1,503 research outputs found

    Communication Enhancement Through Quantum Coherent Control of NN Channels in an Indefinite Causal-order Scenario

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    In quantum Shannon theory, transmission of information is enhanced by quantum features. Up to very recently, the trajectories of transmission remained fully classical. Recently, a new paradigm was proposed by playing quantum tricks on two completely depolarizing quantum channels i.e. using coherent control in space or time of the two quantum channels. We extend here this control to the transmission of information through a network of an arbitrary number NN of channels with arbitrary individual capacity i.e. information preservation characteristics in the case of indefinite causal order. We propose a formalism to assess information transmission in the most general case of NN channels in an indefinite causal order scenario yielding the output of such transmission. Then we explicitly derive the quantum switch output and the associated Holevo limit of the information transmission for N=2N=2, N=3N=3 as a function of all involved parameters. We find in the case N=3N=3 that the transmission of information for three channels is twice of transmission of the two channel case when a full superposition of all possible causal orders is used

    Alterações na fertilidade dos solos em áreas de produção familiar de mandioca no Território do Alto Sertão de Alagoas.

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    O Território do Alto Sertão de Alagoas, também conhecido como Xingó, é formado por oito municípios (Água Branca, Canapi, Delmiro Gouveia, Inhapi, Mata Grande, Olho D?Água do Casado, Pariconha e Piranhas). Esse território possui uma população estimada de 167.660 habitantes (IBGE, 2007), faz divisa com os estados de Sergipe, Bahia e Pernambuco, perfazendo uma área de 3.905,4 km2.bitstream/item/122986/1/Alteracoes-na-fertilidade-COT-89-On-line.pd

    Continuous-variable entanglement of two bright coherent states that never interacted

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    We study continuous-variable entanglement of bright quantum states in a pair of evanescently coupled nonlinear χ(2)\chi^{(2)} waveguides operating in the regime of degenerate down-conversion. We consider the case where only the energy of the nonlinearly generated fields is exchanged between the waveguides while the pump fields stay independently guided in each original waveguide. We show that this device, when operated in the depletion regime, entangles the two non-interacting bright pump modes due to a nonlinear cascade effect. It is also shown that two-colour quadripartite entanglement can be produced when certain system parameters are appropriately set. This device works in the traveling-wave configuration, such that the generated quantum light shows a broad spectrum. The proposed device can be easily realized with current technology and therefore stands as a good candidate for a source of bipartite or multipartite entangled states for the emerging field of optical continuous-variable quantum information processing.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Attenuation of Lightning-Induced Effects on Overhead Distribution Systems in Urban Areas

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    Overhead distribution systems can be strongly affected and damaged by indirect lightning. The induced voltages are usually computed neglecting the surrounding geometry and the presence of buildings in urban areas. Buildings can strongly change the behavior of the measured lighting-induced electromagnetic (EM) fields in the proximity of the point of impact. As a consequence, induced voltages can deviate from what would be measured in the absence of buildings. This work proposes an analysis of the main variables, which affect the deviation of the EM fields and of the consequent induced voltages along an overhead distribution line due to the presence of a building. Different distances between the line and the building and different building heights are considered

    Coherent control of two Jaynes-Cummings cavities

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    In this work, we uncover new features on the study of a two-level atom interacting with one of two cavities in a coherent superposition. The James-Cummings model is used to describe the atom-field interaction and to study the effects of quantum indefiniteness on such an interaction. We show that coherent control of the two cavities in an undefined manner allows novel possibilities to manipulate the atomic dynamics on demand which are not achievable in the conventional way. In addition, it is shown that the coherent control of the atom creates highly entangled states of the cavity fields taking a Bell-like or Schr\"odinger-cat-like state form. Our results are a step forward to understand and harness quantum systems in a coherent control, and open a new research avenue in the study of atom-field interaction exploiting quantum indefiniteness