993 research outputs found

    Wearable Robotics for Impaired Upper-Limb Assistance and Rehabilitation: State of the Art and Future Perspectives

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    Despite more than thirty-five years of research on wearable technologies to assist the upper-limb and a multitude of promising preliminary results, the goal of restoring pre-impairment quality of life of people with physical disabilities has not been fully reached yet. Whether it is for rehabilitation or for assistance, nowadays robotics is still only used in a few high-tech clinics and hospitals, limiting the access to a small amount of people. This work provides a description of the three major 'revolutions' occurred in the field (end-effector robots, rigid exoskeletons, and soft exosuits), reviewing forty-eight systems for the upper-limb (excluding hand-only devices) used in eighty-nine studies enrolling a clinical population before June 2022. The review critically discusses the state of the art, analyzes the different technologies, and compares the clinical outcomes, with the goal of determine new potential directions to follow

    Modifying upper-limb inter-joint coordination in healthy subjects by training with a robotic exoskeleton

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    Background: The possibility to modify the usually pathological patterns of coordination of the upper-limb in stroke survivors remains a central issue and an open question for neurorehabilitation. Despite robot-led physical training could potentially improve the motor recovery of hemiparetic patients, most of the state-of-the-art studies addressing motor control learning, with artificial virtual force fields, only focused on the end-effector kinematic adaptation, by using planar devices. Clearly, an interesting aspect of studying 3D movements with a robotic exoskeleton, is the possibility to investigate the way the human central nervous system deals with the natural upper-limb redundancy for common activities like pointing or tracking tasks. Methods: We asked twenty healthy participants to perform 3D pointing or tracking tasks under the effect of inter-joint velocity dependant perturbing force fields, applied directly at the joint level by a 4-DOF robotic arm exoskeleton. These fields perturbed the human natural inter-joint coordination but did not constrain directly the end-effector movements and thus subjects capability to perform the tasks. As a consequence, while the participants focused on the achievement of the task, we unexplicitly modified their natural upper-limb coordination strategy. We studied the force fields direct effect on pointing movements towards 8 targets placed in the 3D peripersonal space, and we also considered potential generalizations on 4 distinct other targets. Post-effects were studied after the removal of the force fields (wash-out and follow up). These effects were quantified by a kinematic analysis of the pointing movements at both end-point and joint levels, and by a measure of the final postures. At the same time, we analysed the natural inter-joint coordination through PCA. Results: During the exposition to the perturbative fields, we observed modifications of the subjects movement kinematics at every level (joints, end-effector, and inter-joint coordination). Adaptation was evidenced by a partial decrease of the movement deviations due to the fields, during the repetitions, but it occurred only on 21% of the motions. Nonetheless post-effects were observed in 86% of cases during the wash-out and follow up periods (right after the removal of the perturbation by the fields and after 30 minutes of being detached from the exoskeleton). Important inter-individual differences were observed but with small variability within subjects. In particular, a group of subjects showed an over-shoot with respect to the original unexposed trajectories (in 30% of cases), but the most frequent consequence (in 55% of cases) was the partial persistence of the modified upper-limb coordination, adopted at the time of the perturbation. Temporal and spatial generalizations were also evidenced by the deviation of the movement trajectories, both at the end-effector and at the intermediate joints and the modification of the final pointing postures towards targets which were never exposed to any field. Conclusions: Such results are the first quantified characterization of the effects of modification of the upper-limb coordination in healthy subjects, by imposing modification through viscous force fields distributed at the joint level, and could pave the way towards opportunities to rehabilitate pathological arm synergies with robots

    In an octopus's garden in the shade: Underwater image analysis of litter use by benthic octopuses

