61 research outputs found

    Variants in the 3'UTR of the ovine Acetyl-Coenzyme A Acyltransferase 2 gene are associated with dairy traits and exhibit differential allelic expression

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    The acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2 (ACAA2) gene encodes an enzyme of the thiolase family that is involved in mitochondrial fatty acid elongation and degradation by catalyzing the last step of the respective β-oxidation pathway. The increased energy needs for gluconeogenesis and triglyceride synthesis during lactation are met primarily by increased fatty acid oxidation. Therefore, the ACAA2 enzyme plays an important role in the supply of energy and carbon substrates for lactation and may thus affect milk production traits. This study investigated the association of the ACAA2 gene with important sheep traits and the putative functional involvement of this gene in dairy traits. A single nucleotide substitution, a T to C transition located in the 3′ untranslated region of the ACAA2 gene, was used in mixed model association analysis with milk yield, milk protein yield and percentage, milk fat yield and percentage, and litter size at birth. The single nucleotide polymorphism was significantly associated with total lactation production and milk protein percentage, with respective additive effects of 6.81 ± 2.95 kg and −0.05 ± 0.02%. Additionally, a significant dominance effect of 0.46 ± 0.21 kg was detected for milk fat yield. Homozygous TT and heterozygous CT animals exhibited higher milk yield compared with homozygous CC animals, whereas the latter exhibited increased milk protein percentage. Expression analysis from age-, lactation-, and parity-matched female sheep showed that mRNA expression of the ACAA2 gene from TT animals was 2.8- and 11.8-fold higher in liver and mammary gland, respectively. In addition, by developing an allelic expression imbalance assay, it was estimated that the T allele was expressed at an average of 18% more compared with the C allele in the udder of randomly selected ewes. We demonstrated for the first time that the variants in the 3′ untranslated region of the ovine ACAA2 gene are differentially expressed in homozygous ewes of each allele and exhibit allelic expression imbalance within heterozygotes in a tissue-specific manner, supporting the existence of cis-regulatory DNA variation in the ovine ACAA2 gene. This is the first study reporting differential allelic imbalance expression of a candidate gene associated with milk production traits in dairy sheep

    Genetic basis of Campylobacter colonisation in the broiler chicken and its impact on intestinal health following natural field exposure

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    Campylobacter is the leading bacterial cause of foodborne diarrheal illness in humans and source attribution studies unequivocally identify handling or consumption of poultry meat as a key risk factor. Campylobacter colonizes the avian intestines in high numbers and rapidly spreads within flocks. A need therefore exists to devise strategies to reduce Campylobacter populations in poultry flocks. There has been a great deal of research aiming to understand the epidemiology and transmission characteristics of Campylobacter in poultry as a means to reduce carriage rates in poultry and reduce infection in humans. One potential strategy for control is the genetic selection of poultry for increased resistance to colonization by Campylobacter. The potential for genetic control of colonization has been demonstrated in inbred populations following experimental challenge with Campylobacter where quantitative trait loci associated with resistance have been identified. Currently in the literature there is no information of the genetic basis of Campylobacter colonization in commercial broiler lines and it is unknown whether these QTL are found in commercial broiler lines. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters associated with Campylobacter load and genetic correlations with gut health and production traits following natural exposure of broiler chickens to Campylobacter. The results from the analysis show a low but significant heritability estimate (0.095 ± 0.037) for Campylobacter load which indicates a limited genetic basis and that non-genetic factors have a greater influence on the level of Campylobacter found in the broiler chicken. Furthermore, through examination of macroscopic intestinal health and absorptive capacity, our study indicated that Campylobacter has no detrimental effects on intestinal health and bird growth following natural exposure in the broiler line under study. These data indicate that whilst there is a genetic component to Campylobacter colonization worthy of further investigation, there is a large proportion of phenotypic variance under the influence of non-genetic effects. As such the control of Campylobacter will require understanding and manipulation of non-genetic host and environmental factors

    Genomic markers associated with antibody response to Newcastle disease virus of Sasso chickens raised in Ethiopia

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    Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is one of the highly contagious avian pathogens that threatens poultry producers in endemic zones due to its epidemic potential. Selection for antibody (Ab) response can effectively improve disease resistance in chickens. However, the molecular basis of the variation in Ab response to NDV is unclear. This study aimed to detect genomic markers and genes modulating Ab response to NDV in chickens reared under tropical, outdoor conditions. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted on Sasso T451A chickens that were naturally exposed to infectious diseases from 56 to 112 days of age to identify regions associated with Ab response to NDV. Phenotypic immune data from 935 chickens, monitored in two batches, and genotyping data of these chickens based low-pass sequencing (2,676,181 single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) were used. BioMart data mining and variant effect predictor tools were used to annotate SNPs and candidate genes, respectively. A total of five SNPs (rs316795557 (FOXP2), chr 1; rs313761644 (CEP170B), chr 5; rs733628728, chr 13; and two unnamed SNPs, chr 30 and chr 33) were associated with the chicken antibody response to NDV at the suggestive significance level. These SNPs are located on chromosomes 1, 5, and 13 and are in genomic regions that contain several genes with roles in the regulation of the immune response. The results of this study pave the path for more investigation into the host immune response of chickens to NDV.</p

