76 research outputs found

    Policiklični aromatični ugljovodonici i pesticidi u zemljištu Vojvodine

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    The paper deals with several groups of compounds that represent the most frequent pollutants of soil in the world. The paper also reviews results of long-term studies conducted at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the residues of pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the soil of the Vojvodina Province. The analyzed samples have been found to contain residues of persistent pesticides and their metabolites lindane and its metabolites 6,20 μg/kg, alachlor 3,56 μg/kg, aldrin 2,3 μg/kg, heptachlor epoxide 0,99 μg/kg, chlordane 3,82 μg/kg, DDT and its metabolites 10,77 μg/kg, dieldrin 2,04 μg/kg, endrin 3,57 μg/kg and endrin aldehyde 1,36 μg/kg. Soil samples from Novi Sad municipality contained 53,69 μg/kg of DDT and its metabolites. The values of atrazine ranged from 0,0005 to 0,8 mg/kg. The values of PAHs were 6,64 mg/kg in industrial soil, 4,93 mg/kg in agricultural soil, and 4,55 mg/kg and 5,48 mg/kg in the Novi Sad municipality. The lowest value, 0.83 mg/kg, was found for nonagricultural/nonindustrial soils.Organska jedinjenja koja se mogu naći u zemljištu prikazana su u ovom radu Takođe je prikazan i deo višegodišnjih ispitivanja sadržaja ostataka pesticida i policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika u zemljištu izvedenih u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Ispitano zemljište sa teritorije Vojvodine sadrži ostatke perzistentnih pesticida i njihovih metabolita: lindan zajedno sa metabolitima 6,20 μg/kg, alahlor 3,56 μg/kg, aldrin 2,3 μg/kg heptahlor epoksid 0,99 μg/kg, hlordan 3,82 μg/kg, DDT zajedno sa metabolitima 10,77 μg/kg, dieldrin 2,04 μg/kg, endrin 3,57 μg/kg i endrin aldehid 1,36 μg/kg. Zemljište sa teritorije opštine Novi Sad sadrži ostatke DDT-a zajedno sa metabolitima u količini od 53,69 μg/kg. Tokom višegodišnjih ispitivanja sadržaja atrazina u zemljištu nađene vrednosti su se kretale u opsegu od 0,0005 mg/kg do 0,8 mg/kg. Nađeni sadržaj policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika je u industrijskom zemljištu 6,64 mg/kg, u poljoprivrednom zemljištu 4,93 mg/kg, u zemljištu na teritoriji opštine Novi Sad 4,55 mg/kg i 5,48 mg/kg, dok je sadržaj na nepoljoprivredno/neindustrijskom zemljištu najniži i iznosi 0,83 mg/kg

    Changes of fatty acids content and vigor of sunflower seed during natural aging

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    Sunflower seed aging during storage affects seed vigor and content of fatty acids. In order to reveal severity of their influence, the following vigor tests were applied: standard laboratory germination test, cold test and Hiltner test. Five sunflower lines submitted to natural aging process for six and 12 months were tested under conventional storage and controlled conditions. The obtained results revealed that seed aging damaged the seed, which adversely affected seed vigor; most reliable results were obtained by the cold test and content of linoleic acids

    Genetska specifičnost sadržaja magnezijuma u divljim vrstama i hibridima suncokreta

