168 research outputs found

    Adaptable control for electrical generation at irregural wind speeds

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    The main aims of this work are the development and the validation of one generic algorithm to provide the optimal control of small power wind generators. That means up to 40 kW and blades with fixed pitch angle. This algorithm allows the development of controllers to fetch the wind generators at the desired operational point in variable operating conditions. The problems posed by the variable wind intensity are solved using the proposed algorithm. This is done with no explicit measure of the wind velocity, and so no special equipment or anemometer is required to compute or measure the wind velocity

    La anorexia por actividad desde el punto de vista del análisis experimental del comportamiento

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    En este artículo se describe el síndrome de anorexia en humanos. Se analiza la similitud funcional entre el modelo animal de actividad anorexia y patología humana. Además, se describe la teoría de la actividad de la anorexia por Epling y Pierce (1992) para mostrar el desarrollo de esta patología en humanos. También se presentan las teorías más relevantes que han tratado de explicar el origen de la anorexia de actividad. Por último, se resume el análisis experimental de la contribución del comportamiento a la evaluación y el tratamiento de la anorexia de actividad en humanos.In this paper anorexia syndrome in humans is described. Functional similarity between an animal model of activity anorexia and human pathology are analyzed. Moreover, abiobehavioral theory of activity anorexia by Epling and Pierce (1992) is described to showdevelopment of this pathology in humans. The most relevant theories which have tried toexplain the origin of activity anorexia are presented, too. At last, experimental analysis ofbehavior contribution to the evaluation and treatment for activity anorexia in humans areoutlined

    Influência da aplicação de mulching no restabelecimento das comunidades de invertebrados do solo em áreas ardidas

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    Mestrado em Ecologia AplicadaIn the past decades Portugal has been one of the Mediterranean countries most affected by wildfires. In order to find better fire mitigation strategies for ecosystem recovery and land management a crescent number of studies all over the world have been conducted. The use of mulch is currently used to protect soils from erosion after a fire. However, the effects of mulching in communities such as ground-dwelling arthropods have been neglected. Hence, this study aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the long-term effects of chopped eucalypt bark mulch on the recovery of ground-dwelling arthropod communities five years after the wildfire and the respective mulching application. This study was conducted in a burnt Eucalyptus plantation located in north-central of Portugal, which was mulched immediately after the fire. The results of this study showed that five years after the wildfire and the mulching application the ground-dwelling arthropod communities are similar between mulched and untreated sites and among positions along the slope. In general, no significant relations were found between environmental variables and the ground-dwelling arthropod community. A high homogeneity of ground cover classes and ground-dwelling arthropod communities’ composition was obtained for both treatments. The most abundant orders were Hymenoptera and Collembola, associated with omnivore and microbial feeders that seem to be beneficiated by the high availability of litter. Coleoptera and Araneae had the higher richness of morphospecies, being mostly compodes by ground predatory families. Analysis of ecological function suggests that the high availability of litter could be an important and selective factor for the current ground-dwelling arthropod community in the study area. Globally it seems that the effects of mulching on the recovery of ground-dwelling arthropod communities in Eucalyptus plantations are diluted in a long-term after fire. However these findings do not discard potential short-term effects of mulching on particular groups of arthropods during the early period after its application on the burnt area, which are still ignored.Nas últimas décadas Portugal tem sido um dos países da bacia mediterrânica mais afectado pelos incêndios. Um número crescente de estudos em todo o mundo têm vindo a ser realizados no sentido de melhor compreender os efeitos directos e indirectos do fogo e assim encontrar melhores estratégias de gestão e mitigação dos ecossistemas afectados pelos incêndios. O uso de mulching é actualmente utilizado para proteger os solos da erosão depois de um incêndio. No entanto, os efeitos do mulching sobre as comunidades de invertebrados do solo são pouco conhecidos. Actualmente é reconhecido o papel fundamental que as comunidades de invertebrados do solo desempenham na recuperação da maioria dos ecossistemas. Este estudo procura compreender os efeitos da utilização de um tipo específico de mulching (casca e desperdícios de eucalipto) na recuperação das comunidades de invertebrados do solo, uma vez que esta técnica é comummente utilizada como medida de mitigação após um incêndio. Este estudo foi realizado numa plantação de eucalipto no centro-norte de Portugal, que anteriormente havia ardido e na qual foi aplicado o mulching após o incêndio. Os resultados deste estudo mostram comunidades de invertebrados do solo semelhantes entre os locais tratados e não tratados e entre posições ao longo da encosta. Em geral, não foram encontradas relações significativas entre as variáveis ambientais estudadas e a comunidade de invertebrados do solo. Foi encontrado um elevado nível de homogeneidade entre as classes de cobertura do solo definidas e a composição da comunidade de invertebrados do solo nas áreas tratada e não tratada. As ordens Hymenoptera e Collembola foram as mais abundantes, estando associadas maioritariamente a famílias de hábitos omnívoros e microbianos e as ordens Coleoptera e Araneae apresentaram a maior riqueza de morfo-espécies, sendo na sua maioria formada por famílias de predadores terrestres. A análise da função ecológica de cada família, sugere que a grande disponibilidade de matéria orgânica no solo pode influenciar a abundância de formigas e colêmbolos, e fomentar uma maior diversidade de predadores terrestres.No global, a utilização de mulching não parece afectar a recuperação das comunidades de invertebrados do solo, após um período pós-fogo prolongado. Porém, os resultados deste estudo sugerem que o mulching poderá afectar alguns grupos de invertebrados, durante o período inicial após a sua aplicação na área ardida