    Novel Quantitative Real-Time LCR for the Sensitive Detection of SNP Frequencies in Pooled DNA: Method Development, Evaluation and Application

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    BACKGROUND: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) have proven to be powerful genetic markers for genetic applications in medicine, life science and agriculture. A variety of methods exist for SNP detection but few can quantify SNP frequencies when the mutated DNA molecules correspond to a small fraction of the wild-type DNA. Furthermore, there is no generally accepted gold standard for SNP quantification, and, in general, currently applied methods give inconsistent results in selected cohorts. In the present study we sought to develop a novel method for accurate detection and quantification of SNP in DNA pooled samples. METHODS: The development and evaluation of a novel Ligase Chain Reaction (LCR) protocol that uses a DNA-specific fluorescent dye to allow quantitative real-time analysis is described. Different reaction components and thermocycling parameters affecting the efficiency and specificity of LCR were examined. Several protocols, including gap-LCR modifications, were evaluated using plasmid standard and genomic DNA pools. A protocol of choice was identified and applied for the quantification of a polymorphism at codon 136 of the ovine PRNP gene that is associated with susceptibility to a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in sheep. CONCLUSIONS: The real-time LCR protocol developed in the present study showed high sensitivity, accuracy, reproducibility and a wide dynamic range of SNP quantification in different DNA pools. The limits of detection and quantification of SNP frequencies were 0.085% and 0.35%, respectively. SIGNIFICANCE: The proposed real-time LCR protocol is applicable when sensitive detection and accurate quantification of low copy number mutations in DNA pools is needed. Examples include oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, infectious diseases, pathogenic bacteria, fungal species, viral mutants, drug resistance resulting from point mutations, and genetically modified organisms in food

    Comparison of eleven methods for genomic DNA extraction suitable for large-scale whole-genome genotyping and long-term DNA banking using blood samples

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    Over the recent years, next generation sequencing and microarray technologies have revolutionized scientific research with their applications to high-throughput analysis of biological systems. Isolation of high quantities of pure, intact, double stranded, highly concentrated, not contaminated genomic DNA is prerequisite for successful and reliable large scale genotyping analysis. High quantities of pure DNA are also required for the creation of DNA-banks. In the present study, eleven different DNA extraction procedures, including phenol-chloroform, silica and magnetic beads based extractions, were examined to ascertain their relative effectiveness for extracting DNA from ovine blood samples. The quality and quantity of the differentially extracted DNA was subsequently assessed by spectrophotometric measurements, Qubit measurements, real-time PCR amplifications and gel electrophoresis. Processing time, intensity of labor and cost for each method were also evaluated. Results revealed significant differences among the eleven procedures and only four of the methods yielded satisfactory outputs. These four methods, comprising three modified silica based commercial kits (Modified Blood, Modified Tissue, Modified Dx kits) and an in-house developed magnetic beads based protocol, were most appropriate for extracting high quality and quantity DNA suitable for large-scale microarray genotyping and also for long-term DNA storage as demonstrated by their successful application to 600 individuals

    Analysis of the progeny of sibling matings reveals regulatory variation impacting the transcriptome of immune cells in commercial chickens

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    There is increasing recognition that the underlying genetic variation contributing to complex traits influences transcriptional regulation and can be detected at a population level as expression quantitative trait loci. At the level of an individual, allelic variation in transcriptional regulation of individual genes can be detected by measuring allele-specific expression in RNAseq data. We reasoned that extreme variants in gene expression could be identified by analysis of inbred progeny with shared grandparents. Commercial chickens have been intensively selected for production traits. Selection is associated with large blocks of linkage disequilibrium with considerable potential for co-selection of closely linked “hitch-hiker alleles” affecting traits unrelated to the feature being selected, such as immune function, with potential impact on the productivity and welfare of the animals. To test this hypothesis that there is extreme allelic variation in immune-associated genes we sequenced a founder population of commercial broiler and layer birds. These birds clearly segregated genetically based upon breed type. Each genome contained numerous candidate null mutations, protein-coding variants predicted to be deleterious and extensive non-coding polymorphism. We mated selected broiler-layer pairs then generated cohorts of F2 birds by sibling mating of the F1 generation. Despite the predicted prevalence of deleterious coding variation in the genomic sequence of the founders, clear detrimental impacts of inbreeding on survival and post-hatch development were detected in only one F2 sibship of 15. There was no effect on circulating leukocyte populations in hatchlings. In selected F2 sibships we performed RNAseq analysis of the spleen and isolated bone marrow-derived macrophages (with and without lipopolysaccharide stimulation). The results confirm the predicted emergence of very large differences in expression of individual genes and sets of genes. Network analysis of the results identified clusters of co-expressed genes that vary between individuals and suggested the existence of trans-acting variation in the expression in macrophages of the interferon response factor family that distinguishes the parental broiler and layer birds and influences the global response to lipopolysaccharide. This study shows that the impact of inbreeding on immune cell gene expression can be substantial at the transcriptional level, and potentially opens a route to accelerate selection using specific alleles known to be associated with desirable expression levels