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    Magnesium content was analyzed in five of the most grown sunflower hybrids in Serbia, as well as in different populations of wild sunflower species: Helianthus agrophyllus (5), Helianthus annuus (4), Helianthus neglectus (3), Helianthus petiolaris (5), Helianthus tuberosus (5). Magnesium content in the populations of wild sunflower species ranged from 317 to 824 mg/100 g DW. The highest magnesium content was found in Helianthus petiolaris and the lowest in Helianthus tuberosus. Different populations within each species differed significantly in magnesium content. The highest variation coefficient was found in Helianthus tuberosus and the lowest in Helianthus petiolaris. Magnesium concentration in hybrids was significantly different as well, and in two years it was in average between 575 and 813 mg/g DW. The results suggest that genetic variability between magnesium concentrations in wild species and hybrids of sunflower is very high. This should be taken into consideration when requirements for mineral nutrition are analyzed, as well as when wild species are included in breeding programs.U cilju proučavanja genetske specifičnosti ishrane suncokreta magnezijumom ispitan je sadržaj magnezijuma u pet najrasprostranjenijih hibrida suncokreta u Srbiji i u različitim populacijama divljih vrsta suncokreta poreklom iz Severne Amerike: Heliahnthus neglectus (3), Helianthus petiolaris (5), Helianthus agrophylus (5) Helinathus tuberosum (5) i Helinathus annuus (5). Sadržaj magnezijuma u ispitivanim divljim vrstama suncokreta kretao se u širokim granicama od 317 do 824 mg/100 g suve materije. Najveći je bio sadržaj magnezijuma kod ispitivanih populacija Helianthus petiolaris, u proseku 741, a najmanji kod Helinathus tuberosum, 330 mg/1000 g suve materije. U okviru divljih vrsta ispitivane populacije su se takođe statistički značajno razlikovale u sadržaju magnezijuma. Najveći koeficijent varijacije utvrđen je kod Helianthus tuberosus a najmanji kod Helianthus petiolaris. Sadržaj magnezijuma se i u ispitivanim hibridima suncokreta značajno razlikovao i za dve godine ispitivanja se u proseku kretao od 575 do 813 mg/100 g suve materije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je genetska varijabilnost sadržaja magnezijuma u divljim vrstama i njihovim populacijama kao i u gajenim hibridima suncokreta veoma izražena, što treba imati u vidu pri njihovom obezbeđenju ovim elementom, kao i pri korišćenju divljih vrsta u oplemenjivačkom procesu

    Are sustainability and sustainable chemistry on the edge?

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    The world was hit almost simultaneously by two unplanned for catastrophes: the COVID-19pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Almost overnight everything has stopped (pandemic) and the world has rapidly accelerated (war). In both situations, everything has changed radically, both in everyday life and globally. From the perhaps more banal shortages of nails, screws and beer in Germany, due to the impossibility of deliveries from Ukraine (but from Russia and Belarus, also), to the almost cataclysmic energy crisis, food shortages, rising prices, dismissal of workers and inflation. The lack of critical materials, for which (REEs and Sb) the PRC holds the key in production, recicling and reuse, has stopped the production chains of almost all industries. Helium shortage threatens to shut down many key health instruments (NMR). Both disasters contribute to unimaginable levels of environmental pollution, beyond control. The war, where explosives and new types of issile/rocket fuels, pollute the air, land and water resources to unimaginable proportions, but also protective medical devices are contributing with micro- and nano-plastics. What could happen with regard to contamination of the Black and Azov Seas is hard to imagine, such as in the possible use of chemical weapons. When it comes to life and death, hunger and suffering, destruction and diseases all the lofty goals of humanity, including sustainability and consequently sustainable chemistry, cannot be in focus.For that very reason, never forget the “golden” rules:1. When the prices of nickel and copper on the LME rise, war is on the horizon!2. With the release of frozen prehistoric forms of primitive life forms, as must occur from the melting of permafrost, we should expect more pandemics!The time of easy life in developed countries is behind us and life will be dizzyingly fast with uncertain directions, flexibility and diversification that are almost unpredictable. Luckily, the imagination of chemists is without limits, (primarily due to the chemical common sens and per se sustainable chemical education on universities) which provides optimism, security and sustainability to everyone because: “Chemistry (is) for Life®”.Poster presented at: ACS Fall 2022 Conference-Sustainability in a Changing Word, 21/08/2022, Chicago, ILAbstract: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5507

    Superkritična fluidna ekstrakcija i određivanje rezidua pesticida u malinama

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    Raspberries are counted among Yugoslavia`s most profitable export commodities, Consequently, maximum attention should be given to the technology of raspberry production in order to secure high and stable yields as well as a high quality of produce. Besides the application of optimum quantities of fertilizers, it is necessary to use readily degradable pesticides. In addition, analyses of the contents of heavy metals and pesticide residues should be conducted on a regular basis.Malina predstavija jedan od najprofitabilnijih izvoznih proizvoda poljoprivrede Jugoslavije, što iziskuje poklanjanje maksimalne pažnje tehnoloskom procesu proizvodnje u cilju dobijanja visokog i stabilnog prinosa, ali i prinosa definisanog kvaliteta. Zbog toga je neophodno pored primene optimalnih količina đubriva primenjivati pesticide koji su podložni brzoj degradaciji. Pored toga ipak je neophodno vršiti kontrolu kvaliteta maline na sadržaj teških metala i ostataka pesticida

