3 research outputs found
Estudi citològic i bioquímic del fluid epididimari de "Sus domesticus"
En aquest estudi s'ha determinat que al augmentar el ritme d'extraccions de semen es produeixen canvis en el patró d'absorció i secreció del fluid epididimari, que provoquen alteracions en la maduració epididimaria dels espermatozoides i un desenvolupament anòmal de la motilitat espermàtica.La concentració de glutamat i carnitina al fluid epididimari augmenten al llarg del conducte epididimari, alhora que la concentració de myo-inositol disminueix. El contingut de myo-inositol a l'interior dels espermatozoides disminueix, mentre que el contingut de glutamat augmenta a partir del caput distal i el contingut de carnitina no varia al llarg del conducte. S'ha determinat la presència de la ruta del poliol a l'epidídim de porcí. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la glucosa difon de la sang cap al fluid epididimari, és convertida a sorbitol per l'aldosa reductasa, i aquest sorbitol s'acumula al fluid luminal i és convertit a fructosa per l'acció de la sorbitol deshidrogenasa.A high semen collection frequency brought about an altered resorption and secretion pattern of the epididymal fluid, which results in defective sperm maturation and abnormal development of sperm motility. In this study, it has been determined that in epididymal fluid the concentration of myo-inositol decreased in a proximo-distal direction, whereas intraluminal concentrations of L-carnitine and L-glutamate increased distally. The content of inositol in spermatozoa fell as they moved from the distal caput whereas sperm glutamate increased from the distal caput to more distal regions and carnitine content remained unchanged during epididymal transit. In this study, evidence for an operative polyol pathway was demonstrated in the porcine epididymis. The results found are consistent with diffusion of circulating glucose into the lumen, its conversion via aldose reductase to sorbitol which accumulates in the lumen and the action of sorbitol dehidrogenase on sorbitol to produce fructose
Lectin histochemistry of the boar bulbourethral glands
The present study describes, for the first time, the glycosidic content of boar bulbourethral glands using lectin histochemistry. Fourteen horseradish peroxidase- or digoxigeninlabelled lectins with different carbohydrate specificities were used in samples obtained from 3 healthy Landrace boars. The results obtained indicate that endpiece and duct cells synthesize and secrete mainly O-glycoproteins with a- and b-D-N-acetylgalactosamine, b-D-galactose-b(1®3)-D-Nacetylgalactosamine, D-N-acetylglucosamine and neuraminic acid residues. Glycoproteins secreted by bulbourethral glands have a role in the protection and lubrication of the urethra. In addition, they may be also involved in the regulation of the sperm metabolic activity and in the maintenance of the structural integrity of acrosomal and plasma membranes
Lectin histochemistry of the boar bulbourethral glands
The present study describes, for the first time, the glycosidic content of boar bulbourethral glands using lectin histochemistry. Fourteen horseradish peroxidase- or digoxigeninlabelled lectins with different carbohydrate specificities were used in samples obtained from 3 healthy Landrace boars. The results obtained indicate that endpiece and duct cells synthesize and secrete mainly O-glycoproteins with α- and β-D-N-acetylgalactosamine, β -D-galactose-b(1→ 3)-D-Nacetylgalactosamine, D-N-acetylglucosamine and neuraminic acid residues. Glycoproteins secreted by bulbourethral glands have a role in the protection and lubrication of the urethra. In addition, they may be also involved in the regulation of the sperm metabolic activity and in the maintenance of the structural integrity of acrosomal and plasma membranesThis work was supported in part by grant FPUAP99 40325284 awarded to E.Badia.This research was further supported by projects AGL2002-01924,
RZ02-013 and RZ03-29 with funds provided by the “Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología”-MCYT (Spanish Government), and by project 2001SGR-
00294 from the “Direcció General de Recerca” (Autonomous Government of Catalonia