54 research outputs found

    Technological properties of grain and flour in bread wheat (<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.) genotypes carrying two loci that determine the endosperm structure

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    Background. The end-use of the bread wheat grain depends on the endosperm properties determined by the alleles of the Pina and Pinb genes at the Ha locus on chromosome 5D. The mealy (soft) endosperm is generated by the biosynthesis of puroindolines – complete proteins encoded by these genes. When milled, such grain breaks down into small starch granules covered with proteins. Mutations that disrupt the synthesis or structure of puroindolines determine the hardness and vitreousness of the grain. Earlier, we discovered a new locus for grain softness, Ha-Sp, introgressed from the diploid species Aegilops speltoides Tausch, which also determines the formation of the soft endosperm structure. By combining two active loci in one genotype, we produced a supersoft grain line (SSL). The aim of the present work was to verify the interaction of the two loci Ha and Ha-Sp in other wheat genotypes and evaluate the technological properties of grain and flour in comparison with the existing SSL line.Materials and methods. The F3–F8 hybrids from crosses of the soft-grain spring cultivars ‘Golubka’ and ‘Lutescens 62’, carriers of the Ha locus, with the introgressive line 84/98w, carrier of the Ha-Sp locus, were used in the work. Grain from three field seasons was studied according to milling parameters and physical properties of flour and dough.Results. At the early stages of selection (F3:4), the families with milling parameters typical of bread wheat were identified, as well as supersoft-grain families with a small flour particle size (9–10 μm) and low endosperm vitreousness (29–49%). Targeted selection made it possible to obtain lines similar to the SSL line in terms of milling performance and flour strength.Conclusion. For the first time, a set of supersoft-grain lines with special properties of grain and flour was obtained on the genetic basis of three spring cultivars. They may be in demand for a wide range of end-uses, including both food and nonfood production purposes

    Phenotypic diversity of bread wheat lines with introgressions from the diploid cereal Aegilops speltoides for technological properties of grain and f lour

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    The creation of varieties adapted to changing environmental conditions, resistant to various pathogens, and satisfying various grain purposes is impossible without using the genetic diversity of wheat. One of the ways to expand the genetic diversity of wheat is to introduce new variants of genes from the genetic pool of congeners and wild relatives into the genotypes of existing varieties. In this study, we used 10 lines from the Arsenal collection created on the genetic basis of the spring variety ‘Rodina’ and the diploid species Aegilops speltoides in the Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka” in 1994. The lines were previously characterized for the presence of translocations and chromosomal rearrangements cytologically and using molecular markers. Technological analyses were performed on grain obtained in Western Siberia and Moscow region. The aim of this study was to establish the possibilities of expanding the phenotypic diversity for technological properties of grain and flour as a result of such hybridization of bread wheat and the diploid cereal Aegilops speltoides. The variety ‘Rodina’ forms a vitreous grain with a high gluten content in Siberia, but has low physical properties of flour and dough. Five derived lines were found to have significantly higher protein and gluten content in grain. The highest values under both growing conditions were found in lines 73/00i, 82/00i, and 84/00i. Two lines (69/00i and 76/00i) showed a high flour strength and dough elasticity, characterizing the lines as strong and valuable in quality. These lines can be used for baking bread. Line 82/00i inherited from Ae. speltoides a soft-grain endosperm, which indicates the introgression of the Ha-Sp gene, homoeoallelic to the Ha gene of bread wheat, into ‘Rodina’. Flour of this line is suitable for the manufacture of confectionery without the use of technological additives. The lines generally retained their characteristics in different growing conditions. They can be attracted as donors of new alleles of genes that determine the technological properties of grain and resistance to biotic stresses

    Interaction of genes determining the spike shape of wheat and located in 5AL chromosome

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    Spike parameters of hexaploid wheats from the genus Triticum L. are determined by the major genes and play an important role in systematics. Having a strong pleiotropic effect they are also have a practical importance. In this work, the interaction of the dominant genes QS and Q with the dominant gene C17648 determining a spike shape was investigated. The gene Q is situated in 5AL chromosome and determines the formation of elongated lax spike in the species T. spelta L. The homoeoallelic gene QS introgressed into bread wheat from Aegilops speltoides Tausch. and causing the formation of speltoid spike also situated in 5AL chromosome of the line 84/98w. The gene C17648 is analogous in the phenotypic manifestation to the gene C determining the formation of a dense short spike on a short culm like in T. compactum Host. It was mapped to 5AL chromosome in bread wheat line ANBW-5A and the donor of the gene was a mutant of durum wheat. In the present work, spike length, spikelet number, index of spike density and stem length were studied in F1 , F2 and F3 of three different hybrid populations. For the first time it was showed that the gene C17648 is epistatic to the dominant genes QS and Q. It was manifested in the formation of compact spike in F1 hybrids and in numerical prevalence of plants with a compact spike in F2 . At the same time, the gene C17648 showed a smaller effect on stem length and did not affected spikelet number. Using the genetic analysis it was found that the genes QS and Q are independently inherited from the gene C17648 but a substantial linkage was observed between QS or Q and b1 gene

