3 research outputs found

    Diet and fertility in cattle

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    The diet of high-yield dairy cows process a very complex and acute problem. Much new knowledge in the area of production and preparation of feedstuffs, diet technology, and the interactions that occur between the components of the nutritive feed ration are required in order to resolve this problem. It is necessary constantly to coordinate feed norms with genetic potential which is ever changing and advanced. The observed problems must be resolved using multidisciplinary methods so that a diet can yield good health, and that health contribute to better reproduction and possibilities for more successful breeding and improved performance in cattle farming. In certain countries, thanks to their geographic position and climatic conditions which allow rainfall throughout the year, a natural green diet can be applied, which provides large numbers of green mass components, and with additives which can be supplemented relatively easily. This type of diet is not possible in our farms. It is very important to know which feedstuff components are laking for certain categories of cattle. The used ration must be constant and administered to animals of certain age or production characteristics in order to improve production results at cattle farms. A great problem occurs when diet is reduced due to dried grass and the resulting stress in animals. A 50% diet reduction in young cattle often results in the occurrence of respiratory diseases. Following 10-14 days of treatment, the disease disappears in young animals, but the energy deficit leads to the weakening (depression) of the immune system. Even a so-called high-energy diet often causes respiratory diseases. A diet deficient in proteins also affects cows after lactation, as opposed to a normative diet, and a reduced protein diet disturbs the microbial activity in the rumen and the synthesis of compounds which are important for both the cow and the calf, making room for the incidence of metabolic diseases, most often acidosis. This paper presents and integral description of cattle diet management according to phases, and a new approach to cattle diet with respect to fertility observed in reproduction over a longer time period at large diary cow farms

    Ishrana i plodnost goveda

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    The diet of high-yield dairy cows process a very complex and acute problem. Much new knowledge in the area of production and preparation of feedstuffs, diet technology, and the interactions that occur between the components of the nutritive feed ration are required in order to resolve this problem. It is necessary constantly to coordinate feed norms with genetic potential which is ever changing and advanced. The observed problems must be resolved using multidisciplinary methods so that a diet can yield good health, and that health contribute to better reproduction and possibilities for more successful breeding and improved performance in cattle farming. In certain countries, thanks to their geographic position and climatic conditions which allow rainfall throughout the year, a natural green diet can be applied, which provides large numbers of green mass components, and with additives which can be supplemented relatively easily. This type of diet is not possible in our farms. It is very important to know which feedstuff components are laking for certain categories of cattle. The used ration must be constant and administered to animals of certain age or production characteristics in order to improve production results at cattle farms. A great problem occurs when diet is reduced due to dried grass and the resulting stress in animals. A 50% diet reduction in young cattle often results in the occurrence of respiratory diseases. Following 10-14 days of treatment, the disease disappears in young animals, but the energy deficit leads to the weakening (depression) of the immune system. Even a so-called high-energy diet often causes respiratory diseases. A diet deficient in proteins also affects cows after lactation, as opposed to a normative diet, and a reduced protein diet disturbs the microbial activity in the rumen and the synthesis of compounds which are important for both the cow and the calf, making room for the incidence of metabolic diseases, most often acidosis. This paper presents and integral description of cattle diet management according to phases, and a new approach to cattle diet with respect to fertility observed in reproduction over a longer time period at large diary cow farms.Ishrana visoko-mlečnih krava predstavlja veoma složen i aktuelan problem. Da bi se takav problem reÅ”io potrebno je mnogo novih saznanja iz oblasti proizvodnje i pripreme hraniva, tehnologije ishrane, kao i interakcija koje nastaju između komponenti hranljivog obroka. Potrebno je da se permanentno usklađuju normativi ishrane sa genetskim potencijalom koji se stalno menja i unapređuje. Uočene probleme treba reÅ”avati multidisciplinarno kako bi se trojstvo ishrane ispoljilo preko zdravlja, a zdravlje doprinelo boljoj reprodukciji krava i mogućnosti uspeÅ”nijeg gajenja i veće reprodukcije u govedarstvu. U pojedinim zemljama, zahvaljujući geografskom položaju i klimatskim uslovima koje omogućuju padavine tokom cele godine, može da se koristi sistem ishrane ā€žprirodna zelena ishranaā€ uz veliki broj komponenata zelene mase i dodacima koji relativno lako mogu da se dodaju. Ovakav način ishrane na naÅ”im farmama nije moguć. Vrlo je važno da se zna koje su to komponente hraniva koje nedostaju za određenu kategoriju goveda. Obrok koji se koristi mora da bude konstantan i da se daje životinjama određenog uzrasta ili proizvodnih svojstava radi poboljÅ”anja proizvodnih rezultata na farmi goveda. Veliki problem nastaje kod redukovane ishrane u zasuÅ”enju krava i nastanka stresa kao posledica takve ishrane. Redukcija hrane od 50 posto kod mladih goveda ima kao posledicu vrlo često pojavljivanje respiratornih oboljenja. Posle lečenja od 10 do 14 dana bolest kod mladih goveda prolazi, ali deficit energije uzrokuje slabljenje (ā€ždepresijaā€) imunskog sistema. Često i ishrana sa ā€žvisokom energijomā€ prouzrokuje respiratorna oboljenja. Deficitarna proteinska ishrana takođe uzrokuje kod krava u zasuÅ”enju u odnosu na normiranu ishranu, a redukovana proteinska ishrana remeti mikrobijalnu aktivnost u buragu i sintezu važnih jedinjenja za kravu i tele, pa omogućava nastajanje metaboličkih oboljenja, najčeŔće acidozu. U ovome radu dat je celovit opis menadžmenta ishrane goveda po fazama i novi pristup ishrani goveda u odnosu na plodnost koja je zapažena u reprodukciji u dužem vremenskom periodu na velikim farmama mlečnih krava

