5 research outputs found

    Letter from John H. Provinse to Senator Langer Regarding Distribution of Additional Funds to Tribes in North Dakota Due to Public Law 71, July 29, 1949

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    This letter dated July 29, 1949, from John H. Provinse, Assistant Commissioner of the United States (US) Bureau of Indian Affairs to US Senator William Langer, refers to Langer\u27s inquiry on June 28th regarding the distribution of the additional funds Langer was able to secure for the health, education and welfare of the tribes of North Dakota in Public Law 71. Provinse breaks down the distribution of the funds for each of the above categories between the Fort Berthold, Standing Rock, Turtle Mountain, and Wahpeton reservations. See also: Letter from Senator Langer to Ben Reifel Regarding Funds from Public Law 71 Distributed to the Fort Berthold Agency, October 7, 1949https://commons.und.edu/langer-papers/1918/thumbnail.jp

    Report of Second Meeting for the Purpose of Obtaining the Views of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation on the Lieu Lands Offered by the Secretary of War, 1946

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    Report of the second meeting held in the office of Assistant Secretary of the Interior C. Girard Davidson for the purpose of obtaining the views of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation of the lieu lands offered by the Secretary of War. Includes a list of attendees and a transcript of the meeting discussing the Three Affiliated Tribes\u27 rejection of the offer of lieu lands made by the Secretary of Interior and Department of War to the Fort Berthold Reservation. See also: Report of Meeting for the Purpose of Obtaining the Views of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation on the Lieu Lands Offered by the Secretary of War, 1946https://commons.und.edu/langer-papers/1147/thumbnail.jp

    Letter to the Assistant Secretary of War from the Chief, Community Management Division, War Relocation Authority dated November 5, 1942

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    Letter regarding student relocation for Kibei and "hansei," term used for those Issei so young when they entered the U.S. that they are like the Nisei in thought