    Подготовка кадров на кафедре биотехнологии и бионанотехнологии МИТХТ им. М.В. Ломоносова

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    Stages of formation of the modern system of training of highly-skilled biotechnological personnel - specialists, bachelors, masters, graduate and doctoral students - at the department of Biotechnology and bionanotechnology of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology are reviewed. The scientific and methodological framework and methodology for biotechnology training were used in the development of the third generation of new State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education in the direction 240700 Biotechnology (levels of training: bachelor and master).Рассмотрены этапы становления современной системы подготовки биотехнологических кадров - специалистов, бакалавров, магистров, аспирантов, докторантов - на кафедре Биотехнологии и бионанотехнологии МИТХТ им. М.В. Ломоносова. Разработанная научно-методическая база и методология подготовки биотехнологических кадров была использована при разработке новых ФГОС ВПО третьего поколения по направлению 240700 «Биотехнология» (уровни подготовки - бакалавр и магистр)

    Chronic diseases of adults programmed in childhood

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    The conditions of human development during the stages of early ontogenesis are of great importance for human health throughout the rest of his life. The period of intrauterine development and childhood are vulnerable stages of organism formation, when metabolic processes have the greatest plasticity and can be subject to deformation. Exposure to a number of external factors during this period of time can have a significant impact on the functional activity of genes controlling neurotransmission, immune response, endocrine functions and, thus, program the spectrum of metabolic disorders that can lead later to the formation of chronic diseases: obesity, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and diseases of cardiovascular system. Negative programming influence on the metabolic profile and cardiovascular risk is caused by such factors as maternal obesity, complicated pregnancy and childbirth, prematurity, early separation from the mother, violation of child feeding in the 1st year of life. The risk of early development of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes mellitus is significantly increased in individuals who have experienced traumatic stressors during childhood associated with economic disadvantage of the family, parental divorce, neglect, abuse, parental neglect, sexual violence, death of parents, family members, close friends, bullying in the children's community. An in-depth study of this problem, along with the development and organization of measures for monitoring and prevention, in the long term can reduce the burden of chronic non-infectious diseases, improve quality of life, reduce disability, incapacitation and mortality in the adult population.

    Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency – an underestimated cause of hypercholesterolemia in children

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    Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (LAL-D) is a rare, progressive, autosomal recessive disease, which develops due to impaired degradation and subsequent intra-lysosomal accumulation of triglycerides and cholesterol esters causing dyslipidemia. The clinical manifestations of the disease presumably depend on the residual activity of the enzyme, lysosomal acid lipase. A profound deficiency of the enzyme known as Wolman’s disease has an onset in the first 6 months of life. The disease reveals itself by dyspeptic disorders in the form of vomiting and diarrhea, lack of weight gain, hepatosplenomegaly, and adrenal calcification. If the Wolman’s disease is not treated, children die within the first 6 months as a result of exhaustion caused by malabsorption syndrome combined with progressive deterioration of liver and adrenal glands. Partial deficiency of lysosomal acid lipase manifests itself at a later age and is called cholesterol ester storage disease. Its clinical presentations include hepatosplenomegaly, elevated transaminases, hypercholesterolemia, and, in some cases, hypertriglyceridemia. Liver failure is the main cause of death in the natural course of cholesterol ester storage disease. Delayed diagnosis of the disease leads to its progression causing irreversible liver damage. The implementation of mass screening programs with the determination of cholesterol levels in childhood is critical to identifying asymptomatic patients.The article presents a clinical case of a patient aged 3 years. The molecular genetic testing showed a mutation in exon 8 of the LIPA gene: NM_000235.3:c.894G&gt;A synonymous variant in the homozygous state. It was also found that both parents of the girl had this type of mutation in the heterozygous state. The patient was prescribed sebelipase alfa in a dose of 1 mg/kg once every 14 days. The treatment was well tolerated. Due to the early verification of the diagnosis and timely pathogenetic therapy, the prognosis of the course of LAL-D, the duration and quality of life of the child were considered to be favourable.Raising the awareness of doctors along with the introduction of effective screening programs for the timely detection of dyslipidemia in children contributes to timely diagnosis and early initiation of pathogenetic therapy, which can increase the life expectancy of patients with lysosomal acid lipase deficiency and improve their quality of life

    The development of a new bread wheat genotype carrying two loci for endosperm softness

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    The technological purpose of grain and flour wheat is largely determined by the grains endosperm structure. Its variability among wheat varieties depends mainly on the multiple allelism for a single Ha locus on chromosome 5D leading to a continuous variation of the trait. The grain endosperm can vary from hard and vitreous suitable for yeast baking to soft and floury favorable for confectionery and technical purposes. Furthermore, these traits, especially vitreousness, are strongly influenced by the growth conditions. Earlier, the Ha-Sp locus was introgessed into chromosome 5A of the bread wheat line 84/98w from Aegilops speltoides Tausch., which reduces endosperm hardness and vitreousness, like the dominant allele of the Ha locus. This paper is the first to describe the obtaining and testing of the supersoft lines combining in their genotype the homoeoallelic loci Ha-Sp of the line 84/98w and Ha of the soft grain cultivar Chinese Spring. The lines were isolated from 6–8 generations of self-pollinated F2 hybrids. They consistently exhibit a greater grain softness than the parental forms under both greenhouse and field conditions. These lines can be used in the breeding of wheat cultivars, the flour of which will not require chemical baking powder in the confectionery industry. It is also possible to use them for technical purposes for the production of bioethanol. In addition, these lines may serve as a genetic model for the study of the functional activity of homoeoallelic genes in the complex polyploid genomes of plants

