41 research outputs found

    A Review of Flood-Related Storage and Remobilization of Heavy Metal Pollutants in River Systems

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    Preliminary studies on bone fluoride content in the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) from the Hornsund region

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    Fluoride contents were determined in vertebrae of the Arctic charr in the Hornsund region, using the zirconium-eriochrome cyanine technique. The fluoride content were found to range within 21.5-150.6 µgּg-1, i.e. within a natural range

    Long term studies on heavy metals in aquatic organisms from the River Odra mouth area

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    Contents of Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn were determined within 1984-1988 in plankton, zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), roach (Rutilus rutilus), bream (Abramis brama), and pikeperch (Lucioperca lucioperca) from different parts of the Rira Odra mouth area. Mercury was determined with CV AAS and assays of the remaining metals were carried out with flame AAS. In terms of their heavy metal contents, the organisms studied can be ordered in the following way: plankton > mussel > fish. A downstream decrease in heavy metal content was observed in the plankton. Mercury contents in fish decreased downstream, too. Mercury, copper, and zinc contents in fish were species-dependent, the highest contents being recorded in roach. Heavy metal dynamics in the plankton over the 5 years of study seems to evidence a gradual reduction in mercury and zinc and an increase in cadmium and lead. However, the changes were not reflected in contents of the metals in fish. No definite trend could be revealed in Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn dynamics in roach, bream, and pikeperch, nor a clear-cut pattern could be found with respect to the author′s results published earlier

    Heavy metals in Southern Baltic fish: present situation and future trends

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    Herring (Clupea harengus) and cod (Gadus morhua) from three Southern Baltic areas were studied. Mercury content was determined with CV AAS and assays of the remaining metals were carried out with flame AAS. A correlation between the fishing area and contents of Hg, Cd, Cu, and Zn in fish tissues was revealed. Interspecific differences are considered as well. A noticeable decrease in Hg, Cd, Pb, and Cr and an increase in Cu and Zn can be observed over the recent several years in certain organs of herring and cod. In most cases, the changes taking place are better described by curvilinear (logarithmic) equation than by a linear one. Correlations between contents of different metals in fish organs were detected, which points out to interactions between the metals during their uptake and release

    Próba oszacowania ładunku metali ciężkich w czasie procesu sedymentacji osadów w Zalewie Szczecińskim

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    Heavy metals, diluted in water, are usually in ionic or colloidal form. They are partly taken in by water organisms into their cells and tissues and partly absorbed by inorganic particles in suspension. Organic matter, released into water after the decay of bacteria, plants and animals containing a certain amount of heavy metals absorbed earlier can additionally absorb more metals from the water. With time organic and inorganic suspension falls down forming bottom sediments. Although a certain amount of heavy metals can be released into water in this process, a considerable amount of them is deposited in bottom sediments permanently. The material falling down on the bottom of the Szczecin Lagoon was collected by collectors which were placed for 4 months, from July to November 1992 in 5 places: 1 - border buoy, 2 - I Brama Torowa, 3 - II Brama Torowa, 4 - navigation sign, 5 - Chełminek (Fig. 1). The collector funnel (Fig. 2) was 232 cm2 in area and was about 35 cm above the bottom. In the collected material the content of heavy metals - Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Fe and loss on ignition were determined. Prior to heavy metal determination, the samples were burnt in a mixture of nitric and perchloric acids (Adrian 1971, Protasowicki et al. 1999). Chemical elements were analysed by the method of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), mercury by means of the cold vapour technique (CV AAS) and other metals after atomization by air-acetylene flame (FAAS). All the determinations were made in three parallel replications and relative error was below 5%. The material deposited in the sedimentation process at the bottom of the Szczecin Lagoon has a great load of heavy metal, as a result, the flow of these pollutants from the Odra estuary into the Baltic Sea is limited to a great extent.W celu bliższego poznania procesów sedymentacji w Zalewie Szczecińskim wystawiono kolektory powstającego osadu. Kolektory takie wystawiono na okres 4 miesięcy od lipca do listopada w 5 punktach zalewu. Powierzchnia kolektora wynosiła 232 cm2 i znajdowała się na wysokości około 35 cm nad dnem. W kolektorach po upływie 4 miesięcy, w zależności od rejonu, zebrało się od 62 do 376 g osadu o zawartości suchej masy w przedziale 27,82÷41,77%. Pozwoliło to wyliczyć masę opadającej na dno materii. W zebranym w kolektorze materiale oznaczono zawartość materii organicznej oraz metali ciężkich - Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Fe. Materię organiczną oznaczono na podstawie strat przy wyżarzaniu w temperaturze 5500°C. Próby przed oznaczeniem metali ciężkich spalano w mieszaninie kwasów azotowego i nadchlorowego (HNO3 + HClO4). Pierwiastki analizowano metodą absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej (AAS), przy czym rtęć oznaczano techniką zimnych par (CV AAS), a pozostałe metale po atomizacji w płomieniu acetylenowo-powietrznym (FAAS). Zawartości metali mieściły się w następujących granicach: Hg - 0,636÷1,324; Cd - 2,035÷6,227; Pb - 46,3÷335; Cu - 0,21÷8,71; Zn - 299÷1427; Cr - 11,0÷27,1; Ni - 10,2÷22,9 i Fe - 3686÷31326 žgźg-1 suchej masy. Tak znaczne zróżnicowanie wynikało z faktu miejsca położenia kolektora. Odnotowano, że największe ilości stwierdzano w rejonie ujścia Odry do Zalewu Szczecińskiego lub w jego części centralnej. Uwzględniając powyższe dane oraz powierzchnię polskiej części zalewu - Zalew Wielki, która wynosi 410 km2 obliczono że, całkowita roczna depozycja mieści się w zakresie (ton/rok): materia 1316100÷1414500; rtęć 0,972÷1,107; kadm 3,899÷5,990; ołów 65,19÷440,34; miedź 52,89÷78,72; cynk 455,1÷1.881,9; chrom 15,99÷25,83; nikiel 17,22÷30,75 i żelazo 21102÷41230. Porównanie tych wartości z ładunkiem zanieczyszczeń dopływającym do zalewu z wodami Odry (suma przekroju Krajnika i Goleniowa) podawanymi przez PIOŚ potwierdza, że są one w znacznej mierze odkładane w osadach dennych zalewu

