18 research outputs found

    Construction of new buildings in vicinity of old structures and their impact on the surrounding

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    Budowa budynk贸w "plombowych" w zwartej zabudowie miejskiej wymaga szczeg贸lnie rzetelnego rozpoznania poziomu posadowienia budynk贸w istniej膮cych (po obu stronach nowej zabudowy). Informacja ta pozwala na dob贸r w艂a艣ciwej technologii wzmocnienia istniej膮cych fundament贸w. Projektant nowego fundamentu, w tych warunkach, musi mie膰 艣wiadomo艣膰, 偶e tradycyjna technika "podbijania" jest technik膮 z艂膮 i nie gwarantuj膮c膮 w艂a艣ciwej pracy tak wzmocnionych starych fundament贸w. Jedynie pale jet - greting, mikropale czy wciskane odcinkowe pale prefabrykowane daj膮 tak膮 gwarancj臋. W artykule zaprezentowano trzy przypadki z艂ego wzmacniania i skutki dla s膮siednich budynk贸w.The construction of new "infill" buildings within high-density city housing requires that the level of foundation of the existing structures should be thoroughly investigated (on both sides of the new structure). Information thus obtained makes it possible to select an appropriate technology of reinforcement of the existing foundations. A designer of a new foundation in such circumstances has to be aware that the traditional technique of underpinning is a wrong practice, which does not guarantee proper work of the foundations reinforced in that way. Only such technologies as jegrouting, micropiles or pre-cast concrete sectional pile driving ensure safety to adjacent structures. This article presents three examples of faulty foundation reinforcement and its impact on neighbouring buildings

    Reliability assessment of bearing capacity of layered soils using High Dimensional Model Representation (HDMR)

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    HDMR (High Dimensional Model Representation) is a relatively new method that is used to form response surface based on results obtained through laboratory experiments or through numerical calculations. So far the method has been used mainly in chemistry, although a few studies conducted in recent years show that it can be considered a useful tool in soil mechanics and foundation engineering. The subject matter of this paper is the application of HDMR method to reliability assessment of bearing capacity of layered soils. Madej鈥檚 method, widely recognized and used by Polish engineers, is applied to conduct the calculations. In the analysed case bearing capacity is not expressed by means of an explicit formula. To fit the approximate functions of bearing capacity, its values are calculated on a grid of points equally spread on ranges of variables. Finding the relation between input and output data is conducted by means of assessing each variable鈥檚 influence on response鈥檚 mean value within a given scope. Approximate functions have been used to calculate reliability indices by means of FORM, SORM and Monte Carlo methods

    Stability of anchored walls embedded in cohesive soils by variational method

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    W artykule przedstawiono spos贸b okre艣lania si艂y dzia艂aj膮cej w kotwie 艣ciany zag艂臋bionej w gruncie za pomoc膮 metody wynikaj膮cej z klasycznego rachunku wariacyjnego. Zadanie sformu艂owano jako izoperymetryczny problem rachunku wariacyjnego, a nast臋pnie znaleziono rozwi膮zanie r贸wnania Eulera w zamkni臋tej postaci. W og贸lnym przypadku nie da si臋 otrzyma膰 zamkni臋tego wyra偶enia okre艣laj膮cego ekstremaln膮 warto艣膰 rozpatrywanego funkcjona艂u. Aby u艂atwi膰 numeryczne poszukiwanie ekstremum, wskazano na ograniczenia dla wyst臋puj膮cych w zadaniu wsp贸艂czynnik贸w nieoznaczonych Lagrange'a. Dla przypadku gruntu niespoistego zadanie to zosta艂o rozwi膮zane w jednej z wcze艣niejszych prac drugiego z autor贸w. W obecnej pracy skoncentrowano si臋 na sytuacji gruntu spoistego. Wymaga艂o to rozbudowania opracowanej poprzednio procedury numerycznej i zbudowania nowego programu obliczeniowego. W wyniku oblicze艅 numerycznych mo偶na okre艣li膰 si艂臋 w kotwie jako ekstremalna warto艣膰 wyprowadzonego funkcjona艂u. Wskazano, 偶e otrzymane t膮 metod膮 si艂y s膮 wi臋ksze ni偶 te otrzymane klasyczn膮 metod膮 Coulomba.This paper presents a solution of an anchored retaining wall problem using an approach of classical variational calculus, that allows the three equilibrium equations to be taken into account. The problem is formulated as an isoperimetric problem of variational calculus and a closed-form solution of Euler's equations is found. Unfortunately, in general case, extremes of the functionals involved in the problem under consideration can not be found in an analytical way. In this circumstances a crucial point was establishing of bounds for the domain of the investigations of the functional maxima. Next, based on bounds derived, a numerical procedure for finding maxima has been worked out. The problem in the case of cohesionless soil has been solved by an earlier paper of the second author. Now the solution has been extended for the case of cohesive soils. In order to obtain a reasonable solution a new numerical algorithm has been elaborated. Finally a numerical analysis for the case of wall embedded in a cohesive soil has been carried out. An important finding is that the classical Coulomb's wedge method, which ignores the moment equilibrium equation, is an unconservative approach and hence provides an unsafe solution for the anchor force

