11 research outputs found
Diagnostik von Beinödemen
Ădeme der unteren ExtremitĂ€ten entsprechen immer einem pathologischen Zustand, der insbesondere bei Betroffenen mit chronischen Wunden einer Therapie bedarf. Weil die Ursachen dieser Ădeme sehr unterschiedlich und teilweise auch komplex sein können, sollte zuerst eine klinische und ggf. apparative Diagnostik erfolgen. Oft kann nach einer klinischen Untersuchung mit Testung des Stemmer- und Godet-Zeichens bereits eine klinische Verdachtsdiagnose gestellt werden. Als weiterfĂŒhrende apparative Diagnostik kann eine sonographische Untersuchung erfolgen. Messtechniken wie beispielsweise die Wasserplethysmographie gelten derzeit zwar als Goldstandard fĂŒr Volumenmessungen, sind aber sehr aufwendig und fehleranfĂ€llig, sodass sie in der klinischen Routine heute kaum angewendet werden. Zusammenfassend wird empfohlen, fĂŒr die Ădemdiagnostik eine klinische Untersuchung möglichst in Kombination mit einer Sonographie durchzufĂŒhren. Insbesondere zu Beginn der Entstauungsphase sollten regelmĂ€Ăig Umfangsmessungen durchgefĂŒhrt und dokumentiert werden. Diese Dokumentation ist fĂŒr die Bewertung des therapeutischen Erfolgs von hoher Aussagekraft.
Edema of the lower extremities is always associated with a pathological condition that should be treated, especially in patients with chronic wounds. Because the underlying causes of edema can vary greatly and sometimes be complex, clinical and, if necessary, various diagnostic tests should also be performed. Often, a suspected clinical diagnosis can already be made after clinical inspection with testing of Stemmer's and Godet's signs. Sonographic examination should then be performed as the next diagnostic test. Although measurement techniques such as water plethysmography are currently considered gold standard for volume measurements, they are very complex and prone to error, so that they are rarely used in clinical routine today. In summary, it is recommended to perform a clinical examination, if possible in combination with sonography, for edema diagnosis. Especially at the beginning of the decongestion phase, regular circumferential measurements should be performed and documented. This documentation is of high relevance for evaluation of therapeutic success
Wound treatment without curative intention: position paper of the Initiative Chronische Wunden (ICW) e.âŻV.
Zusammenfassung Patienten mit chronischen Wunden werden heute in vielen unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Medizin behandelt. Trotz dieser groĂen interdisziplinĂ€ren und interprofessionellen Bedeutung, fehlt es weiterhin an einheitlich akzeptierten Definitionen und Einteilungen. Eine Expertengruppe der Fachgesellschaft Initiative Chronische Wunden (ICW) e.âŻV. hat daher auf der Basis international publizierter Literatur eine Einteilung chronischer Wunden in heilende, schwer heilende und nicht heilbare Wunden vorgenommen. Hieraus ergeben sich fĂŒr den klinischen Alltag sehr wichtigen ĂŒbergeordneten Ziele einer kurativen, bedingt bzw. nicht kurativen oder palliativen Wundversorgung. Es wird somit deutlich, dass der vollstĂ€ndige Wundverschluss nicht immer das zentral wichtige Ziel der Wundbehandlung ist. Bei vielen Patienten mit chronischen Wunden stehen daher andere Aspekte wie beispielsweise die bestmögliche LebensqualitĂ€t und die Förderung des gesundheitsbezogenen Selbstmanagements sowie die Vermeidung von Komplikationen im Vordergrund der Behandlungskonzepte. Diese Therapieziele sollten möglichst frĂŒhzeitig gemeinsam mit den Patienten differenziert und individuell festgelegt werden.Today, patients with chronic wounds are treated in many different fields of medicine. Despite this great interdisciplinary and interprofessional importance, there is still a lack of uniformly accepted definitions and classifications. Therefore, a group of experts from the professional society Initiative Chronische Wunden (ICW) e.âŻV. translated and adapted the classification of chronic wounds into healable, maintenance and nonhealable wounds on the basis of the internationally published literature into German. This classification results in the aim of curative, limited respectively non-curative or palliative wound care, which are very important for everyday clinical practice. It thus becomes clear that complete wound closure is not always the central intention of wound treatment. For many patients with chronic wounds, other aspects such as the best possible quality of life and the promotion of health-related self-management as well as the avoidance of complications are important for treatment concepts. These therapy intentions should be differentiated and individually discussed with patients in order to facilitate shared decision making.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.UniversitĂ€tsklinikum Essen (8912
Internal diagnostic validation of patients with a chronic wound: possibilities of identification on the basis of routine data