    Effects of limited introgressions from Triticum timopheevii Tausch. into the genome of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on physiological and biochemical traits under normal watering and drought

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    Alien hybridization in cereals is used for comparative investigations of genome structure and evolution as well as for extracting useful genes from the wild gene pool. The tetraploid species Triticum timopheevii has long been used as a source of genes for resistance to fungal diseases. Line 821 was developed on the genetic background of cultivar Saratovskaya 29 (S29), which is drought-resistant but is very susceptible to diseases and carries big introgressions in 2A and 2B chromosomes and a small introgression in the subtelomeric region of 5A chromosome. The two genotypes were compared for the parameters associated with direct and indirect reaction of the photosynthetic apparatus to water stress. In flag leaves of 821 line, an increased transpiration rate and stomatal conductance (1.6 times the value in optimal watering and 1.2 times the value under water deficit) and, correspondingly, reduced water use efficiency were found compared to the initial cultivar. Additionally, the actual effectiveness and electron transport rate of photosystem II and chlorophyll and carotenoid content were reduced as well as the total antioxidant capacity (approximately three-fold) under water stress. Under the same conditions, lipoxygenase activity was increased two-fold. On the whole, water deficit tolerance was decreased in the line in comparison with the parental cultivar and was accompanied by leaf senescence. Thus, it may be supposed that 2A, 2B and 5A chromosomes of the drought-tolerant cultivar S29 carry important genetic factors responsible for reaction to water stress in wheat plants

    Physiological responses to water deficiency in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines with genetically different leaf pubescence

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    Studying the relationship between leaf pubescence and drought resistance is important for assessing Triticum aestivum L. genetic resources. The aim of the work was to assess resistance of common wheat genotypes with different composition and allelic state of genes that determine the leaf pubescence phenotype. We compared the drought resistance wheat variety Saratovskaya 29 (S29) with densely pubescent leaves, carrying the dominant alleles of the Hl1 and Hl3 genes, and two near isogenic lines, i: S29 hl1, hl3 and i: S29 Hl2aesp, with the introgression of the additional pubescence gene from diploid species Aegilops speltoides. Under controlled conditions of the climatic chamber, the photosynthetic pigments content, the activity of ascorbate-glutathione cycle enzymes and also the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence used to assess the physiological state of the plants photosynthetic apparatus were studied in the leaves of S29 and the lines. Tolerance was evaluated using the comprehensive index D, calculated on the basis of the studied physiological characteristics. The recessive state of pubescence genes, as well as the introduction of the additional Hl2aesp gene, led to a 6-fold decrease in D. Under the water deficit influence, the fluorescence parameters profile changed in the lines, and the viability index decreased compared with S29. Under drought, the activity of ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and dehydroascorbate reductase in the line i: S29 hl1, hl3 decreased 1.9, 3.3 and 2.3 times, in the line i: S29 Hl2aesp it decreased 1.8, 3.6 and 1.8 times respectively, compared with S29. In a hydroponic greenhouse, line productivity was studied. Compared with S29, the thousand grains mass in the line i: S29 hl1, hl3 under water deficit was reduced. The productivity of the line i: S29 Hl2aesp was significantly reduced regardless of water supply conditions in comparison with S29. Presumably, the revealed effects are associated with violations of cross-regulatory interactions between the proteins of the trichome formation network and transcription factors that regulate plant growth and stress response

    Literature review and clinical observation of acquired idiopathic hemophilia with a new missense mutation in the factor VIII gene (His2026Arg)

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    The article provides review of possible mechanisms of inhibitor coagulopathies, in particular of acquired hemophilia A. This pathology is an extremely rare disease occurring in 1-2 cases in 1 million per year. In the present study we provide data for two clinical cases of hemophilia A in women. These cases had different development mechanisms, although both women have a newly discovered missense mutation His2026Arg in the VIII factor gene. The matter of main interest is the description of the disease development in the patient with an acquired idiopathic hemophilia A with a possible disease occurrence due to an asymmetric X-chromosome inactivation (lyonization). In this particular case lyonization led to the late manifestation of the hemophilia A carrier’s state and development of severe form of the inhibitor-associated acquired hemophilia A. We also discuss therapeutic approaches to these forms of the disease, considering there are no concise protocols for case management due to an extreme rarity of the pathology. Acquainting the clinical personnel working it the different areas of medicine with suchlike inhibitor coagulopathies has a major practical importance