    Application the random finite element method to analysis of strip footingbearing capacity random variability factor

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    Autorzy podj臋li pr贸b臋 analizy no艣no艣ci granicznej, uwzgl臋dniaj膮cej zmienno艣膰 parametr贸w pod艂o偶a przy zastosowaniu Losowej Metody Element贸w Sko艅czonych. Do oblicze艅 wykorzystano niezag艂臋biony fundament pasmowy, posadowiony bezpo艣rednio na niewa偶kim gruncie spoistym. Dzi臋ki temu dokonano redukcji wzoru na no艣no艣膰 wed艂ug Terzaghi'ego i stosuj膮c seri臋 symulacji Monte Carlo wyznaczono pierwsze dwa momenty no艣no艣ci granicznej. Ponadto powy偶sze analizy prowadzono przy za艂o偶eniu zr贸偶nicowanej skali fluktuacji parametr贸w pod艂o偶a w kierunku pionowym oraz poziomym (uwzgl臋dnienie anizotropii) oraz podj臋to pr贸b臋 odniesienia si臋 do mo偶liwo艣ci zaistnienia najgorszego przypadku skali, dla kt贸rego no艣no艣膰 graniczna by艂aby najmniejsza.Accepting specified soil properties to a designing process plays a vital role in safety of foundations. Taking this problem into consideration the authors tried to analyse bearing capacity predictions, involving random soil properties, by the random finite element method (RFEM). The analysis has been confined itself to a strip surface footing on the weightless cohesive subsoil. The soil properties have been modeled by lognormal cohesion random field and specially selected friction angle random field of bounded distributions. The numerical computations have been carried out by the finite element method in conjunction with Monte Carlo simulations. They have resulted by the first two statistical moments of bearing capacity. Moreover this analysis have shown the importance of the correlation length values as well as its changes in horizontal and vertical direction on bearing capacity predictions. At the end the authors try to relate to the worst case of correlation length to which bearing capacity is the lowest

