13 research outputs found

    Relaxation rate of the reverse biased asymmetric exclusion process

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    We compute the exact relaxation rate of the partially asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries, with boundary rates opposing the preferred direction of flow in the bulk. This reverse bias introduces a length scale in the system, at which we find a crossover between exponential and algebraic relaxation on the coexistence line. Our results follow from a careful analysis of the Bethe ansatz root structure.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Dynamical Transition in the Open-boundary Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process

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    We revisit the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with open boundaries (TASEP), focussing on the recent discovery by de Gier and Essler that the model has a dynamical transition along a nontrivial line in the phase diagram. This line coincides neither with any change in the steady-state properties of the TASEP, nor the corresponding line predicted by domain wall theory. We provide numerical evidence that the TASEP indeed has a dynamical transition along the de Gier-Essler line, finding that the most convincing evidence was obtained from Density Matrix Renormalisation Group (DMRG) calculations. By contrast, we find that the dynamical transition is rather hard to see in direct Monte Carlo simulations of the TASEP. We furthermore discuss in general terms scenarios that admit a distinction between static and dynamic phase behaviour.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures. v2 to appear in J Phys A features minor corrections and better-quality figure

    Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics: From a paradigmatic model to biological transport

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    Unlike equilibrium statistical mechanics, with its well-established foundations, a similar widely-accepted framework for non-equilibrium statistical mechanics (NESM) remains elusive. Here, we review some of the many recent activities on NESM, focusing on some of the fundamental issues and general aspects. Using the language of stochastic Markov processes, we emphasize general properties of the evolution of configurational probabilities, as described by master equations. Of particular interest are systems in which the dynamics violate detailed balance, since such systems serve to model a wide variety of phenomena in nature. We next review two distinct approaches for investigating such problems. One approach focuses on models sufficiently simple to allow us to find exact, analytic, non-trivial results. We provide detailed mathematical analyses of a one-dimensional continuous-time lattice gas, the totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP). It is regarded as a paradigmatic model for NESM, much like the role the Ising model played for equilibrium statistical mechanics. It is also the starting point for the second approach, which attempts to include more realistic ingredients in order to be more applicable to systems in nature. Restricting ourselves to the area of biophysics and cellular biology, we review a number of models that are relevant for transport phenomena. Successes and limitations of these simple models are also highlighted.Comment: 72 pages, 18 figures, Accepted to: Reports on Progress in Physic

    Management information systems handbook: implementation and evaluation

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