28 research outputs found

    A cost-based multi-layer network approach for the discovery of patient phenotypes

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    Clinical records frequently include assessments of the characteristics of patients, which may include the completion of various questionnaires. These questionnaires provide a variety of perspectives on a patient's current state of well-being. Not only is it critical to capture the heterogeneity given by these perspectives, but there is also a growing demand for developing cost-effective technologies for clinical phenotyping. Filling out many questionnaires may be a strain for the patients and therefore costly. In this work, we propose COBALT -- a cost-based layer selector model for detecting phenotypes using a community detection approach. Our goal is to minimize the number of features used to build these phenotypes while preserving its quality. We test our model using questionnaire data from chronic tinnitus patients and represent the data in a multi-layer network structure. The model is then evaluated by predicting post-treatment data using baseline features (age, gender, and pre-treatment data) as well as the identified phenotypes as a feature. For some post-treatment variables, predictors using phenotypes from COBALT as features outperformed those using phenotypes detected by traditional clustering methods. Moreover, using phenotype data to predict post-treatment data proved beneficial in comparison with predictors that were solely trained with baseline features.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JDS

    The water culture of the Order of Christ in the making of a self-sufficient and sustainable hydric system

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    Focusing on the Convent of Christ in Portugal, this article presents an overview of the power and control exercised by the Order of Christ over the territory's water management, inside the monastic enclosure and over the Nabao River, from the late fifteenth century until the nineteenth century. Based on multi-interdisci-plinary methodologies, we argue that the monastic enclosure was multi-functional, sus-tainable, self-sufficient and the stage for the most sophisticated hydraulic system of early modern Portugal. Following a recent review, and based on archival research, a 3D re-construction and mapping tools, we demonstrate that the system did not work exclusively through gravity. In an early phase, pumps were in use at the Convent of Christ circa 1537 to remove water from cisterns in a technology transferred from ships into gardens. Moreover, this article also reveals the total control of the Order wielded over the Nabao as a source of energy through to the abolition of Religious Orders in 1834.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Synthesis, structural, spectroscopic and electrochemical studies of carborane substituted naphthyl selenides

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    [EN] New unsymmetrical selenides bearing an o-carborane and a naphthalene ring as the substituents were prepared by the cleavage of the corresponding diselenides. The compounds were characterized by means of spectroscopic and analytical methods. Se-77 NMR signals of the selenium atoms attached to the carbon atoms of the carborane cages are shifted downfield in comparison to those bonded only to the aromatic rings, indicating an electron withdrawing effect of the o-carboranyl substituent. Compounds 1-(2-R-1,2-dicarba-closo-carboranyl)naphthyl selenides (R = Me, 1; Ph, 2) were characterized by means of single crystal X-ray diffraction. The influence of the electronic nature of the substituents attached to the selenium atoms on the structural parameters and packing properties of naphthyl selenides are discussed. Theoretical calculations and cyclic voltammetry (CV) studies were carried out to compare the bonding nature of carboranyl and analogous aryl selenium compounds. Cyclic voltammetry studies of naphthyl carboranyl mono and diselenides have shown that the carboranyl fragment polarizes the Se lone pair making it less prone to generate a Se-Se bond.This work was supported by the Japan-Spain Research Cooperative Program, Joint Project, 2004JP0102 from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and CSIC, CICYT (CTQ2010-16237) and the Generalitat de Catalunya, 2009/SGR/00279. Dr O. Guzyr is grateful to Ministerio Education, Cultura y Deporte for grant SAB2003-0122.Guzyr, O.; Viñas, C.; Wada, H.; Hayashi, S.; Nakanishi, W.; Teixidor, F.; Vaca Puga, A.... (2011). Synthesis, structural, spectroscopic and electrochemical studies of carborane substituted naphthyl selenides. Dalton Transactions. 40(13):3402-3411. https://doi.org/10.1039/c0dt01658fS34023411401

    Evaluación de competencias genéricas en el Grado en Ingeniería del Medio Natural

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    La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) promueve la formación y evaluación de las llamadas competencias genéricas en todos sus centros. Con este objetivo, mediante la colaboración de grupos de innovación educativa, se elaboró un “Portal de Competencias”, accesible a toda la comunidad universitaria. En él se incluyen, para cada competencia genérica seleccionada por la universidad, los aspectos más destacables para su adquisición y evaluación (metodología, rúbricas, experiencias, etc.). En el grado en Ingeniería del Medio Natural se realizaron inicialmente experiencias piloto para estimular el interés de profesores y alumnos en este tipo de formación. Posteriormente se elaboró una matriz de correspondencias entre asignaturas y competencias, y en este curso, se ha comenzado a incorporar dichas competencias a los contenidos específicos de materias impartidas en el grado. En el presente trabajo se expone la metodología, los sistemas de evaluación y los resultados observados por un grupo de profesores, en las competencias genéricas asignadas a sus asignaturas, tales como resolución de problemas, análisis y síntesis, trabajo en equipo, etc. Los métodos se han desarrollado tomando como referencia el modelo genérico del portal, adaptándolos a la materia y nivel considerado en cada caso

    Molecular Basis of Human Sperm Capacitation

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    In the early 1950s, Austin and Chang independently described the changes that are required for the sperm to fertilize oocytes in vivo. These changes were originally grouped under name of “capacitation” and were the first step in the development of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in humans. Following these initial and fundamental findings, a remarkable number of observations led to characterization of the molecular steps behind this process. The discovery of certain sperm-specific molecules and the possibility to record ion currents through patch-clamp approaches helped to integrate the initial biochemical observation with the activity of ion channels. This is of particular importance in the male gamete due to the fact that sperm are transcriptionally inactive. Therefore, sperm must control all these changes that occur during their transit through the male and female reproductive tracts by complex signaling cascades that include post-translational modifications. This review is focused on the principal molecular mechanisms that govern human sperm capacitation with particular emphasis on comparing all the reported pieces of evidence with the mouse model

