12 research outputs found

    Hospitalizations associated with rotavirus gastroenteritis in Spain, 2001–2005

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study aims to describe and analyze hospital admissions in Spain due to rotavirus infections among children aged 5 years or under during the period 2001–2005, along with the associated health cost.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To update estimates of rotavirus hospitalizations rates in Spain, we conducted a retrospective study of 5 years of national hospitalization data associated with acute gastroenteritis using the Minimum Basic Data Set.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the study period, a total of 17.1% of all admissions due to acute gastroenteritis of any etiology in children aged ≤ 5 years were attributable to rotavirus infection as determined by the rotavirus-specific International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision, Clinical Modification code. A mean incidence of 135 hospital admissions attributable to rotavirus per 100,000 children aged ≤ 5 years was found. Hospitalizations associated with rotavirus had a marked winter-time seasonality. The estimated cost of hospital admission attributable to rotavirus has risen from 3 million euros estimated for 2001 to almost 7 million euros estimated in 2005.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Rotavirus gastroenteritis remains an important cause of hospitalizations in Spanish children, mostly during the winter season.</p

    Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer:is it ‘what you do’ or ‘the way that you do it’? A UK Perspective on Technique and Quality Assurance

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    Aims The treatment of prostate cancer has evolved markedly over the last 40 years, including radiotherapy, notably with escalated dose and targeting. However, the optimal treatment for localised disease has not been established in comparative randomised trials. The aim of this article is to describe the history of prostate radiotherapy trials, including their quality assurance processes, and to compare these with the ProtecT trial. Materials and methods The UK ProtecT randomised trial compares external beam conformal radiotherapy, surgery and active monitoring for clinically localised prostate cancer and will report on the primary outcome (disease-specific mortality) in 2016 following recruitment between 1999 and 2009. The embedded quality assurance programme consists of on-site machine dosimetry at the nine trial centres, a retrospective review of outlining and adherence to dose constraints based on the trial protocol in 54 participants (randomly selected, around 10% of the total randomised to radiotherapy, n = 545). These quality assurance processes and results were compared with prostate radiotherapy trials of a comparable era. Results There has been an increasingly sophisticated quality assurance programme in UK prostate radiotherapy trials over the last 15 years, reflecting dose escalation and treatment complexity. In ProtecT, machine dosimetry results were comparable between trial centres and with the UK RT01 trial. The outlining review showed that most deviations were clinically acceptable, although three (1.4%) may have been of clinical significance and were related to outlining of the prostate. Seminal vesicle outlining varied, possibly due to several prostate trials running concurrently with different protocols. Adherence to dose constraints in ProtecT was considered acceptable, with 80% of randomised participants having two or less deviations and planning target volume coverage was excellent. Conclusion The ProtecT trial quality assurance results were satisfactory and comparable with trials of its era. Future trials should aim to standardise treatment protocols and quality assurance programmes where possible to reduce complexities for centres involved in multiple trials.</p

    Entwicklung und Untersuchung eines betrieblich anwendbaren Verfahrens zur Inertisierung explosionsfaehiger Kohlenstaeube, insbesondere fuer den Uebergang Streb/Strecke

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    The transition area face/roadway often represents a weak place in the field of preventive explosion protection, as here there is a particularly large amount of coaldust and the area of the face opening is excepted from the dust binding process for operating reasons. Both in overground experiments in a 40 litre explosion vessel and in the 200 m long pipe section of the DMT Mining Experimental Section, and also in large underground experiments at the DMT Tremonia experimental pit, good inertial effects were proved with liquid and powder inert materials. In the context of this connection investigation project, based on the results of the previous investigation project, coal-dust explosions were to be carried out with a powder inert material in a roadway and at a transition face/roadway. (orig./MSK)Der Uebergangsbereich Streb/Strecke stellt auf dem Gebiet des vorbeugenden Explosionsschutzes vielfach eine Schwachstelle dar, da hier der Anfall an Kohlenstaub besonders hoch ist und der Bereich der Streboeffnung aus betrieblichen Gruenden vom Staubbindeverfahren ausgenommen ist. Sowohl bei den uebertaegigen Versuchen in einem 40-l-Explosionsgefaess und in der 200 m langen Rohrstrecke der DMT-Bergbau-Versuchsstrecke als auch in den untertaegigen Grossversuchen bei der DMT-Versuchsgrube Tremonia konnten mit fluessigen und pulverfoermigen Inertstoffen gute inertisierende Wirkungen nachgewiesen werden. Im Rahmen dieses Anschluss-Untersuchungsvorhabens sollten aufbauend auf die Ergebnisse der vorangegangenen Untersuchungsvorhaben Kohlenstaubexplosionen mit einem pulverfoermigen Inertstoff in einer Strecke und an einem Uebergang Streb/Strecke durchgefuehrt werden. (orig./MSK)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RR 1344(56) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekLand Nordrhein-Westfalen, Duesseldorf (Germany)DEGerman

    Planungsunterlagen Wettertechnik

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    Im Rahmen eines von der Kommission der Europaeischen Gemeinschaften finanziell unterstuetzten Untersuchungsvorhabens zur 'Rechnerischen Aktualisierung von Wetternetzen' wurde durch das DMT-Institut fuer Bewetterung, Klimatisierung und Staubbekaempfung u.a. wettertechnisches Planungsmaterial auf der Grundlage der Literatur zur Stroemungs- und Wettertechnik sowie eigener Messungen ueberarbeitet, neu entwickelt und in gestraffter Form als 'Planungsunterlagen - Wettertechnik' zusammengefasst. Diese sollen zukuenftig u.a. in die Ausbildung wettertechnischen Fachpersonals einbezogen werden. Angesprochen sind insbesondere Personen, die nicht ueber stroemungstechnische Detailkenntnisse verfuegen. (orig./MSK)In the context of a research project supported by the Commission of the European Community on 'Computer Updating of explosive atmosphere networks', the DMT Institute revised, developed anew and collected in short form the explosive atmosphere planning material, based on the literature on flow and explosive atmosphere technique and their own measurements as 'planning documents -explosive atmosphere technology'. These should in future be included in the training of explosive atmosphere technical personnel. They are meant particularly for persons who do not have detailed knowledge of flow technique. (orig./MSK)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RR 1344(28) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Realizzazione del Parco urbano nell'ambito del P.U.A. di Bagnoli-Coroglio

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    Il progetto complessivo del Parco può essere descritto come un insieme di sistemi sovrapposti: quello determinato dalla morfologia del luogo e dalla topografia del terreno, il sistema delle percorrenze – ai diversi livelli gerarchici e in connessione con il sistema delledificato qui costituito essenzialmente dalla archeologia industriale – il sistema della copertura vegetale