    Phenotypic characterisation of African chickens raised in semi-scavenging conditions

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    In sub-Saharan Africa, most poultry production is traditional with birds being raised by smallholders in free-range semi-scavenging conditions. The aim of our project is to extensively characterise phenotypes of chickens raised in typical African farming conditions, by measuring production, immunity and survival characteristics. In total, 2,573 chickens were raised in five batches in the poultry facility at ILRI in Ethiopia. These chickens were phenotypically characterised and sampled across an eight-week period. Traits measured included weekly body weight, growth rate, breast muscle weight in carcass, mortality/survival, and immunological titres. The population of chickens had extensive variance at these phenotypes. For body weight, 65% of the total phenotypic variance was attributed to the individual birds providing an excellent source of variation for identifying potential selection markers. This data will subsequently be used along with whole genome sequencing data of these birds to identify selection targets to underpin future breeding programs

    Integrating genetic and genomic analyses of combined health data across ecotypes to improve disease resistance in indigenous African chickens

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    Poultry play an important role in the agriculture of many African countries. The majority of chickens in sub-Saharan Africa are indigenous, raised in villages under semi-scavenging conditions. Vaccinations and biosecurity measures rarely apply, and infectious diseases remain a major cause of mortality and reduced productivity. Genomic selection for disease resistance offers a potentially sustainable solution but this requires sufficient numbers of individual birds with genomic and phenotypic data, which is often a challenge to collect in the small populations of indigenous chicken ecotypes. The use of information across-ecotypes presents an attractive possibility to increase the relevant numbers and the accuracy of genomic selection. In this study, we performed a joint analysis of two distinct Ethiopian indigenous chicken ecotypes to investigate the genomic architecture of important health and productivity traits and explore the feasibility of conducting genomic selection across-ecotype. Phenotypic traits considered were antibody response to Infectious Bursal Disease (IBDV), Marek’s Disease (MDV), Fowl Cholera (PM) and Fowl Typhoid (SG), resistance to Eimeria and cestode parasitism, and productivity [body weight and body condition score (BCS)]. Combined data from the two chicken ecotypes, Horro (n = 384) and Jarso (n = 376), were jointly analyzed for genetic parameter estimation, genome-wide association studies (GWAS), genomic breeding value (GEBVs) calculation, genomic predictions, whole-genome sequencing (WGS), and pathways analyses. Estimates of across-ecotype heritability were significant and moderate in magnitude (0.22–0.47) for all traits except for SG and BCS. GWAS identified several significant genomic associations with health and productivity traits. The WGS analysis revealed putative candidate genes and mutations for IBDV (TOLLIP, ANGPTL5, BCL9, THEMIS2), MDV (GRM7), SG (MAP3K21), Eimeria (TOM1L1) and cestodes (TNFAIP1, ATG9A, NOS2) parasitism, which warrant further investigation. Reliability of GEBVs increased compared to within-ecotype calculations but accuracy of genomic prediction did not, probably because the genetic distance between the two ecotypes offset the benefit from increased sample size. However, for some traits genomic prediction was only feasible in across-ecotype analysis. Our results generally underpin the potential of genomic selection to enhance health and productivity across-ecotypes. Future studies should establish the required minimum sample size and genetic similarity between ecotypes to ensure accurate joint genomic selection

    Quantitative trait loci and transcriptome signatures associated with avian heritable resistance to Campylobacter.

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    Funder: BiotechnologyCampylobacter is the leading cause of bacterial foodborne gastroenteritis worldwide. Handling or consumption of contaminated poultry meat is a key risk factor for human campylobacteriosis. One potential control strategy is to select poultry with increased resistance to Campylobacter. We associated high-density genome-wide genotypes (600K single nucleotide polymorphisms) of 3000 commercial broilers with Campylobacter load in their caeca. Trait heritability was modest but significant (h2 = 0.11 ± 0.03). Results confirmed quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosomes 14 and 16 previously identified in inbred chicken lines, and detected two additional QTLs on chromosomes 19 and 26. RNA-Seq analysis of broilers at the extremes of colonisation phenotype identified differentially transcribed genes within the QTL on chromosome 16 and proximal to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus. We identified strong cis-QTLs located within MHC suggesting the presence of cis-acting variation in MHC class I and II and BG genes. Pathway and network analyses implicated cooperative functional pathways and networks in colonisation, including those related to antigen presentation, innate and adaptive immune responses, calcium, and renin-angiotensin signalling. While co-selection for enhanced resistance and other breeding goals is feasible, the frequency of resistance-associated alleles was high in the population studied and non-genetic factors significantly influenced Campylobacter colonisation