    Wp艂yw rz臋du wielko艣ci parametr贸w bezwymiarowych na wyniki procesu homogenizacji

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    Basign on two examples a significant impact of the order of magnitude of demensionless parameters on the homogenisation process results when using either the direct averaging or classical homogenisation approach has been presented. First, the effect ot two dimensionless parameters on the results of amplitude direct homogenisation procedure has been studied. Three examples of different values of dimensionless parameters Q and Rel have been shown for filtration of an incompressible Newtonian liquid. The present methodology proves that certain classes of physical processes can be treated in a similar way. Dissimilar descriptions of the processes appearing in, for instance optics or dynamicsresult from neglecting certain effects when changing the observation method or scale.Wp艂yw rz臋du wielko艣ci parametr贸w bezwymiarowych na wyniki procedury homogenizacji zosta艂 pokazany na dw贸ch przyk艂adach, z kt贸rych pierwszy dotyczy homogenizacji bezpo艣redniej, a drugi u偶ywa metodologii klasycznej teorii homogenizacji. W pierwszym przyk艂膮dzie zilustrowano wp艂yw rz臋du wielko艣ci dw贸ch parametr贸w bezwymiarowych na rozwi膮zanie opisuj膮ce amplitud臋 drga艅 ustalonych. W drugim przyk艂adzie, dotycz膮cym przep艂ywu nie艣ci艣liwej cieczy lepkiej przez o艣rodek porowaty, pokazano wp艂yw rz臋du wielko艣ci dw贸ch parametr贸w Q i Rel na wynikowe r贸wnanie konstytutywne. Przeprowadzona analiza dowodzi, 偶e wiele r贸偶nych proces贸w fizycznych mo偶e by膰 potraktowanych w spos贸b podobny, je偶eli poddajemy je homogenizacji

    Random analysis of bearing capacity of square footing using the LAS procedure

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    In the present paper, a three-dimensional problem of bearing capacity of square footing on random soil medium is analyzed. The random fields of strength parameters c and 蠁 are generated using LAS procedure (Local Average Subdivision, Fenton and Vanmarcke 1990). The procedure used is re-implemented by the authors in Mathematica environment in order to combine it with commercial program. Since the procedure is still tested the random filed has been assumed as one-dimensional: the strength properties of soil are random in vertical direction only. Individual realizations of bearing capacity boundary-problem with strength parameters of medium defined the above procedure are solved using FLAC3D Software. The analysis is performed for two qualitatively different cases, namely for the purely cohesive and cohesive-frictional soils. For the latter case the friction angle and cohesion have been assumed as independent random variables. For these two cases the random square footing bearing capacity results have been obtained for the range of fluctuation scales from 0.5 m to 10 m. Each time 1000 Monte Carlo realizations have been performed. The obtained results allow not only the mean and variance but also the probability density function to be estimated. An example of application of this function for reliability calculation has been presented in the final part of the paper

    Displacement analysis of laterally loaded piles embedded in a three-dimensional linearly-elastic random medium

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    W artykule przedstawiono modelowanie probabilistyczne odkszta艂ce艅 pala pod wp艂ywem si艂 poprzecznych dzia艂aj膮cych w jego g艂owicy. Pal pogr膮偶ony jest w uwarstwionym o艣rodku liniowo spr臋偶ystym o cechach losowych. Obci膮偶enie pala jest traktowane jako losowe. Elementem nowym, w stosunku do znanych z literatury prac, jest podej艣cie probabilistyczne dla modelu tr贸jwymiarowego. Podstaw臋 stanowi modelowanie tr贸jwymiarowe za pomoc膮 metody element贸w sko艅czonych. Uzyskuje si臋 serie wynik贸w odkszta艂ce艅 przy r贸偶nych warto艣ciach parametr贸w pod艂o偶a. Wyniki te s艂u偶膮 do skonstruowania powierzchni odpowiedzi, kt贸r膮 estymuje si臋 za pomoc膮 regresji nieliniowej poprzez specjalnie skonstruowany algorytm iteracyjny. Powierzchnia odpowiedzi umo偶liwia analiz臋 niezawodno艣ci, polegaj膮c膮 na znajdowaniu prawdopodobie艅stw przekroczenia przemieszcze艅 dopuszczalnych przez g艂owic臋 pala oraz odpowiadaj膮cych im wska藕nik贸w niezawodno艣ci. Stwierdzono decyduj膮cy wp艂yw losowych waha艅 obci膮偶aj膮cej si艂y poziomej oraz modu艂u spr臋偶ysto艣ci wierzchniej warstwy pod艂o偶a na warto艣ci wska藕nik贸w niezawodno艣ci.The paper presents a probabilistic modelling of displacements of a foundation pile. The pile is subjected to lateral loading implemented in the pile's head. The pile is embedded in a layered linearly-elastic random medium. The loading is considered as a random variable. The probabilistic approach to this problem as a three-dimensional one constitutes a new result in comparison with other earlier published. The base of the solution is the three-dimensional modelling by the finite element method. A series of results can be obtained under various values of elastic characteristics of the medium under consideration. Next by a non-linear regression procedure a response surface is obtained. To get the final response surface an iterative algorithm has been applied. The final response surface allows a reliability analysis. The failure criterion is an exceeding of an allowable displacements threshold by deformed pile's head. By numerical examples a vital effect of the random variability of the lateral force as well as random variability of the elastic modulus of the upper layer has been demonstrated

