22 research outputs found

    Wplyw niektorych pestycydow i temperatury na budowe struktury liposomow

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    Studies were carried out on the effect of chloride of N-dodecyl-betaine 2-chloroethyl-ester (BE V-B), and chloride of betaine 2-chloroethyl-ester (BE V-B), added to liposomes formed of egg yolk lecithin, on the order parameter of a spin probe incorporated in the temperature range 2-50 掳C. The BE鈥檚 used here modified ESR spectra to various degrees and lowered the order parameter of the spin probe. At temperatures lower than 20 掳C compound V-B caused smaller changes in the order parameter than V-A, whereas above that temperature it caused greater changes. The ESR spectra of liposomes containing BE's exhibited splitting into two components that corresponded to different order parameter values. The molecular mechanism of interaction between the compounds studied and liposomes is disscused.Przeprowadzono badania nad wp艂ywem chlorku (N-dodecylo-betaina 2-chloroetyl-ester) (BE V-A) i chlorku (betaina 2-chloroetyl-ester) (BE V-B) dodanych do liposom贸w otrzymanych z lecytyny 偶贸艂tka jaja kurzego, na parametr uporz膮dkowania spin贸w sondy (BE) wprowadzonej w zakresie temperatur 2-20潞C. BE u偶yte tutaj jako sonda modyfikuje spektrum ESR w r贸偶nym stopniu i obni偶a parametr uporz膮dkowania spin贸w sondy. W temperaturach ni偶szych od 20潞C zwi膮zek V-B powodowa艂 mniejsze zmiany w parametrze uporz膮dkowania ani偶eli zwi膮zek V-A, chocia偶 dla temperatur wy偶szych od 20潞C powodowa艂 on zmiany wi臋ksze. Spektrum ESR liposom贸w zawieraj膮cych (BE) wykaza艂y rozdzielenie na dwa sk艂adniki odpowiednio zwi膮zane z r贸偶nymi parametrami uporz膮dkowania spin贸w. W pracy przedstawiono molekularny mechanizm wsp贸艂zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy badanymi zwi膮zkami a liposomami

    Interaction between model membranes and a new class of surfactants with antioxidant function.

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    The effect of two series of amphiphilic quaternary ammonium salts on some properties of phospholipid membranes was studied. The compounds of one series, N-benzyl-N,N-dimethyl-N-alkyl ammonium bromides, exert a destructive effect on membranes and are treated as reference compounds. The compounds of the other series, N-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxy)benzyl-N,N-dimethyl-N-alkyl ammonium bromides, are derivatives of the former ones, exhibit antioxidant properties, and do only relatively slight damage to the membranes. The aim of the work was to explain the difference in molecular interaction with membranes between the two kinds of hydrophobic compounds. Thermodynamic methods, a new mixing technique, and monolayer and quantum calculation methods were used. It has been shown that the antioxidant molecules are less hydrophobic than those of the reference compounds and disturb the membrane organization to a lesser extent. On the basis of monolayer data, we suggest that the studied antioxidant behaves like a substitutional impurity, whereas the reference behaves like an interstitial one