204 research outputs found

    Approaching a problem of the long-run real equilibrium exchange rate of Polish zloty while entering the ERM-2 and Euro zone

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    Taking into account a large number of types of nominal and real exchange rates, while estimating the real equilibrium exchange rate, one should always remember that there is no a single, universal equilibrium exchange rate. A point value or a path of that exchange rate depends on the adopted definitions and assumptions as well as on the method and purpose of the analysis. However, a value added of each estimation of the equilibrium exchange rate is an answer, whether the economic policy causes upset or stabilisation of the economy. Moreover, in the period of discussion on the exchange rate of accession to ERM-2, showing an interval of the exchange rate where all values of the exchange rate ensure at least suboptimal behaviour of the economy may help to make a decision on the date of accession to ERM-2 that will minimise costs of retention of the exchange rate within a definite currency band. For Poland, estimated by the NATREX method the long-run real equilibrium exchange rate ensures the internal equilibrium with annual growth rates of GDP amounting to 4.1%, comprised of growth of consumption by 4% p.a., investment by 8.7%, volume of exports by 8.5% and volume of imports by 8.1% p.a. Estimating on the ground of real exchange rates an approximate value of nominal exchange rates, one can state that the long-term equilibrium in the economy is ensured with the exchange rate of 3.80-3.90 zlotys for 1 euro. The current exchange rate will probably approach the equilibrium exchange rate at the turn of 2010 and 2011, and it will remain near that level over 5-6 quarters. This means that in that period cost of retention of the PLN exchange rate within a narrow band of fluctuations is relatively the least. The next period where the current exchange rate should approach the optimal exchange rate is 2014. Then, also in the medium term, the exchange rate of zloty should be comprised within the interval of 3.80-3.90 (assuming the stable exchange rate of USD/EUR=1.40)equilibrium exchange rate, NATREX

    Looking for an Optimal Monetary Policy Rule: The Case of Poland under IT Framework

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    The aim of the paper is to check the influence of the degree of forward-lookingness of economic agents on the optimal monetary policy rules, using several versions of a small, highly aggregated structural model describing the transmission mechanism in the spirit of the New Keynesian School. We show the optimal policy rule with the monetary authority loss function as an optimality criterion. We also study changes in the optimal policy rule resulting from the varying degree of forward-lookingness in the model and investigate the nature of the formal relationship between the degree of forward-lookingness of the model and the shape of the optimal monetary policy rule.

    Structural Econometric Models in Forecasting Inflation at the National Bank of Poland

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    The paper presents the procedure and two structural macroeconometric models used at the National Bank of Poland for producing regular quarterly inflation projections. One of the models is a small macroeconomic model based on the New Keynesian Phillips curve, the IS curve and the exchange rate equation based on uncovered interest parity with risk factors. The other, more disaggregated model, explicitly focuses on the supply side and separates the steady state from short-term adjustments.macroeconomic models, inflation forecasting

    Deep Probabilistic Movement Primitives with a Bayesian Aggregator

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    Movement primitives are trainable parametric models that reproduce robotic movements starting from a limited set of demonstrations. Previous works proposed simple linear models that exhibited high sample efficiency and generalization power by allowing temporal modulation of movements (reproducing movements faster or slower), blending (merging two movements into one), via-point conditioning (constraining a movement to meet some particular via-points) and context conditioning (generation of movements based on an observed variable, e.g., position of an object). Previous works have proposed neural network-based motor primitive models, having demonstrated their capacity to perform tasks with some forms of input conditioning or time-modulation representations. However, there has not been a single unified deep motor primitive's model proposed that is capable of all previous operations, limiting neural motor primitive's potential applications. This paper proposes a deep movement primitive architecture that encodes all the operations above and uses a Bayesian context aggregator that allows a more sound context conditioning and blending. Our results demonstrate our approach can scale to reproduce complex motions on a larger variety of input choices compared to baselines while maintaining operations of linear movement primitives provide

    Approaching a problem of the long-run real equilibrium exchange rate of Polish zloty while entering the ERM-2 and Euro zone

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    Taking into account a large number of types of nominal and real exchange rates, while estimating the real equilibrium exchange rate, one should always remember that there is no a single, universal equilibrium exchange rate. A point value or a path of that exchange rate depends on the adopted definitions and assumptions as well as on the method and purpose of the analysis. However, a value added of each estimation of the equilibrium exchange rate is an answer, whether the economic policy causes upset or stabilisation of the economy. Moreover, in the period of discussion on the exchange rate of accession to ERM-2, showing an interval of the exchange rate where all values of the exchange rate ensure at least suboptimal behaviour of the economy may help to make a decision on the date of accession to ERM-2 that will minimise costs of retention of the exchange rate within a definite currency band. For Poland, estimated by the NATREX method the long-run real equilibrium exchange rate ensures the internal equilibrium with annual growth rates of GDP amounting to 4.1%, comprised of growth of consumption by 4% p.a., investment by 8.7%, volume of exports by 8.5% and volume of imports by 8.1% p.a. Estimating on the ground of real exchange rates an approximate value of nominal exchange rates, one can state that the long-term equilibrium in the economy is ensured with the exchange rate of 3.80-3.90 zlotys for 1 euro. The current exchange rate will probably approach the equilibrium exchange rate at the turn of 2010 and 2011, and it will remain near that level over 5-6 quarters. This means that in that period cost of retention of the PLN exchange rate within a narrow band of fluctuations is relatively the least. The next period where the current exchange rate should approach the optimal exchange rate is 2014. Then, also in the medium term, the exchange rate of zloty should be comprised within the interval of 3.80-3.90 (assuming the stable exchange rate of USD/EUR=1.40

    Approaching a problem of the long-run real equilibrium exchange rate of Polish zloty while entering the ERM-2 and Euro zone

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    Taking into account a large number of types of nominal and real exchange rates, while estimating the real equilibrium exchange rate, one should always remember that there is no a single, universal equilibrium exchange rate. A point value or a path of that exchange rate depends on the adopted definitions and assumptions as well as on the method and purpose of the analysis. However, a value added of each estimation of the equilibrium exchange rate is an answer, whether the economic policy causes upset or stabilisation of the economy. Moreover, in the period of discussion on the exchange rate of accession to ERM-2, showing an interval of the exchange rate where all values of the exchange rate ensure at least suboptimal behaviour of the economy may help to make a decision on the date of accession to ERM-2 that will minimise costs of retention of the exchange rate within a definite currency band. For Poland, estimated by the NATREX method the long-run real equilibrium exchange rate ensures the internal equilibrium with annual growth rates of GDP amounting to 4.1%, comprised of growth of consumption by 4% p.a., investment by 8.7%, volume of exports by 8.5% and volume of imports by 8.1% p.a. Estimating on the ground of real exchange rates an approximate value of nominal exchange rates, one can state that the long-term equilibrium in the economy is ensured with the exchange rate of 3.80-3.90 zlotys for 1 euro. The current exchange rate will probably approach the equilibrium exchange rate at the turn of 2010 and 2011, and it will remain near that level over 5-6 quarters. This means that in that period cost of retention of the PLN exchange rate within a narrow band of fluctuations is relatively the least. The next period where the current exchange rate should approach the optimal exchange rate is 2014. Then, also in the medium term, the exchange rate of zloty should be comprised within the interval of 3.80-3.90 (assuming the stable exchange rate of USD/EUR=1.40