    The influence of random variability of soil properties on the reliability of piles subjected to lateral loading

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    W pracy przedstawiono modelowanie probabilistyczne odkszta艂ce艅 pala pod wp艂ywem losowych si艂 poprzecznych dzia艂aj膮cych w jego g艂owicy. Opracowano nowy model numeryczny, w kt贸rym mo偶liwe s膮 zmiany modu艂u spr臋偶ysto艣ci wraz z g艂臋boko艣ci膮. Przeprowadzono obliczenia probabilistyczne uwzgl臋dniaj膮ce r贸偶ne wsp贸艂czynniki zmienno艣ci parametr贸w przyj臋tych jako losowe oraz korelacj臋 pomi臋dzy nimi. Oszacowano prawdopodobie艅stwa przekroczenia przemieszcze艅 dopuszczalnych przez g艂owic臋 pala oraz odpowiadaj膮ce im wska藕niki niezawodno艣ci. Przyk艂ady pokazuj膮, 偶e o prawdopodobie艅stwie przekroczenia dopuszczalnego przemieszczenia decyduje przede wszystkim zmienno艣膰 losowa dzia艂aj膮cego obci膮偶enia, a spo艣r贸d pozosta艂ych przyj臋tych parametr贸w zmienno艣膰 modu艂u Younga.This paper presents probabilistic modeling of pile displacement under random lateral forces acting on the pile head. An original numerical model is presented incorporating a randomly varying elastic modulus with depth. The probabilistic computations take into account different values of the coefficients of variation as well as correlation coefficients of random variables. The probability of excessive displacements and corresponding reliability indices were evaluated. The computed examples show that the displacement exceeding the allowable value is determined by the force acting at the head of the pile and by the variation of the elastic modulus of the soil

    Analysis of displacements of horizontally loaded pile grouppe placed in elastic subsoil with random properties

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    W pracy przedstawiono probabilistyczn膮 analiz臋 pracy grupy pali w stanie granicznym u偶ytkowania. G艂owice pali s膮 po艂膮czone oczepem obci膮偶onym poziom膮 si艂膮. Wsp贸艂praca pali i pod艂o偶a jest modelowana przez zestaw spr臋偶yn o r贸偶nych sztywno艣ciach, kt贸rych warto艣ci s膮 okre艣lane klasyczn膮 metod膮 o nazwie Kx generator. Wykorzystuj膮c metod臋 powierzchni odpowiedzi dla zestawu przemieszcze艅 poziomych uzyskanych ze statycznego modelu zadania, wsp贸艂czynniki niezawodno艣ci i wsp贸艂czynniki czu艂o艣ci s膮 okre艣lane dla losowego modu艂u Younga spr臋偶ysto艣ci gruntu i losowej mi膮偶szo艣ci wierzchniej warstwy gruntu.A probabilistic analysis of limit serviceability state of a pile groups is presented in the paper. Pile heads are interconnected and loaded by a horizontal force. Interaction of piles and subsoil is modelled by a set of springs using classical method called Kx generator. Applying the response surface method for the displacement data calculated from the resulting static model, the reliability indices and sensitivity coefficients are computed for assumed variability of random Young's modulus and random thickness of upper soil layer