    Kvalitet zemljišta za organsku proizvodnju povrća u Vojvodini

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    With the introduction of the organic agriculture legislation in our countrz there are now adequate legal conditions for the transition to organic agricultural production, which is becoming increasingly popular and profitable in the rest of Europe. Another prerequisite for the transition to such production is soil quality. During 2002, as a part of the project Programme on Soil Protection, Management and Utilisation - Characterisation and Management of Soils Used for Production of High-Value Vegetable Foods which was carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Science Technologies and Development of the Republic of Serbia, a study was conducted on agricultural soils in the province of Vojvodina on a total area of approximately 1,200 ha wherein 199 soil samples were taken in total from the production plots of four major vegetable-producing companies in the province, namely Bag & Deko, B. Gradište, PIK Bečej, Bečej, DP PD Maglić Maglić and Aleva, Novi Kneževac. The samples were analysed for their basic chemical properties, trace element and heavy metal contents and levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at the Laboratory for Soil Agroecology and Fertilisers of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. According to the Official Rulebook of Organic Plant Production Methods published in the Official Gazette FRY issue 51/02, four of the samples exceeded the MTC (Maximum Tolerable Concentrations) for Cu, 15 for Cr and 80 for Ni (in the case of Ni, the high number of toxic samples was due to a very low MTC threshold for this element). Only three out of the 102 samples analysed for PAH levels had values above the MTC for PAHs.Stvaranjem zakonske regulative za organsku poljoprivredu, u našoj zemlji su se stekli adekvatni uslovi za prelazak na ovaj sve popularniji i unosniji vid poljoprivrede u Evropi, sa druge strane polazna tačka za prelazak na organsku biljnu proizvodnju jeste kavalitet zemljišta. Tokom 2002. godine u okviru Projekta "Program zaštite, uređenje i korišćenja zemljišta Karakterizacija i uređenje zemljišta za proizvodnju visokovredne hrane u povrtarstvu" pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva za nauku, tehnologije i razvoj Republike Srbije izvršena su ispitivanja poljoprivrednog zemljišta na teritoriji Vojvodine sa površine od oko 1.200 ha (ukupno 199 uzoraka zemljišta), a sa proizvodnih parcela četiri velika proizvođača povrća u Vojvodini - Bag i Deko, B. Gradište, PIK Bečej, DP PD Maglić i Aleva, Novi Kneževac. Uzorci su analizirani na osnovna hemijska svojstva, sadržaj mikroelemenata i teških metala i sadržaj policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika (PAH-ova) u Laboratoriji za agroekologiju Zavoda za zemljište, agroekologiju i đubriva pri Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Prema Pravilniku o metodama organske biljne proizvodnje Službeni list SRJ, 2002, četiri uzorka prelaze MDK za sadržaj Cu, 15 uzoraka za sadržaj Cr i 80 za sadržaj Ni (razlog je veoma strog kriterijum MDK u pogledu sadržaja za Ni). Od ukupno 102 analizirana uzoraka zemljišta na sadržaj PAH-ova, utvrđen je sadržaj preko MDK za samo tri uzorka

    Tolerantnost genotipova pšenice prema sulfonilurei u kulturi 'zigotnog' embriona

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    Tolerance of wheat genotypes to the sulfonylurea herbicide metsulfuron-methyl was studied using in vitro culture. Six randomly selected wheat genotypes were used for isolation. Mature embryos were inoculated onto a modified MS medium to which three concentrations of metsulfuron-methyl were added: I-30 g l-1, II-60 g l-1, and III-90 g l-1. The control group of embryos was cultivated on a herbicide-free medium. After one month of cultivation, callus fresh weight was measured. There were significant differences among the genotypes regarding their tolerance to metsulfuron-methyl. The Pobeda cultivar expressed the highest and the Lr-12 genotype had the lowest level of herbicide tolerance.Tolerantnost genotipova pšenice prema metsulfuron-metilu, herbicidu iz grupe sulfonilurea preparat a, ispitana je u in vitro kulturi zigotnog embriona. Za izolaciju korišćeno je šest genotipova pšenice. Embrioni su inokulisani na modifikovanu MS podlogu, kojoj je metsulfuron-metil dodat u tri koncentracije: I - 30 g l-1, II - 60 g l-1 i III - 90 g l-1. Kontrolna grupa embriona gajena je na podlozi bez herbicida. Posle mesec dana gajenja izmerena je sveža masa kalusa. Rezultat i su pokazali da je prisustvo metsulfuron-metila u podlozi izazvalo inhibiciju porasta kalusa kod svih genotipova. Međutim, genotipovi su se značajno razlikovali među sobom u pogledu reakcije na ovaj herbicid. Na najnižoj koncentraciji metsulfuron-metila (I - 30 g l-1), genotip Lr-12 imao je najvišu redukciju sveže mase kalusa, u odnosu na kontrolu (80.5 %), dok je najnižu redukciju imao genotip Vel (63.3 %). Više koncentracije herbicida imale su još jače inhibitorno dejstvo kod svih genotipova. Rezultat i su pokazali da je sorta Pobeda bila najtolerantnija, dok je genotip Lr-12 bio najosetljiviji na prisustvo metsulfuron-metila u podlozi

