2 research outputs found

    Challenges and solution approach for greenhouse gas emission inventories at fine spatial resolutions – the example of the Rhine-Neckar district

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    This discussion paper originated as the concluding publication of one of the pilot projects of the "Climate Action Science" research initiative at Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE), focusing on the Rhine-Neckar district and the city of Heidelberg. The aim of the explorative project was to generate a first overview on greenhouse gas emission data in order to initiate climate action of various actors and to provide well-founded support by using accurate infor-mation. The focus during the pilot phase was on the collection, compilation and evaluation of the quality of heterogeneous data sets and methods for a greenhouse gas emission inventory, as well as on the information preparation and evaluation of different inventory and presentation options. These should in turn be adapted to the needs of different users and fields of applica-tion. The study focused on different German approaches to greenhouse gas accounting, espe-cially in Baden-Württemberg compared to other German states, and in detail on the City of Heidelberg compared to the surrounding municipalities in the Rhine-Neckar district. The over-arching goal is to use the results beyond the case study projected here as a stimulus and pre-liminary work for further projects and activities in the overall "Climate Action Science" project. Several difficulties were encountered in processing the emissions inventory and compiling var-ious data sets on emissions in the study area. Three basic situations were identified: 1. De-sired data is not available (measurements required), 2. Desired data is not freely accessible (stakeholder involvement), 3. Data generation via proxy data. In the pilot phase, we imple-mented a transdisciplinary approach regarding situation 2. In this way, emission maps on dif-ferent information levels could be created for the study area and applied in psychological ex-periments. Thus, first insights into the perception and processing of emission information on the user level could be gained

    OSHDB: a framework for spatio-temporal analysis of OpenStreetMap history data

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    Abstract OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project collecting geographical data of the entire world. The level of detail of OSM data and its data quality vary much across different regions and domains. In order to analyse such variations it is often necessary to research the history and evolution of the OSM data. The OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) is a new data analysis tool for spatio-temporal geographical vector data. It is specifically optimized for working with OSM history data on a global scale and allows one to investigate the data evolution and user contributions in a flexible way. Benefits of the OSHDB are for example: to facilitate accessing OSM history data as a research subject and to assess the quality of OSM data by using intrinsic measures. This article describes the requirements of such a system and the resulting technical implementation of the OSHDB: the OSHDB data model and its application programming interface