19 research outputs found

    The implementation of irrigation system in Tanzania under development AID project conditions

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    This paper presents the process and results of the implementation of the irrigation system on meadows in Tanzania. The irrigation system was im- plemented in 2010 and 2012 as an element of two development projects co-financed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland un- der the Polish Development Programme. During the first phase ( 2010) the earth water reservoir and the canal carrying water on a meadow were built and the irrigation system based on Amirite sprinklers was installed . In 2012, the concrete water tanks were built , and two hose reel irrigators were bought and put in action . The i mplementation of the irrigation system allowed for a significant increase in the production of hay. In the analyzed time period (from 2008 to 2012) the increase in yields of hay from 34.7 tons to 237.3 tons was noticed. The resulting implementation of the irrigation project increase hay production should be considered valuable, especially under the conditions of advancing climate change and its potential impact on the reduction of agricultural production in Tanzania

    The analysis of changes of water stores in clay soil on the background of weather conditions in Puczniew area

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    This paper examines the changes in stocks of water in clay soils against precipitation and changes in the groundwater table. The study was conducted during the summer period (May-September) in 2001 and 2002. According to the Kaczorowska` s criteria (1962) the year 2001 was very wet, and the 2002 – average. In 2001, ground water table was at a depth of 0 to 190 cm below ground surface level, and in 2002, from 50 cm to 150 cm below the surface. Water storages in the root zone (0-35 cm) developed in 2001 at the level of 100 to 125 mm, in 2002, from 88 mm to 122 mm

    Selected aspects of water supply for Grozny inhabitants in postconflict conditions

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    The Gulf war impacts on the natural terriestral environment

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    Użycie hydrożelu na terenach poprzemysłowych przeznaczonych do zalesienia

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    Some areas intended for afforestation are characterised by a lack of moisture and mineral nutrients. One of the approaches to improve water retention capacity of soils is the use of hydrogels (polymer soil conditioners). The presented experiment was performed with 4 different methods of hydrogel applications and control in a post-industrial area - a dumping ground of the Brown Coal Mine Bełchatów (Forest District Administration Bełchatów). The Aquaterra product (pure hydrogel) and hydrogel with nutrients (TerraVit) produced by Terra-Gubin company were used in all experiments. From 292 to 306 one-year old seedlings of Pinus sylvestris L. of an average height of 80-101 mm were planted in each plot. The influence of hydrogel application method on successful afforestation and growth of seedling was analyzed after the first vegetation year. Maximum number of survived seedlings (93.3%) was observed for hydrogel applied through roots coating, minimum (72.4%) for hydrogel with fertilizers applied under plants. Results obtained for pure hydrogel surface application (89.1%) and pure hydrogel applied under plants (85.3%) can be compared with results from control plot (89.7%). Mean heights of surviving seedlings were similar (128-130 mm) for root coating, and both methods of hydrogel application under plants, in contrast with surficial hydrogel application (117 mm) and control where they were minimal (111 mm). Mean height increments in surviving seedlings were minimum in control plot (31 mm), and similar (38-40 mm) for root coating and surface application. The best results of height increments (47 mm) were obtained when hydrogel mixed with fertiliser was applied under plants. To sum up, in view of plant survival the best method of polymer soil conditioner (hydrogel) application was root coating; this method gave also satisfactory increments of plant height.Na niektórych terenach przeznaczonych do zalesienia występuje brak wody i niedobór substancji pokarmowych. Jednym ze sposobów poprawy pojemności wodnej gleb jest wykorzystanie hydrożeli (polimerowych kondycjonerów glebowych). Prezentowane wyniki uzyskano, realizując na zalesianych powierzchniach składowiska kopalni węgla brunatnego w Bełchatowie doświadczenia z wykorzystaniem czterech metod aplikacji hydrożelu oraz doświadczenia kontrolnego. W przeprowadzonych eksperymentach wykorzystano hydrożel o handlowej nazwie Aquaterra bez domieszek oraz hydrożel z domieszką związków nawozowych (TerraVit), aplikowane do gleby o składzie granulometrycznym odpowiadającym piaskowi słabogliniastemu. Na 5 poletkach doświadczalnych wysadzono od 292 do 306 jednorocznych sadzonek Pinus sylvestris L. o średniej wysokości 80-101 mm. Wpływ aplikacji hydrożelu na skuteczność zalesienia i wzrost sadzonek poddano analizie po pierwszym roku wegetacji. Najwięcej sadzonek, które przetrwały po I roku wegetacji (93,3%), zaobserwowano na poletku, na którym hydrożel zastosowano w postaci pokrywającego korzenie roztworu wodnego, najmniej (72,4%), gdy hydrożel z dodatkiem związków nawozowych zastosowano jako posypkę. Wyniki stosowania hydrożelu bez domieszek aplikowanego powierzchniowo (89,1%) oraz jako podsypka (85,3%) są porównywalne z uzyskanymi na poletku kontrolnym (89,7%). Średnia wysokość przetrwałych sadzonek są porównywalne (128-130 mm) w przypadku stosowania nakorzeniowej aplikacji roztworu hydrożelu i obu metod podsypki (czysty hydrożel i hydrożel z posypką) w porównaniu z metodą powierzchniową (117 mm) i poletkiem kontrolnym, gdzie były najmniejsze (111 mm). Średnie przyrosty pomierzone po roku od nasadzeń były najmniejsze na poletku kontrolnym (31 mm), porównywalne (38-40 mm) z uzyskanymi, gdy korzenie pokrywano roztworem i hydrożel stosowano powierzchniowo. Największe przyrosty (47 mm) uzyskano, stosując metodę podsypki hydrożelu z nawozami. Podsumowując: ze względu na przetrwalność sadzonek (udatność nasadzeń) za najlepszą metodę stosowania hydrożelu można przyjąć pokrywanie korzeni sadzonek jego roztworem. Metoda ta daje również zadowalające przyrosty sadzonek po pierwszym roku wegetacji

