19 research outputs found

    Resonances for the Laplacian on products of two rank one Riemannian symmetric spaces

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    Let X=X1×X2X=X_1 \times X_2 be a direct product of two rank-one Riemannian symmetric spaces of the noncompact type. We show that when at least one of the two spaces is isomorphic to a real hyperbolic space of odd dimension, the resolvent of the Laplacian of XX can be lifted to a holomorphic function on a Riemann surface which is a branched covering of C\mathbb C. In all other cases, the resolvent of the Laplacian of XX admits a singular meromorphic lift. The poles of this function are called the resonances of the Laplacian. We determine all resonances and show that the corresponding residue operators are given by convolution with spherical functions parameterized by the resonances. The ranges of these operators are finite dimensional and explicitly realized as direct sums of finite-dimensional irreducible spherical representations of the group of the isometries of XX

    Semisimple orbital integrals on the symplectic space for a real reductive dual pair

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    We prove a Weyl Harish-Chandra integration formula for the action of a reductive dual pair on the corresponding symplectic space WW. As an intermediate step, we introduce a notion of a Cartan subspace and a notion of an almost semisimple element in the symplectic space WW. We prove that the almost semisimple elements are dense in WW. Finally, we provide estimates for the orbital integrals associated with the different Cartan subspaces in WW

    Weyl calculus and dual pairs

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    We consider a dual pair (G,G)(G,G'), in the sense of Howe, with GG compact acting on L2(Rn)L^2(\mathbb R^n) for an appropriate nn via the Weil Representation. Let G~\widetilde{G} be the preimage of GG in the metaplectic group. Given a genuine irreducible unitary representation Π\Pi of G~\widetilde{G} we compute the Weyl symbol of orthogonal projection onto L2(Rn)ΠL^2(\mathbb R^n)_\Pi, the Π\Pi-isotypic component. We apply the result to obtain an explicit formula for the character of the corresponding irreducible unitary representation Π\Pi' of G~\widetilde{G'} and to compute of the wave front set of Π\Pi' by elementary means

    Symmetry breaking operators for dual pairs with one member compact

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    We consider a dual pair (G,G)(G, G'), in the sense of Howe, with G compact acting on L2(Rn)L^2(\mathbb{R}^n), for an appropriate nn, via the Weil representation ω\omega. Let G~\tilde{\mathrm{G}} be the preimage of G in the metaplectic group. Given a genuine irreducible unitary representation Π\Pi of G~\tilde{\mathrm{G}}, let Π\Pi' be the corresponding irreducible unitary representation of G~\tilde{\mathrm{G}'} in the Howe duality. The orthogonal projection onto L2(Rn)ΠL^2(\mathbb{R}^n)_\Pi, the Π\Pi-isotypic component, is the essentially unique symmetry breaking operator in HomG~G~(Hω,HΠHΠ)\mathrm{Hom}_{\tilde{\mathrm{G}}\tilde{\mathrm{G}'}}(\mathcal{H}_\omega^{\infty}, \mathcal{H}_\Pi^{\infty}\otimes \mathcal{H}_{\Pi'}^{\infty}). We study this operator by computing its Weyl symbol. Our results allow us to recover the known list of highest weights of irreducible representations of G~\tilde{\mathrm{G}} occurring in Howe's correspondence when the rank of G~\tilde{\mathrm{G}} is strictly bigger than the rank of G~\tilde{\mathrm{G'}}. They also allow us to compute the wavefront set of Π\Pi' by elementary means.Comment: 94 pages. The present paper subsumes and extends sections 2,3,4 and 6 of the (unpublished) preprint arXiv:1405.243

    The wave front set correspondence for dual pairs with one member compact

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    Let W be a real symplectic space and (G,G') an irreducible dual pair in Sp(W), in the sense of Howe, with G compact. Let G~\widetilde{\mathrm{G}} be the preimage of G in the metaplectic group Sp~(W)\widetilde{\mathrm{Sp}}(\mathrm{W}). Given an irreducible unitary representation Π\Pi of G~\widetilde{\mathrm{G}} that occurs in the restriction of the Weil representation to G~\widetilde{\mathrm{G}}, let ΘΠ\Theta_\Pi denote its character. We prove that, for the embedding TT of Sp~(W)\widetilde{\mathrm{Sp}}(\mathrm{W}) in the space of tempered distributions on W given by the Weil representation, the distribution T(ΘˇΠ)T(\check\Theta_\Pi) has an asymptotic limit. This limit is an orbital integral over a nilpotent orbit OmW\mathcal O_m\subseteq \mathrm{W}. The closure of the image of Om\mathcal O_m in g\mathfrak{g}' under the moment map is the wave front set of Π\Pi', the representation of G~\widetilde{\mathrm{G}'} dual to Π\Pi.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1405.243

    Transfer of K-types on local theta lifts of characters and unitary lowest weight modules

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    In this paper we study representations of the indefinite orthogonal group O(n,m) which are local theta lifts of one dimensional characters or unitary lowest weight modules of the double covers of the symplectic groups. We apply the transfer of K-types on these representations of O(n,m), and we study their effects on the dual pair correspondences. These results provide examples that the theta lifting is compatible with the transfer of K-types. Finally we will use these results to study subquotients of some cohomologically induced modules

    Oscillator duality correspondence for the pair 0(2,2), Sp(2,R)

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    Resonances for the Laplacian on Riemannian symmetric spaces: the case of SL(3, R)/SO(3)

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    We show that the resolvent of the Laplacian on SL(3, R)/SO(3) can be lifted to a meromorphic function on a Riemann surface which is a branched covering of C. The poles of this function are called the resonances of the Laplacian. We determine all resonances and show that the corresponding residue operators are given by convolution with spherical functions parameterized by the resonances. The ranges of these operators are infinite dimensional irreducible SL(3, R)-representations whose Langlands parameters can also be read off from the corresponding resonances. Alternatively, they are given by the differential equations which determine the image of the Poisson transform associated with the resonance

    Resonances for the Laplacian: the cases BC2BC_2 and C2C_2 (except SO0(p,2)SO_0(p,2) with p>2p>2 odd)

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    Let X=G/KX=G/K be a Riemannian symmetric space of the noncompact type and restricted root system BC2BC_2 or C2C_2 (except G=SO0(p,2)G=SO_0(p,2) with p>2p>2 odd). The analysis of the meromorphic continuation of the resolvent of the Laplacian of XX is reduced from the analysis of the same problem for a direct product of two isomorphic rank-one Riemannian symmetric spaces of the noncompact type which are not isomorphic to real hyperbolic spaces. We prove that the resolvent of the Laplacian of XX can be lifted to a meromorphic function on a Riemann surface which is a branched covering of the complex plane. Its poles, that is the resonances of the Laplacian, are explicitly located on this Riemann surface. The residue operators at the resonances have finite rank. Their images are finite direct sums of finite-dimensional irreducible spherical representations of GG