    Preliminary studies on heavy metal contents in aquatic organisms from the Hornsund area, with a particular reference to the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.))

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    Contents of Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn were determined in the wreck bladder, barnacles, gammarids, euphausiids, and the Arctic charr collected in the Hornsund area in 1985-1986. Mercury was determined with CV AAS, while the remaining metals were studied with FAAS. Mercury levels were found to increase up the food chain; levels of Cd, Pb, and Cu were decreasing, while the Zn remained relatively stable. The authors are of the opinion that, when studying heavy metals along trophic chains, the entire food of animals instead of isolated food items should be analyzed. Moreover, the need to follow changes in contents of the metals studied during migrations of the fish from one habitat to another is emphasized. Sex-related effects were detected in heavy metal levels in certain organs. Mechanisms of defence against toxic metals were found to be better developed in females than in males. Differences in Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn levels in various organs notwithstanding, the metal contents in fish muscles were in the lower part of the ranges found

    Rozmieszczenie wybranych metali w osadach dennych jezior Insko i Wisola (Polska)

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    The study was focused on the occurrence and geochemical partitioning of metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Al) in the upper layer of sediments from mesotrophic Lake Insko and eutrophic Lake Wisola. In both lakes, the lowest concentrations of trace metals were found in the mineral sediments. Average total metal concentrations in sediments decreased in the order Al > Fe > Mn > Zn > Pb > Cu > Cd, and only in Insko mineral sediments contained more Fe than Al. The residual phase was the major phase binding metals, which indicates that recently anthropogenic influence on these sediments was weak. Fe-Mn oxides were the next important metal binding phase. The results indicate, that in the examined lakes no serious metal pollution occurred.W pracy dokonano oceny zdolności osadów dennych pochodzących z jezior Ińsko i Wisola do zatrzymywania oraz uwalniania metali, oraz potencjalnego ryzyka zanieczyszczenia środowiska wodnego. W badaniach oznaczono zawartość całkowitą metali oraz ich udział w poszczególnych frakcjach geochemicznych. W obu jeziorach osady mineralne charakteryzowały się mniejszą zawartością metali śladowych niż osady organiczne. Średnia zawartość metali w osadach obu jezior malała w następującej kolejności: Al > Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > Pb > Cd, a jedynie w osadach mineralnych jeziora Ińsko stwierdzono większą zawartość Fe w porównaniu z Al. Główną frakcją wiążącą metale była frakcja rezydualna, co wskazuje na niewielki wpływ antropogenny w zanieczyszczeniu metalami badanych osadów. Ważną rolę w wiązaniu metali odgrywały również frakcje związane z tlenkami żelaza i manganu. Badane osady nie wykazywały poważnego zanieczyszczenia metalami

    Effect of sublethal poisoning with nickel on the selected tissues of sheat-fish Silurus glanis L.

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    Cadmium and lead in fishes and in selected elements of the świdwie Lake ecosystem

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    This paper provides information on the vertical distribution of cadmium and lead in the sediments, the amounts of the elements in the surface- and rain water, in selected fish organs, contents of their alimentary tracts, and in some plant species of the świdwie Lake ecosystem. The levels and distribution of the analysed metals in the lake sediments gave evidence of their anthropogenic origin. The distribution of cadmium and lead in the organs and alimentary tracts of fishes, and especially the low level of the elements in fishes and plants suggests that the metals are linked to the abiotic components of the lake environment and they are not easily accessible for the organisms. The best bio-indicators of the pollution-level with cadmium and lead in the lake ecosystem are: the rudd, Scardinius erythrophtalmus L. and the roots of cattail, Typha angustifolia