    Relative precipitation indexes in the Puczniew area

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    Wskaźniki opadu atmosferycznego w rejonie Puczniewa. Susze są jednymi z groźniejszych zjawisk atmosferycznych powodujących szczególnie duże straty w plonach roślin uprawnych. W artykule dokonano oceny intensywności oraz wieloletniej zmienności suszy w okresie wegetacyjnym (IV–IX) na terenie Puczniewa, wyznaczonej na podstawie względnego wskaźnika opadu (RPI) oraz wskaźnika standaryzowanego opadu (SPI). Analizie poddano dobowe sumy opadów z okresu 1953–2002. Większą częstość występowania okresów wegetacyjnych z silną suszą wykazał wskaźnik RPI niż wskaźnik SPI.Relative precipitation indexes in the Puczniew area. Droughts are one of the more dangerous atmospheric phenomena causing especially large losses in yield crops. The article assesses the intensity and long-term variability of drought during the growing season (April–September) in Puczniew, determined on the basis of the relative precipitation index (RPI) and the standardized precipitation index (SPI). Analysed daily precipitation from the period 1953–2002. A higher frequency of vegetation periods of drought showed a strong the RPI than the SPI

    Effects of drip irrigation of summer squash cultivated on the light soil

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    In the climatic conditions of Poland the temporary lack of rainfall during the vegetation season, influenced on the water deficits in the top soil level. This situation can effect on the height and quality of yields in particular years. There is estimated that in the – so called – Large Valleys Region the water deficiency ranged 200-300 mm. Production of cucurbit’s vegetables in open field is strictly connected with thermal-rainfall conditions during the vegetation season. The optimal soil moisture is the very important factor for high and good quality yield. So, the production of the cucurbit plants should be connected with the irrigation installations. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of drip irrigation in cultivation of summer squash ‘Danka’ under light soil conditions. The trials were conducted in the years 2004 – 2006 at the experimental field in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz – on a soil of rye weak complex. The plot area for harvest was 9,1 m2. The irrigation rates were done on the base of soil water potential according to tensiometer indications. The irrigation was started when the soil water tension was – 0,04 MPa. The fruits of the summer squash were harvested in the technological maturity in the second decade of September in each year of the study. The single weight and number of the fruits as well as marketable yield from the unit area were estimated. In the pulp the dry matter, vitamin C, sugars and carotenoids content were determineted. It was found that drip irrigation significantly increased the marketable yield of fruits. The higher yield increases were detected in the years with lower rainfalls. The significant influence of drip irrigation on the content of vitamin C and sugars was stated. The dry matter and carotenoids content were higher in the fruits from the irrigated plots, but the difference was insignificant

    Comparison of yields of the three Romaine lettuce cultivars in spring and autumn cultivation on the very light soil under fertigation of nitrogen by drip system