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    Benthic octopuses have been widely documented in artificial shelters for decades, and this use is apparently increasing. Despite any possible positive effects, the use of litter as shelter could have negative implications. In this work, we aimed to elucidate the interactions of octopuses with marine litter, identifying types of interactions and affected species and regions. To achieve this, we obtained 261 underwater images from ‘citizen science’ records, and identified 8 genera and 24 species of benthic octopuses interacting with litter. Glass objects were present in 41.6% of interactions, and plastic in 24.7%. Asia presented the highest number of images, and most records were from 2018 to 2021. Citizen science provided important evidence on octopus/marine litter interactions, highlighting its value and the need for more investigations on the subject. This information is fundamental to help prevent and mitigate the impacts of litter on octopuses, and identify knowledge gaps that require attention


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    The sustainability of the traditional olive-growing sector in EU countries characterised by high production costs and a low selling price for the oil was mainly determined by EU subsidies available for the sector. With the opening of the free trade area by the Barcellona Declaration of 1995 and a cut in EU subsidies in 2014, crucial changes in the sector are now needed. In order to increase the competitiveness of EU olive production, attention should be given to new high-yielding and mechanized cultivation systems. In the 1990s, Spain introduced new high-density planting systems (1,200-2,000 trees/ha) using three low-vigour and early-fruiting cultivars ( Arbequina , Arbosana and Koroneiki ). Italian olive production lies in a geographical area that stretches for about 6\ub0 in latitude (37-43\ub0 latitude N) and in the band of altitude which ranges from sea level to 400 m a.s.l. Studies on the ecophysiology of woody plants show the importance of adapting the planting system to the climate of the cultivation site, particularly for high-density groves. The evaluation of cultivars suitable for high-density systems, based on their vegetative characteristics, branching and fruiting, together with an analysis of product quality, may contribute significantly to the development and diffusion of new crop growing systems. To achieve this aim, joint research was carried out by three different research units operating in the three main olive-growing regions of Italy (Sicily, Apulia and Umbria). This paper illustrates the first results (2010 and 2011) obtained by the PRIN Project on Biological processes and environmental factors affecting the vegetative growth, fruiting and oil quality control in a high density olive (Olea europaea L.) planting system

    Robotic exoskeletons: A perspective for the rehabilitation of arm coordination in stroke patients

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    Upper-limb impairment after stroke is caused by weakness, loss of individual joint control, spasticity, and abnormal synergies. Upper-limb movement frequently involves abnormal, stereotyped, and fixed synergies, likely related to the increased use of sub-cortical networks following the stroke. The flexible coordination of the shoulder and elbow joints is also disrupted. New methods for motor learning, based on the stimulation of activity- dependent neural plasticity have been developed. These include robots that can adaptively assist active movements and generate many movement repetitions. However, most of these robots only control the movement of the hand in space. The aim of the present text is to analyze the potential of robotic exoskeletons to specifically rehabilitate joint motion and particularly inter-joint coordination. First, a review of studies on upper-limb coordination in stroke patients is presented and the potential for recovery of coordination is examined. Second, issues relating to the mechanical design of exoskeletons and the transmission of constraints between the robotic and human limbs are discussed. The third section considers the development of different methods to control exoskeletons: existing rehabilitation devices and approaches to the control and rehabilitation of joint coordinations are then reviewed, along with preliminary clinical results available. Finally, perspectives and future strategies for the design of control mechanisms for rehabilitation exoskeletons are discussed

    Influence of canopy fruit location on morphological, histochemical and biochemical changes in two oil olive cultivars

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    The influence of different irradiance conditions was evaluated under natural solar radiation by comparing well-exposed (in) and shaded fruit (out) in canopies of olive trees (Olea europaea L). Over a 2-year period, from 50 days after full bloom up to harvest time, “in” and “out” olive samples of two genotypes (“Frantoio Millennio” and “Coratina 5/19”) were periodically collected. Morphological, histochemical, and biochemical analysis were performed to study the changes on fruit morphometric traits, oil body accumulation, and b-glucosidase enzyme activity. Some parameters were modified by shading inside the canopy in which the proportion of incident photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by the crop was 47%. Shaded fruits developed at slow rate and were characterized by late darkgoing time, reduced size, with a tendency toward oblong shape. The rapid histochemical procedure proposed to estimate the oil body accumulation during fruit ripening showed that a reduced irradiance caused a decrease in oil body density. The canopy position influenced, in a different way, the b-glucosidase activity in relation to the fruit-ripening stage in both genotypes. These findings indicate that providing an adequate and uniform lighting of the olive canopy by careful choices of orchard management practices can be a key factor for several yield components