    Bienestar psicológico y estrés académico en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana, 2023

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue comprobar la relación entre el bienestar psicológico y el estrés académico en 326 estudiantes universitarios, de ambos sexos de la carrera de psicología de una universidad privada de Lima metropolitana. La metodología empleada fue de tipo básica, de alcance correlacional, con un diseño no experimental de corte trasversal. Se manejó la Escala de bienestar psicológico BIEPS-A de Casullo (2002) adaptada por Domínguez (2014) y el Inventario de Estrés Académico - SISCO de Barraza (2007) adaptada por Alania et al. (2021). Los hallazgos indicaron que la muestra presentó un nivel alto de bienestar psicológico representado por un 82.5%; mientras que 82.2% percibió un nivel moderado de estrés académico. Asimismo, se obtuvo una correlación negativa de intensidad débil (rho= -.222) y significativa (p<.05) entre el bienestar psicológico y el estrés académico. Además, se evidencio que el bienestar psicológico se correlacionó de forma negativa con intensidad débil y significativa (p<.05) con la dimensión estresores rho= -.218; síntomas rho= -.398; sin embargo, se obtuvo una correlación positiva de intensidad débil y significativa con estrategias de afrontamiento rho= .239; Por lo tanto, se concluyó que, a mayor nivel de bienestar psicológico, menor será el nivel de estrés académico en los estudiantes.The objective of the research was to verify the relationship between psychological well-being and academic stress in 326 university students, of both sexes, of the psychology career of a private university in Lima. The methodology used was basic, correlational in scope, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The Casullo BIEPS-A Psychological Well-Being Scale (2002) adapted by Domínguez (2014) and the Academic Stress Inventory - SISCO of Barraza (2007) adapted by Alania et al. (2021). The findings indicated that the sample presented a high level of psychological well-being represented by 82.5%; while 82.2% perceived a moderate level of academic stress. Likewise, a negative correlation of weak intensity (rho= -.222) and significant (p<.05) was obtained between psychological well-being and academic stress. In addition, it was evidenced that psychological well-being was negatively correlated with weak and significant intensity (p<.05) with the stressor dimension rho= -.218; symptoms rho= -.398; however, a positive correlation of weak and significant intensity with coping strategies was obtained rho= .239; Therefore, it was concluded that the higher the level of psychological well-being, the lower the level of academic stress in students

    Efecto de la agitación y la posición de inmersión en las curvas de enfriamiento para un acero SAE 4340