Objective: There are still few epidemiological data on patients with chronic wounds (leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and pressure ulcers). Statutory health insurance (SHI) data is increasingly being used for questions relating to healthcare science. When using this data, which is primarily collected for billing purposes, the methodological procedure for defining cases must be presented transparently. Here, it must be checked whether the target group can be validly defined using the coded diagnoses and, if necessary, further information from routine data. Therefore, the aim of this contribution is, on the one hand, to develop criteria with the help of which patients with a florid (active) chronic wound can be identified safely or as doubtful cases in routine data and, on the other hand, to determine the corresponding frequency estimates. Methods: Initially, a literature research was carried out to identify parameters relevant to care in patients with chronic wounds. In the next step, these were divided into specific, less specific and non-specific criteria (visual validity) in a multi-stage consensus procedure with regard to the specificity for wound care. On this basis, three different case definitions are used to identify florid chronic wounds. Based on an SHI sample of insured persons, frequency estimates were made for various case definitions (safe and questionable cases). Results: Of the 21 parameters identified in the literature, eight were classified as specific, six as less specific and eight as non-specific criteria for the identification of patients with chronic florid wounds. Using diagnostic coding alone for the target diseases, an administrative prevalence of chronic wounds of 1.13% was observed for the year 2010. If a case is defined using the less specific and/or the specific criteria, prevalence drops to 0.79%; if only the specific criteria are used, prevalence drops only marginally to 0.78%. These changes were observed in patients with leg ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers, but not in patients with pressure ulcers. Here, the lowest administrative prevalence (0.18%) can be seen when only looking at the diagnoses, but this increases slightly when taking wound-relevant treatments into account (specific and less specific criteria: 0.25%). Conclusion: It is possible to define patients with a chronic florid wound on the basis of wound-relevant treatments using SHI data and to make estimates of administrative prevalence. Depending on the question, the criteria for defining cases can be narrowed down or broadened. The comparison provides information on the internal validity of diagnostic coding. However, further studies are needed to verify external validity
Medizinische Kompressionstherapie der ExtremitĂ€ten mit Medizinischem Kompressionsstrumpf (MKS), Phlebologischem Kompressionsverband (PKV) und Medizinischen adaptiven Kompressionssystemen (MAK): S2k-Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft fĂŒr Phlebologie (DGP) in Kooperation mit folgenden Fachgesellschaften: DDG, DGA, DGG, GDL, DGL, BVP
The present guidelines comprise relevant aspects of the use of compression therapy with medical compression stockings (MCS), phlebological compression bandages (PCB), and medical adaptive compression systems (MAC) based on an extensive literature search based on the state of scientific knowledge as of December 2018.
These guidelines were prepared by experts within the framework of an electronic consensus process and a consensus conference which took place in Bielefeld, Germany, on September 27, 2018, on the initiative of the German Society of Phlebology (DGP) and the Professional Association of Phlebologists (BVP). The guidelines were adopted by the boards and advisory councils of the DGP and the BVP, and of the participating professional associations, after preparation by the group of experts and extensive debate, on December 31, 2018.
These guidelines do not cover compression therapy with medical thrombosis prophylaxis stockings (MTPS) or with intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC), which are treated in other guidelines (AWMF 003-001, S3; AWMF 037-001, S1).
The recommendations of the AWMF guidelines âDiagnostics and Treatment of Lymphedemaâ (registration number 058-001) and âLipedemaâ (registration number 037-012) shall also be taken into account where appropriate: https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/058-001l_S2k_Diagnostik_und_Therapie_der_Lymphoedeme_2017-05.pdf, https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/037-012l_S1_Lipoedem_2016-01.pdf
Moistureâassociated skin damage (MASD) ::a best practice recommendation from WundâD.A.CH.
WundâD.A.CH., as the umbrella organization of Germanâspeaking wound treatment societies, has currently developed a best practice recommendation for skin damage caused by body fluids, which is known as moistureâassociated skin damage (MASD) in Englishâspeaking countries. In this expert consensus, the diseases incontinenceâassociated dermatitis (IAD), intertriginous dermatitis, including intertrigo, gramânegative bacterial toe web infection and toxic contact dermatitis, including periwound and peristomal dermatitis are presented in a differentiated manner. A common feature of these clinical diseases is a deterioration of skin integrity due to prolonged exposure to body fluids such as urine, stool, sweat or wound exudate with associated physicalâirritative and/or chemical irritation. In addition, other comorbidities and cofactors play an important role. The diagnosis of these interdisciplinary and interprofessionally relevant MASD is difficult in everyday clinical practice because there are currently no uniform definitions and many relevant differential diagnoses. Effective strategies for the prevention and therapy of these skin diseases are, for example, continence management, use of efficient, absorbent aids with good retention as well as consistent skin protection and adequate skin care. Another important aspect is the education of patients and relatives about the origin, treatment and prevention of MASD