    Revealing the therapeutic potential of botulinum neurotoxin type a in counteracting paralysis and neuropathic pain in spinally injured mice

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    Botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) is a major therapeutic agent that has been proven to be a successful treatment for different neurological disorders, with emerging novel therapeutic indications each year. BoNT/A exerts its action by blocking SNARE complex formation and vesicle release through the specific cleavage of SNAP-25 protein; the toxin is able to block the release of pro-inflammatory molecules for months after its administration. Here we demonstrate the extraordinary capacity of BoNT/A to neutralize the complete paralysis and pain insensitivity induced in a murine model of severe spinal cord injury (SCI). We show that the toxin, spinally administered within one hour from spinal trauma, exerts a long-lasting proteolytic action, up to 60 days after its administration, and induces a complete recovery of muscle and motor function. BoNT/A modulates SCI-induced neuroglia hyperreactivity, facilitating axonal restoration, and preventing secondary cells death and damage. Moreover, we demonstrate that BoNT/A affects SCI-induced neuropathic pain after moderate spinal contusion, confirming its anti-nociceptive action in this kind of pain, as well. Our results provide the intriguing and real possibility to identify in BoNT/A a therapeutic tool in counteracting SCI-induced detrimental effects. Because of the well-documented BoNT/A pharmacology, safety, and toxicity, these findings strongly encourage clinical translation

    Study of energetic properties of different tree organs in six Olea europaea L. cultivars

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    Pruning is an important horticultural practice for the management of olive orchards (Olea europaea L.) that generates a considerable amount of residues every year. Olive orchards are increasingly expanding beyond the Mediterranean Basin to new growing Countries (Australia, California, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay) and this will certainly lead to larger availability of pruning material. Currently, the interest in use of olive tree pruning residues for energy purposes is increasing but unfortunately, the information on the differences among organs of the tree, in terms of calorific value and ash content, is scarce. Another unknown aspect is the effect of cultivar vigour on dry matter partition among different tree organs, these are important traits to establish the energetic quality of pruning residues. The aim of this research was to study energetic aspects of six olive cultivars, largely grown in the Sicilian olive industry and characterized by different vigour. The trees taken into consideration in the study were selected in an experimental orchard to avoid any effect due to differences in environmental conditions and management. The energetic characteristics, calorific value and ash content, were evaluated for the various tree organs particularly shoots, leaves and branches; also root system was evaluated, although the roots can only be used once the trees are uprooted. Significant differences were observed in the calorific values among the different tree organs and the cultivars. Regarding the ash, shoots and leaves showed the highest content with respect to the other organs, thus causing a possible tendency in slagging with fouling and corrosion of boiler components

    Regional diastolic function by tissue Doppler echocardiography in systemic sclerosis: correlation with clinical variables

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    The incidence of left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction is increased in systemic sclerosis (SSc), while systolic dysfunction is present in a small percentage of patients. The aim of this study was to asses the LV "regional" diastolic abnormalities in SSc patients by the mean of Doppler tissue imaging (DTI). Echocardiographic echo-Doppler (DE) and DTI parameters were analyzed for 67 SSc patients: abnormal E/A ratio at DE was detected in 24, while abnormal e/a at DTI was observed in 41. A significant prevalence of DTI diastolic abnormalities in the segments reflecting longitudinal versus those reflecting radial LV motion was found. The segments of the basal regions of LV myocardium were significantly more involved than those of the middle portion. Linear correlation was observed between the extent of the diastolic abnormalities and the duration of disease. Longitudinal myocardial systolic velocities were significantly reduced in patients with abnormal e/a DTI