47 research outputs found

    Spatial Patterns in Forest Understories: Relationships to Overstory Thinning Intensity and Understory Plant Diversity

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    Amount, spatial distribution, and species composition of understory plant communities have been shown to respond to changes in overstory structure. While response of the amount and composition of understory vegetation to thinning has been investigated in several ecosystems, spatial distributions have received less attention. We investigated spatial statistical techniques to examine associations of patch size of clonal shrubs and annual ruderals as they relate to overstory conditions after thinnings. We assessed the interpretation of empirical semivariograms in describing spatial pattern and whether semivariogram parameters can be useful when comparing impacts of different thinning regimes. We simulated vegetation patterns to test the ability of empirical semivariograms to describe patch sizes and suggest a nonparametric semivariogram range parameter as a metric of patch size. We applied results from the simulations to data from a long-term thinning study, in which intensity and spatial patterns of thinnings varied. We used range parameters from semivariograms of percent cover to compare response of patch sizes among thinning treatments and life forms. Initial results indicated that empirical semivariograms quantified both patch sizes and distance between patches. Nonparametric semivariogram estimates of patch size showed differences among thinning treatments, suggesting that spatial patterns of overstory conditions are influencing spatial distributions of understory vegetation. Patches of selected clonal shrubs were smallest in the treatment with spatially variable thinnings. Overall patch size of clonal shrubs was less strongly associated with thinning treatments than patch size of annual ruderals, likely reflecting differences in mobility between species that mainly regenerate by sprouting versus seeds. We conclude that spatial pattern of understory vegetation is responsive to thinning treatments and empirical semivariograms can provide useful information for developing silvicultural prescriptions

    Forest Restoration Using Variable Density Thinning: Lessons from Douglas-Fir Stands in Western Oregon

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    A large research effort was initiated in the 1990s in western United States and Canada to investigate how the development of old-growth structures can be accelerated in young even-aged stands that regenerated following clearcut harvests, while also providing income and ecosystem services. Large-scale experiments were established to compare effects of thinning arrangements (e.g., spatial variability) and residual densities (including leave islands and gaps of various sizes). Treatment effects were context dependent, varying with initial conditions and spatial and temporal scales of measurement. The general trends were highly predictable, but most responses were spatially variable. Thus, accounting for initial conditions at neighborhood scales appears to be critical for efficient restoration. Different components of stand structure and composition responded uniquely to restoration thinnings. Achieving a wide range of structures and composition therefore requires the full suite of silvicultural treatments, from leave islands to variable density thinnings and creation of large gaps. Trade-offs among ecosystem services occurred as result of these contrasting responses, suggesting that foresters set priorities where and when different vegetation structures are most desirable within a stand or landscape. Finally, the results suggested that foresters should develop restoration approaches that include multiple treatments

    Silvicultural alternatives to conventional even-aged forest management - what limits global adoption?

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    Background The development of forestry as a scientific and management discipline over the last two centuries has mainly emphasized intensive management operations focused on increased commodity production, mostly wood. This “conventional” forest management approach has typically favored production of even-aged, single-species stands. While alternative management regimes have generally received less attention, this has been changing over the last three decades, especially in countries with developed economies. Reasons for this change include a combination of new information and concerns about the ecological consequences of intensive forestry practices and a willingness on the part of many forest owners and society to embrace a wider set of management objectives. Alternative silvicultural approaches are characterized by a set of fundamental principles, including avoidance of clearcutting, an emphasis on structural diversity and small-scale variability, deployment of mixed species with natural regeneration, and avoidance of intensive site-preparation methods. Methods Our compilation of the authors’ experiences and perspectives from various parts of the world aims to initiate a larger discussion concerning the constraints to and the potential of adopting alternative silvicultural practices. Results The results suggest that a wider adoption of alternative silvicultural practices is currently hindered by a suite of ecological, economic, logistical, informational, cultural, and historical constraints. Individual contexts display their own unique combinations and relative significance of these constraints, and accordingly, targeted efforts, such as regulations and incentives, may help to overcome specific challenges. Conclusions In a broader context, we propose that less emphases on strict applications of principles and on stand structures might provide additional flexibility and facilitate the adoption of alternative silvicultural regimes in a broader set of circumstances. At the same time, the acceptance of alternative silvicultural systems as the “preferred or default mode of management” will necessitate and benefit from the continued development of the scientific basis and valuation of a variety of ecosystem goods and services. This publication is aimed to further the discussion in this context