    Upotreba api-fito terapije u suzbijanju subkliničkih mastitisa muznih krava

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    Production of high quality milk, milk containing low number of bacteria (several thousand to lt 141 000 cells/ml of milk) and low number of somatic cells count (SČ), is the target of Program of control and prevention of mastitis in dairy cows. Program of mastitis control must provide diagnostic tests for evaluation of udder infections by enviromental microorganizams and prevention of new intramammarian infections (IMI). The evidence is presented that longterm, intensive program of teat dĆ©sinfection after milking and therapy of dryed cows are procedures which are enabling significant decrease of SČ and number of bacteria in 1 ml of milk. Clinical changes of udder are offtenly caused by Corynebacterium bovis, Streptococcus sp. and Staphylococcus sp. which are also responsible for increasment of SČ and IMI cases. Knowing that most of mastitisies are subclinical by character, than it is understandable that various IMI of dairy cows are appearing after usage of the various antiseptics. We have been using accessory remedy for dry milking VETER-D, for prevention of sub-clinical mastitisies, "dry" milking and evaluation of IMI spreadness in udder health ma-nagment program, on 403 dairy cows.Cilj programa i kontrole i suzbijanja mastitisa kod muznih krava je proizvodnja mleka visokog kvaliteta, tj. mleka koje će sadržati mali broj bakterija (od nekoliko hiljada do = 141 000 ćelija/ml mleka) i somatskih ćelija. Program kontrole mastitisa trebalo bi da ima kontrolu infekcija vimena sa organizmima sredine i efikasan sistem praćenja i sprečavanja novih intramamarnih infekcija vimena (MI). Postoje dokazi da dugoročni intenzivni programi dezinfekcije sisa posle muže i terapija zasuÅ”enih krava mogu izrazito da smanje broj SČ i bakterija u 1 ml mleka. Kliničke promene na vimenu najčeŔće izazivaju Corynebacterium bovis, streptokoke i stafiloke i to su faktori koji najviÅ”e povećavaju SČ i intramamarne infekcije. Budući daje većina mastitisa subklinička, postoji različit broj intramamarnih infekcija (IMI) vimena muznih krava posle dezinfekcije sisa sa različitim antisepticima. Mi smo upotrbljavaĆ®i pomoćno lekovito sredstvo VETER-D za suzbijanje subkliniČkih mastitisa, "suvu" mužu i ispitivanje rasprostranjenosti IMI u menadžerskom programu zdravlja vimena, na 403 krave