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    Quenching is one of the most widely used heat treatments in the Metal-Mechanical and Metallurgical industry to improve the mechanical properties of steels using high cooling rates that allow the transformation of austenite to martensite. However, quenching involves various physical-thermal-mechanical coupled phenomena which are difficult to control and predict, exposing the quality of tempered parts when there is no optimal process design. The objective of this investigation is to evaluate the effect of the immersion position of the pieces and the agitation of the liquid medium, on the heat extraction represented by the cooling curves, this will allow determining with higher accuracy the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) in SAE 4340 type “C” shaped steel pieces. A controlled cooling system (liquid agitation and immersion position) was designed and built. The results obtained allowed us to analyze the thermal history of the cooling of the samples by means of cooling curves and the heat transfer coefficient was calculated through finite elements. &nbsp;El temple es uno de los tratamientos térmicos más utilizados en la industria Metal-Mecánica y Metalúrgica para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas en los aceros empleando altas velocidad de enfriamiento que permiten la transformación de austenita a martensita. Sin embargo, el temple involucra diversos fenómenos acoplados físicos-térmicos-mecánicos los cuales son difícil de controlar y predecir, exponiendo la calidad de las piezas templadas cuando no se cuenta con un óptimo diseño del proceso. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la posición de inmersión de las piezas y de agitación del medio líquido, sobre la extracción de calor representado por las curvas de enfriamiento, lo anterior permitirá determinar con mayor exactitud el coeficiente de transferencia de calor (CTC) en piezas de un acero en forma de “C” de tipo SAE 4340. Se diseñó y construyó un sistema de enfriamiento controlando (agitación del líquido y la posición de inmersión). Los resultados obtenidos permitieron analizar la historia térmica del enfriamiento de las muestras mediante curvas de enfriamiento y se calculó el coeficiente de transferencia de calor a través de elementos finitos

    Submarine geomorphology of the passage of Lanzarote (East Canary Islands region)

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    International Symposium on Marine Sciences (6º. 2018. Vigo)Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, EspañaCentro oceanográfico de Cádiz, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, EspañaInstituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaFacultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales, Universidad de Cádiz, EspañaCentro Oceanográfico de Canarias, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Españ

    Mud volcano development and tectonics in the Gulf of Cadiz

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    Se han identificado en el Golfo de Cádiz numerosas estructuras asociadas al escape de fluidos: volcanes de fango, montículos de fango con chimeneas carbonatadas y pockmarks. La mayor parte de los volcanes de fango se encuentran el el margen bético rifeño, a profundidades de 400-1400 m, y siguiendo una dirección NE-SW y NW-SE. Así mismo se han reconocido también algunos volcanes de fango dispersos en el talud inferior a profundidades de 2400-3900 m de profundidad. En el Golfo de Cádiz la actividad tectónica relacionada con el régimen compresivo general (NW-SE) constituye el principal factor de control en la migración de fluidos. La adquisición de perfiles sísmicos en el talud continental ha permitido cartografiar y caracterizar las estructuras tectónicas dominantes: cabalgamientos, fallas extensionales y fallas en dirección, así como diapiros y analizar su relación con el desarrollo de volcanes de fango en diferentes sectores del margen. Todas estas estructuras tectónicas han proporcionado vías de escape a fluidos y sedimentos sometidos a sobrepresión y han favorecido su migración a través de la columna sedimentaria para finalmente llegar a construir volcanes de fango.Numerous structures associated with fluid escape have been identified in the Gulf of Cadiz: mud volcanoes, carbonate-mud mounds bearing carbonate chimneys and pockmarks. Most of the mud volcanoes are found in the eastern domain of the Gulf of Cadiz, which corresponds to the Betic-Rifean Margin, at 400-1400 m depth, following NE-SW and NW-SE trends. Scattered mud volcanoes have also been recognized in the lower slope at 2400-3900 m depth. In the Gulf of Cadiz , structures related to the NW compressive regime represent the major control for fluid migration. Acquisition of seismic profiles along the continental slope allows us to map and characterize the dominant tectonic structures: thrust faults, extensional faults, strike-slip faults as well as diapirs and analyze its relationship with mud volcano development in different sectors of the margin. All these tectonic structures have provided escape pathways for overpressured material and fluids or have favoured the upwards fluid movement along the sedimentary column and eventually the build-up of mud volcanoes.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)EuroCOREEuroMARGINSCONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010pu

    Identification Of Anln As Etv6 Partner Gene In Recurrent T(7;12)(p15;p13): A Possible Role Of Deregulated Anln Expression In Leukemogenesis.

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    The ETV6 gene encodes an ETS family transcription factor that is involved in a myriad of chromosomal rearrangements found in hematological malignancies and other neoplasms. A recurrent ETV6 translocation, previously described in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) (Genes Chromosomes Cancer 51:328-337,2012, Leuk Res 35:e212-214, 2011), whose partner has not been identified is t(7;12)(p15;p13). We herein report that the t(7;12)(p15;p13) fuses ETV6 to ANLN, a gene not previously implicated in the pathogenesis of hematological malignancies, and we demonstrate that this translocation leads to high expression of the fusion transcript in the myeloid and lymphoid lineages.1419