    Implementación de las competencias genéricas en el Grado de Ingeniería del Medio Natural

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    La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ha elaborado y definido su modelo de competencias genéricas en las titulaciones de Grado y Máster. Los resultados, alojados en el portal de competencias genéricas que a tal propósito ha creado la Universidad, requieren ser conocidos y aplicados en la forma más extensa posible. Distintos grupos de innovación educativa han participado en el proceso de definición del modelo. Estos grupos, en colaboración con otros profesores, se encargan ahora de presentarlo, difundirlo y aplicarlo en las titulaciones en las que imparten docencia dichos profesores. En este trabajo se presenta la experiencia que, en este sentido, se ha desarrollado en el grado de Ingeniería del Medio Natural (en la Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal y del Medio Natural de la UPM); desde las actividades de difusión, pasando por la revisión de la matriz de competencias de la memoria de verificación del grado, hasta la preparación del material necesario para la puesta en práctica de la evaluación de competencias genéricas en algunas de las asignaturas de primer curso de la titulación

    El compromís de l’ICM amb la igualtat de gènere en la recerca marina

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    2 pages, 1 figure[EN] Despite the drive towards equality between women and men in research institutions in recent years and the progress that has been made, there is still a long road ahead. Science is still associated with the male image, and women’s work and contributions are often invisible. Like many other spheres of society, research institutions contribute to the structural re(production) of gender inequalities. Women and men each tend to have more presence in certain scientific fields, with the horizontal segregation that this involves. Furthermore, the “glass ceiling” (the invisible barrier that hinders women’s access to the highest levels of decision-making or responsibility, limiting their professional careers) causes vertical segregation. Staying in research is an obstacle course in which there is a constant trickle of skills and talents, which is exacerbated for women. Moreover, research often seems blind to the gender dimension in its approach, content and analysis. […][ES] A pesar del impulso de la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres en las instituciones de investigación en los últimos años y de los avances logrados, aún queda un largo camino por recorrer. La ciencia constituye todavía un ámbito asociado a la imagen masculina, invisibilizando con frecuencia el trabajo y las aportaciones de las mujeres. Como muchas otras esferas de la sociedad, las instituciones de investigación contribuyen a la re(producción) estructural de les desigualdades de género. Mujeres y hombres tienden a concentrarse en determinados campos científicos con la segregación horizontal que ello implica. Por otra parte, el llamado “techo de cristal” –la barrera invisible que dificulta u obstaculiza el acceso de las mujeres a los niveles más altos de poder, de decisión o de responsabilidad, limitando sus carreras profesionales–, materializa la segregación vertical. La permanencia en la investigación es una carrera de obstáculos en la que se produce un goteo constante de capacidades y talentos, que se agrava para las mujeres. Además, la investigación parece a menudo ciega a la importancia de considerar la dimensión de género en su abordaje, contenido y análisis. […][CAT] Malgrat l’impuls envers la igualtat a les institucions de recerca dels darrers anys i els avenços assolits, encara hi ha un llarg camí per recórrer. La ciència constitueix encara un àmbit associat a la imatge masculina, invisibilitzant sovint el treball i les aportacions de les dones. Com moltes altres esferes de la societat, les institucions de recerca contribueixen a la re(producció) estructural de les desigualtats de gènere. Dones i homes tendeixen a concentrar-se en determinats camps científics amb la segregació horitzontal que això implica. Per altra banda, l’anomenat “sostre de vidre” –la barrera invisible que dificulta o obstaculitza l’accés de les dones als nivells més alts de poder, de decisió o de responsabilitat, encotillant les seves carreres professionals–, materialitza la segregació vertical. La permanència en la recerca és una carrera d’obstacles on es produeix un degoteig constant de capacitats i talents, agreujat entre les dones. A més, la recerca sembla sovint cega a la importància de considerar la dimensió de gènere en el seu abordatge, contingut i anàlisi. […]Peer reviewe

    The statistical analysis plan for the unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients randomized clinical trial (UNITI-RCT)

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    Background Tinnitus is a leading cause of disease burden globally. Several therapeutic strategies are recommended in guidelines for the reduction of tinnitus distress; however, little is known about the potentially increased effectiveness of a combination of treatments and personalized treatments for each tinnitus patient. Methods Within the Unification of Treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus Patients project, a multicenter, randomized clinical trial is conducted with the aim to compare the effectiveness of single treatments and combined treatments on tinnitus distress (UNITI-RCT). Five different tinnitus centers across Europe aim to treat chronic tinnitus patients with either cognitive behavioral therapy, sound therapy, structured counseling, or hearing aids alone, or with a combination of two of these treatments, resulting in four treatment arms with single treatment and six treatment arms with combinational treatment. This statistical analysis plan describes the statistical methods to be deployed in the UNITI-RCT. Discussion The UNITI-RCT trial will provide important evidence about whether a combination of treatments is superior to a single treatment alone in the management of chronic tinnitus patients. This pre-specified statistical analysis plan details the methodology for the analysis of the UNITI trial results. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04663828. The trial is ongoing. Date of registration: December 11, 2020. All patients that finished their treatment before 19 December 2022 are included in the main RCT analysis