наступления беременности и на ее протяжении

    Frame "Social activities to achieve the goal": formation and specifics of its representation at language level

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    The proposed article is devoted to describing the specifics of the frame formation "social activity to achieve the goal" represented by the verbal tokens (achieve, accomplish, attain, gain, succeed in, obtain, manage, strive, etc.) with the corresponding meaning and revealing the dependence of the modification of their meaning on the intrasystem and extra system restructuring of the proper fram