29 research outputs found

    Роман Вальтера Скотта "Антикварий": культурные, исторические, художественные и повествовательные альянсы

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    One of the least known to Russian readers novels of Sir Walter Scott is under analysis. Russian critical thought of Scott does not speak of the novel as it should since The Antiquary (1816) is the novel which demonstrates the movement of the writer's artistic method towards more complex and realistic depiction of characters and circumstances. The authors of the essay analytically concentrate on the talk of the artistic structure of the novel as a wholeness that is characterized by quite harmonious alliances which eliminate various antinomies and dichotomies. The authors argue that the central role in the artistic wholeness of the novel are played by such antinomies as 'historical fact - imaginative (fictitious) fact', 'man as a private individual - man as a social being', 'past - present', 'historical novel - social novel', 'historical novel - novel of manners', 'socio - psychological novel - romance', 'realism - romanticism', 'realistic - gothic', 'dramatic - comic', 'Scottish - English', 'grassroots culture - high culture', etc.; the movement of the narration towards bright resolution of them is revealed in the essay. The authors of the essay also show the role and specificity of ethnographical peculiarities of the Scottish life in the late 1790s as they were seen and narrated by the writer.В статье анализируется мало известный роман В. Скотта "Антикварий", без обращения к которому, по мнению большинства историков литературы, трудно представить динамику как жанра исторического романа, так и эстетической мысли В. Скотта на пути от романтизированного мировоспроизведения к реалистическому типу письма

    Предвендский (640–610 млн лет) этап гранитного магматизма в Центрально‐Таймырском складчатом поясе: завершающая стадия эволюции активной окраины неопротерозойского Сибирского палеоконтинента

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    Eastern part of the Central Taimyr belt is composed of Precambrian rocks penetrated by granites of the Snezhnaya complex (845–825 million years) and later overlain by mid‐Neoproterozoic sin‐ postorogenic sedimentary deposits of the Stanovaya‐Kolosova Group. Two competing concepts on the Precambrian history of the belt are dis‐ cussed. The first suggests that by the middle of the Neoproterozoic amalgamation of various terrains formed the Cen‐ tral Taimyr microcontinent, which afterwards collided with Siberia in Vendian. 2) According to the second point of view, which is shared by the authors of this article, the belt was part of the Siberian craton from at least the Mesopro‐ terozoic, and there is no suture that would separate it from the South Taimyr belt. To our surprise, during the field work in the South‐Eastern part of the Central Taimyr belt near the proposed “Vendian sutura”, assumed by the first concept, we found a granite pluton (Pregradnaya massif) intruding clastic rocks of Stanovaya‐Kolosova Group. Such setting is quite uncommon for the belt and contradicted to publications, describing the mentioned clastic rocks to overlay the granites and contain their debris. Dating of the pluton confirmed the field observations – its SRIMP zircon age has proved to be 609±2 Ma, an unusually young for this region. The pluton is located in a wide deformation zone separating the Precambrian rocks (to the northwest) and the Paleozoic deposits (to the southeast). Two minor bodies of similar porphyritic granite were found in the same zone further to the southwest, and it seemed logical to assume that a chain of Vendian granites marks boundary deformation zone. However, their dating (843±6 и 840±5 Ma) showed that they belong to Snezhnaya complex. In this paper, we discuss two Neoproterozoic magmatic ‘flare‐ups’ in the Central Taimyr Belt, which are dated at 845–825 and 640–610 Ma. Both ‘flare‐ups’ are evidenced by K‐rich per‐ aluminous granite batholiths intruded the upper crust. It is most probable that each flare‐up was related to a collision event completing an independent cycle in the evolution of the active margin of the Siberian paleocontinent.При полевом изучении докембрийских пород восточной части Центрально‐Таймырского пояса обнаружен гранитный плутон, прорывающий синорогенные обломочные породы (становско‐колосовская серия, предположительно 780–750 млн лет). Такие взаимоотношения нетипичны для пояса: считается, что наоборот, указанные орогенные накопления содержат обломки подобных гранитов. Датирование массива подтвердило наблюдавшиеся взаимоотношения: возраст гранитов оказался равным 610 млн лет. Столь молодые граниты ранее здесь не отмечались. Массив приурочен к широкой зоне деформаций, которая отделяет докембрийские породы (к северо‐западу) от выходов деформированного палеозойского чехла (с юго‐востока). На простирании в этой зоне были найдены еще два гранитных массива, также сложенные калиевыми порфировидными гранитами. Их датирование (840 млн лет), однако, показало, что они относятся к распространенному в этой части Таймыра более древнему (снежнинскому) комплексу. В статье обсуждаются две вспышки гранитного магматизма, проявившегося в Центрально‐Таймырском поясе в интервалах 845–825 и 640–610 млн лет, выраженные во внедрении калиевых слабопералюминиевых гранитных батолитов в верхние горизонты коры. Каждая вспышка завершает самостоятельный этап эволюции активной окраины Сибирского палеоконтинента в неопротерозое и предположительно связана с коллизионным событием. Породы второго этапа эволюции активной окраины преимущественно выходят на северо‐восточной окраине Таймыра, где широко распространены надсубдукционные базальты, андезиты и риолиты позднего неопротерозоя (750–610 млн лет). Вулканиты несогласно залегают на породах мезопротерозоя, нижнего неопротерозоя, а также в синорогенных толщах середины неопротерозоя и несогласно перекрыты пестроцветными конгломератами терминального неопротерозоя

