5 research outputs found

    A potential cyanobacterial ancestor of Viridiplantae chloroplasts

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    The theory envisaging the origin of plastids from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria is well-established but it is difficult to explain the evolution (spread) of plastids in phylogenetically diverse plant groups. It is widely believed that primordial endosymbiosis occurred in the last common ancestor of all algae^1^, which then diverged into the three primary photosynthetic eukaryotic lineages, viz. the Rhodophyta (red algae), Glaucocystophyta (cyanelle-containing algae) and Viridiplantae (green algae plus all land plants)^2^. Members of these three groups invariably have double membrane-bound plastids^3^, a property that endorses the primary endosymbiotic origin of the organelles. On the other hand, the three or four membrane-bound plastids of the evolutionary complicated Chromalveolates [chromista (cryptophytes, haptophytes, and stramenopiles) and alveolata (dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and ciliates)] are inexplicable in the light of a single endosymbiosis event, thereby necessitating the postulation of the secondary^4,5^ and tertiary^6^ endosymbiosis theories where a nonphotosynthetic protist supposedly engulfed a red or a green alga^7^ and an alga containing a secondary plastid itself was engulfed^8^ respectively. In the current state of understanding, however, there is no clue about the taxonomic identity of the cyanobacterial ancestor of chloroplasts, even though there is a wide consensus on a single primordial endosymbiosis event. During our metagenomic investigation of a photosynthetic geothermal microbial mat community we discovered a novel order-level lineage of Cyanobacteria that - in 16S rRNA gene sequence-based phylogeny - forms a robust monophyletic clade with chloroplast-derived sequences from diverse divisions of Viridiplantae. This cluster diverged deeply from the other major clade encompassing all hitherto known groups of Cyanobacteria plus the chloroplasts of Rhodophyta, Glaucocystophyceae and Chromalveolates. Since this fundamental dichotomy preceded the origin of all chloroplasts, it appears that two early-diverging cyanobacterial lineages had possibly given rise to two discrete chloroplast descents via two separate engulfment events

    Genome implosion elicits host-confinement in Alcaligenaceae: evidence from the comparative genomics of Tetrathiobacter kashmirensis, a pathogen in the making.

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    This study elucidates the genomic basis of the evolution of pathogens alongside free-living organisms within the family Alcaligenaceae of Betaproteobacteria. Towards that end, the complete genome sequence of the sulfur-chemolithoautotroph Tetrathiobacter kashmirensis WT001(T) was determined and compared with the soil isolate Achromobacter xylosoxidans A8 and the two pathogens Bordetella bronchiseptica RB50 and Taylorella equigenitalis MCE9. All analyses comprehensively indicated that the RB50 and MCE9 genomes were almost the subsets of A8 and WT001(T), respectively. In the immediate evolutionary past Achromobacter and Bordetella shared a common ancestor, which was distinct from the other contemporary stock that gave rise to Tetrathiobacter and Taylorella. The Achromobacter-Bordetella precursor, after diverging from the family ancestor, evolved through extensive genome inflation, subsequent to which the two genera separated via differential gene losses and acquisitions. Tetrathiobacter, meanwhile, retained the core characteristics of the family ancestor, and Taylorella underwent massive genome degeneration to reach an evolutionary dead-end. Interestingly, the WT001(T) genome, despite its conserved architecture, had only 85% coding density, besides which 578 out of its 4452 protein-coding sequences were found to be pseudogenized. Translational impairment of several DNA repair-recombination genes in the first place seemed to have ushered the rampant and indiscriminate frame-shift mutations across the WT001(T) genome. Presumably, this strain has just come out of a recent evolutionary bottleneck, representing a unique transition state where genome self-degeneration has started comprehensively but selective host-confinement has not yet set in. In the light of this evolutionary link, host-adaptation of Taylorella clearly appears to be the aftereffect of genome implosion in another member of the same bottleneck. Remarkably again, potent virulence factors were found widespread in Alcaligenaceae, corroborating which hemolytic and mammalian cell-adhering abilities were discovered in WT001(T). So, while WT001(T) relatives/derivatives in nature could be going the Taylorella way, the lineage as such was well-prepared for imminent host-confinement