    Sadržaj i distribucija žive (Hg) u kućnoj prašini i zemljištu grada Šida

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    Mercury (Hg) and potentially toxic elements (PTEs) are components of household dust and are a risk for human health. The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of Hg and PTEs in household dust in individual housing facilities in the town of Šid, Serbia and their correlation to the content of the elements found in the surrounding garden soil. Total of 64 samples of household dust were collected from 16 locations of individual housing facilities on 4 occasions. Samples of surrounding yard and garden soil were simultaneously collected. None of the 64 analysed soil samples exceeded the threshold limit (TL) prescribed by law for non-agricultural soil, which is 0.3 mg kg-1 DM. Content of Hg in household dust was much higher than in the surrounding soil and ranged from 0.005 to 1.566 mg kg-1 DM. The resulting values of PTEs (As, B, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in household dust had a significantly higher range than in the soil. Contents of Hg, B, Cu, and Zn were much higher in household dust than in the soil. According to the results of correlations of the analysed elements in household dust and surrounding soil, and according to the analysed locations, direct effect of Hg and PTEs contents on the content of the same elements in household dust was not confirmed.Živa i potencijalno toksični elementi (PTE) kao sastavni deo kućne prašine predstavljaju rizik za ljudsko zdravlje. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje koncentracija Hg i PTE u kućnoj prašini, u objektima individualnog stanovanja, grada Šida i njihova veza sa sadržajem elemenata u okolnom zemljištu baštâ i okućnica. Uzeto je 64 uzorka kućne prašine na 16 lokacija individualnog stanovanja u četiri vremenska perioda. Istovremeno su uzeti uzorci okolnog zemljišta okućnicâ i baštâ. Nijedan od 64 ispitivana uzorka zemljišta ne prelazi zakonski propisanu graničnu vrednost (GV) za nepoljoprivredno zemljište od 0,3 mg kg-1 SM. Sadržaj Hg u kućnoj prašini je mnogo viši od okolnog zemljišta i kretao se u intervalu od 0,005 do 1,566 mg kg-1 SM. Dobijene vrednosti PTE (As, B, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) u kućnoj prašini imaju statistički značajan veći raspon u odnosu na zemljište. Sadržaj Hg, B, Cu, Zn je mnogo veći u kućnoj prašini u odnosu na okolno zemljište. Prema dobijenim korelacijama posmatranih elemenata u prašini i zemljištu, kao i prema posmatranim lokacijama, generalno nije utvrđen direktni uticaj sadržaja Hg i PTE u zemljištu na sadržaj ovih elemenata u kućnoj prašini

    Superkritična ekstrakcija organohlornih pesticida iz vode

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    Recoveries of solid phase disk extraction and supercritical fluid extraction of natural groundwater samples were compared in this study. Deionised water sample (1 dm3) was spiked with a mix of lindan (g-HCH) and its metabolites (a-HCH, b-HCH, d-HCH) at level of 2.25 ng l-1 of each component. Extraction of spiked groundwater was performed by C-18 solid phase disks. Captured analytes were eluted from the disk in two different ways: 1) eluate obtained by the use of a solvent was evaporated to dryness and then again dissolved in acetone and 2) elution with supercritical fluid (CO2). Extracts were analysed by GC-ECD and an internal standard. Recoveries of extracts achieved with supercritical elution were much better than those with classical elution with a solvent.U ovom radu su upoređeni prinosi čvrsto fazne ekstrakcije i superkritične ekstrakcije pesticida iz vode. U 1 dm3 dejonizovane vode dodata je mešavina lindana i njegovih metabolita u koncentraciji od 2,25 ng/dm3 za svaki analit. Ekstrakcija vode je izvedena upotrebom C-18 ekstrakcionih diskova. Analiti su sa diska eluirani na dva načina: 1) eluat dobijen upotrebom rastvarača uparen je do suva i ponovo rastvoren u acetonu, i 2) elucija sa superkritičnim fluidom (CO2). Dobijeni ekstrakti su analizirani upotrebom GC-ECD i internog standarda. Prinosi dobijeni superkritičnom ekstrakcijom su značajno viši od prinosa dobijenih eluiranjem analita pomoću rastvarača