2 research outputs found

    Energy limit of oil-immersed transformers: A concept and its application in different climate conditions

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    The reality of modern power grids requires the use of flexibilities from generation, load and storage. These flexibilities allow system operators to modify a transformer loading in a smart way. Therefore, power constraints of transformers can be overcome by using the appropriate flexibility. However, transformers have a physical limit of energy transfer which cannot be overpassed. This energy limit represents the unique transformer's loading profile, ensuring the highest energy transfer under a given ambient temperature profile. The paper explains how the energy limit can be calculated. Typical characteristics of an energy limit are estimated in cold continental climate of Russia and warm temperate climate in France. Maximal, minimal and mean loadings are identified for each month. Loading durations of energy limit are determined for each cooling system. It is found that winding temperatures of transformers, operating at energy limits, remain in the vicinity of design winding temperature. Therefore, transformer operation at energy limit avoids a high temperature stress and simultaneously maximizes the energy transfer. The application of energy limits for power system problems is briefly explained along the paper. Energy limit application can reduce an energy cost, maximize a renewable generation and increase a hosting capacity of distribution network

    Demand Response Coupled with Dynamic Thermal Rating for Increased Transformer Reserve and Lifetime

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    (1) Background: This paper proposes a strategy coupling Demand Response Program with Dynamic Thermal Rating to ensure a transformer reserve for the load connection. This solution is an alternative to expensive grid reinforcements. (2) Methods: The proposed methodology firstly considers the N-1 mode under strict assumptions on load and ambient temperature and then identifies critical periods of the year when transformer constraints are violated. For each critical period, the integrated management/sizing problem is solved in YALMIP to find the minimal Demand Response needed to ensure a load connection. However, due to the nonlinear thermal model of transformers, the optimization problem becomes intractable at long periods. To overcome this problem, a validated piece-wise linearization is applied here. (3) Results: It is possible to increase reserve margins significantly compared to conventional approaches. These high reserve margins could be achieved for relatively small Demand Response volumes. For instance, a reserve margin of 75% (of transformer nominal rating) can be ensured if only 1% of the annual energy is curtailed. Moreover, the maximal amplitude of Demand Response (in kW) should be activated only 2–3 h during a year. (4) Conclusions: Improvements for combining Demand Response with Dynamic Thermal Rating are suggested. Results could be used to develop consumer connection agreements with variable network acces