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    W ścisłych doświadczeniach polowych, przeprowadzonych w roku 2011 na glebie bardzo lekkiej w Kruszynie Krajeńskim koło Bydgoszczy, porównywano reakcję trzech odmian sałaty rzymskiej w uprawie wiosennej i jesiennej na fertygację kroplową azotem. Doświadczenia założono jako dwuczynnikowe w czterech powtórzeniach. Badanymi czynnikami były: dawka azotu podawana w formie płynnej (25 kg N·ha-1, 50 kg N·ha- 1), odmiana uprawna (‘Barracuda’, ‘Chiquina’, ‘Romora’). Fertygację przeprowadzono przy użyciu proporcjonalnego dozownika do nawozów. Wyższy plon handlowy badanych odmian sałaty rzymskiej stwierdzono w uprawie wiosennej. Zwiększenie dawki nawożenia azotowego z 25 kg N·ha-1 do 50 kg N·ha-1 istotnie zwiększyło plon handlowy sałaty. Spośród badanych odmian ‘Romora’ wydała wyższy plon w uprawie wiosennej, natomiast w uprawie jesiennej najwyżej plonowała odmiana ‘Barracuda’. Najniżej plonowała odmiana ‘Chiquina’. W uprawie wiosennej uzyskano większą masę główki sałaty. Wyższa dawka azotu wpłynęła na istotne zwiększenie masy główki. Największą masę pojedynczej główki sałaty zanotowano u odmiany ‘Barracuda’. Wyższa dawka azotu spowodowała – przeciętnie dla trzech badanych odmian – zmniejszenie zawartości suchej masy w liściach sałaty w uprawie wiosennej, zaś w jesiennej – zwiększenie. Liście sałaty w uprawie wiosennej cechowały się wyższym poziomem azotanów od uprawianej jesienią. Wyższa dawka azotu wpływała na wzrost poziomu azotanów w liściach sałaty. Odmiana ‘Romora’ wykazała najmniejszą skłonność do kumulacji azotanów w liściach.Field experiments were conducted in 2011 on the very light soil in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz. Responses of the three romaine lettuce cultivars grown in spring and autumn to nitrogen fertigation by drip system were compared. Experiments were established as two-factorial trials, four times replicated. The experimental factors were: nitrogen dose of fertigation (25 kg N·ha-1, 50 kg N·ha-1), cultivars (‘Barracuda’, ‘Chiquina’, ‘Romora’). Fertigation was conducted with the usage of proportional mixing dispenser. Higher marketable yield of romaine lettuce cultivars was noted in spring cultivation. Increased nitrogen dose (from 25 kg N·ha-1 to 50 kg N·ha-1) significantly increased marketable yield of lettuce. From among the tested cultivars, ‘Romora’ was characterized by the higher yield in spring cultivation whereas ‘Barracuda’ – in autumn. ‘Chiquina’ was characterized by the lowest yield. The higher weight of a single lettuce head was noted in spring cultivation. The higher nitrogen dose significantly increased the single lettuce head. The highest single lettuce head was noted in case of ‘Barracuda’. On average for cultivars tested, the higher nitrogen dose caused the decrease of dry matter content in leaves of lettuce grown in spring time, and in case of autumn cultivation this tendency was opposite – the higher nitrogen dose increased the DM content. Lettuce leaves in spring cultivation were characterized by the higher nitrate content as compared to those from the autumn cultivation. The higher nitrogen dose increased the nitrate content in leaves of lettuce. ‘Romora’ was characterized by the lowest tendency to accumulation of nitrates in leaves

    The efficiency of drip fertigation in cultivation of winter squash „Gomez” on the very light soil

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    The study of drip fertigation of winter squash ‘Gomez’ was conducted on the very light soil on the experimental field in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz in the years 2007 and 2008. The research was established as one-factorial, using the method of drawn blocks, in four replications. Drip fertigation (DF) as the liquid fertilization supplied nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus to the plants three times during growing season. As the control (DP), the drip irrigation combined with broadcast application was used. The potassium and phosphorus fertilization of control plots was applied before seed sawing. The nitrogen fertilization of control plots was provided in three single doses during vegetation. The liquid and powder fertilizations were performed at the same time. The complex fertilizer ‚Universol Blue’ (N:P:K = 18:11:18) was used. The dose of fertilizer was 3:2:3 (187.5:125:187.5 kg of NPK per ha). The irrigation was conducted using the drip line ‚T-Tape’. The liquid fertilizer was mixed by the ‚Dosatron’ dispenser. The irrigation started when the soil water pressure, measured with the tensiometers, was near - 0.04 MPa. In comparison to the control (powder fertilization), the drip fertigation (liquid fertilization) significantly increased marketable fruit yield, single fruit weight and fruit number. Most of the tested chemical components of ‘Gomez’ fruits (vitamin C, total sugar, monosaccharides, saccharose, total carotenoids and ß-carotin) were not significantly influenced by drip fertigation. However, the level of dry weight of winter squash ‘Gomez’ fruits was reduced by drip fertigation

    Use of composted sludge and forest ectohumus to enrich soil in two - and three-year cultivation of scots pine in a forest nursery

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    This study examined the effect of fertilisation with compost prepared from hygienised sludge with an addition of pine-tree bark and mulching with fresh forest ectohumus on selected growth parameters for two - and three-year-old Scots pine trees and on the incidence of mites (Acari) in the soil. The experiment was carried out in 2009-2010 in the Białe Błota forest nursery (Bydgoszcz Forest District) on proper rusty soil. The entire area of the experiment was irrigated with a stationary sprinkler. Organic fertilisation with compost prepared from hygienised sludge with an addition of pine-tree bark resulted in a significant increase in the plant height and the diameter of the root neck in two-year-old pine trees. The effect of mulching on these parameters was not significant. The synergistic effect of the factors on the plant height and the diameter of the root neck was not significant. Organic fertilisation significantly increased the height of 3-year-old pine trees, whereas it did not have a significant effect on the root neck diameter. Mulching increased the plant height significantly, but no statistical effect on the diameter of the root neck was demonstrated. Although no significant interaction of either experimental factors in their effect on the plant height and the diameter in the root neck was observed, the parameters tended to increase in the experimental option, which included organic fertilisation and mulching. Mulching had a significant effect on the presence of soil mites, especially oribatid mites (Oribatida). Their density increased greatly after the procedure. This growth, as well as an increase in the ratio of Oribatida to Actinedida could be a sign of improvement of the biological balance of the soils under study and their biological activity