    The pre‐Vendian (640–610 ma) granite magmatism in the Central Taimyr fold belt: the final stage of the Neoproterozoic evolution of the Siberian paleocontinent active margin

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    Eastern part of the Central Taimyr belt is composed of Precambrian rocks penetrated by granites of the Snezhnaya complex (845–825 million years) and later overlain by mid‐Neoproterozoic sin‐ postorogenic sedimentary deposits of the Stanovaya‐Kolosova Group. Two competing concepts on the Precambrian history of the belt are dis‐ cussed. The first suggests that by the middle of the Neoproterozoic amalgamation of various terrains formed the Cen‐ tral Taimyr microcontinent, which afterwards collided with Siberia in Vendian. 2) According to the second point of view, which is shared by the authors of this article, the belt was part of the Siberian craton from at least the Mesopro‐ terozoic, and there is no suture that would separate it from the South Taimyr belt. To our surprise, during the field work in the South‐Eastern part of the Central Taimyr belt near the proposed “Vendian sutura”, assumed by the first concept, we found a granite pluton (Pregradnaya massif) intruding clastic rocks of Stanovaya‐Kolosova Group. Such setting is quite uncommon for the belt and contradicted to publications, describing the mentioned clastic rocks to overlay the granites and contain their debris. Dating of the pluton confirmed the field observations – its SRIMP zircon age has proved to be 609±2 Ma, an unusually young for this region. The pluton is located in a wide deformation zone separating the Precambrian rocks (to the northwest) and the Paleozoic deposits (to the southeast). Two minor bodies of similar porphyritic granite were found in the same zone further to the southwest, and it seemed logical to assume that a chain of Vendian granites marks boundary deformation zone. However, their dating (843±6 и 840±5 Ma) showed that they belong to Snezhnaya complex. In this paper, we discuss two Neoproterozoic magmatic ‘flare‐ups’ in the Central Taimyr Belt, which are dated at 845–825 and 640–610 Ma. Both ‘flare‐ups’ are evidenced by K‐rich per‐ aluminous granite batholiths intruded the upper crust. It is most probable that each flare‐up was related to a collision event completing an independent cycle in the evolution of the active margin of the Siberian paleocontinent

    The impact of the implemented lanthanum on the chemical composition of barley crops in conditions of vegetation experiment

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    In conditions of the vegetation experiment with barley under the artificial illumination, we assessed the ability of lanthanum, which is one of the most widely spread lanthanons, to accumulate in leaves and stems of plants. Also we assessed its ability to affect the elemental composition, biomass and chlorophyll and carotinoides content of plants. The separate studies allowed us to investigate the impact of lanthanum on root length and coleoptiles of barley seedlings. It is shown that La3+ is able to depress significantly the growth of rootlet if its concentration will exceed 10 mg/l and simultaneously stimulate the growth of coleoptile at the concentration exceeding 50 mg/l. The vegetation experiment showed the significant accumulation of lanthanum in the leaves and stems beginning from the exceeding the concentration of 20 and 50 mg/kg of lanthanum within the soil. It is marked that the accumulation of lanthanum in leaves is higher than in stems. The significant decrease of the chlorophyll and carotinoides in the variant with the implementation of 100 mg/kg of lanthanum comparing to the control and the accumulation of ground biomass at the concentration of the implemented lanthanumof 100-200 mg/kg. Theaccumulationofbiomass, whichwasrevealed in the vegetation experiment, correlates with the stimulating impact of lanthanum on the elongation of coleoptile. Taking into account the simultaneous decrease of the root length, the elongation of coleoptile may be explained by the hormonal process. The results obtained may be useful for re-assessment of the security of the implementation of lanthanons in agriculture and the impact of lanthanum on the biochemical processes in plants