16 research outputs found

    Analysis of physical activity as a mediator between non-ergonomic position of upper body segments and musculoskeletal health in bus drivers

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    The number of injuries and accidents at the workplace are constantly rising, and the most pronounced injuries are related to the musculoskeletal health. Numerous studies have revealed that city bus drivers have a high incidence of musculoskeletal pain. The aim of this study was to determine whether physical activity levels might be a mediator between the non-ergonomic position of the bodyā€™s upper segments and musculoskeletal health in professional bus drivers. The study protocol included the assessment of participantsā€™ musculoskeletal health using the Ɩrebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire, assessment of the non-ergonomic position of the upper body segments when seated by means of the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment, and measuring of the level of physical activity using the Yamax 200 pedometer. The sample consisted of 115 bus drivers, from 40 to 55 years of age, with a minimum work service of 15 years. The relationships among variables were tested using the Spearman correlation coefficient and the Wilcoxon rank sum test to include the selected variables in the multivariate linear regression model. The Box-Cox test indicated the need for logarithmic transformation of the ƖMPQ results used to measure musculoskeletal health, so a log-linear model was used in the regression analysis. The normality of the distribution of the residual regression models was tested by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The main findings of this study indicate that 95.6% of participants reported the presence of musculoskeletal pain and in 24.4% of them a very high risk of the musculoskeletal disorder was observed, which indicated the need for urgent changes. The average number of steps per day was 5,090.8. The physical activity proved (obtained by the regression analysis) as a mediator between the non-ergonomic position of the upper body segments and musculoskeletal health (p=.027). The obtained data may serve as an important argument for designing future public health and kinesiology interventions for the improvement of the health of professional bus drivers

    Anthropological characteristics of sailors regarding different sailing classes

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    Jedrenje i jedrenje na dasci su specifični sportovi koji se za razliku od mnogih drugih sportova provode na vodi, samim time priprema sportaÅ”a mora biti specifična. Potrebna je visoka razina tehničko taktičke inteligencije kako bi ostvareni rezultati jedriličara bili na najviÅ”oj mogućoj razini, no opće je poznato kako na uspjeÅ”nost u sportu, pa tako i u jedrenju antropometrijske karakteristike imaju značajan utjecaj. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi koji je optimalan raspon antropoloÅ”kih mjera tjelesne visine i tjelesne mase među jedriličarima i jedriličarkama u ukupno 8 olimpijskih klasa u jedrenju. Za potrebe istraživanja su prikupljeni podaci prvih 15 najbolje plasiranih jedriličara i jedriličarki na OI od 2008. do 2016. godine. U istraživanju su proučavane dvije antropometrijske mjere: tjelesna masa i tjelesna visina. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka napravljena je statistička analiza za dobivanje deskriptivnih parametara. Ukupno je obrađeno 555 ostvarenih rezultata, od čega su 330 plasmana ostvarili jedriličari, dok su 225 plasmana ostvarile jedriličarke. Deskriptivni podaci govore kako su prosječne vrijednosti visine i mase sve veće, a iznimku predstavljaju klase 470 i RS:X u kojima su rezultati varirali oko srednjih vrijednosti. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata pretpostavlja se da će na budućim Olimpijskim Igrama većina (min.70%) najuspjeÅ”nijih jedriličara (prvih 15) biti u rasponu dobivenih antropometrijskih karakteristika. Dobivene vrijednosti mogu poslužiti kao modalne karakteristike kod jedriličara te nam olakÅ”avaju selekciju sportaÅ”a.Sailing and windsurfing are specific sports that differ from many other sports activities in water, therefore the preparation of athletes must be specific. High level of technical and tactical intelligence is required to ensure that the results achieved in sailing are at the highest possible level, but it is widely known that success in sport, and therefore also in sailing, is gratly affected by anthropometric characteristics . The aim of this study was to determine the optimal range of anthropological measures of body height and body mass among sailors, both male and female, in a total of 8 Olympic classes in sailing. For the purposes of the research, the data of the first 15 best placed male and female sailors at the Olympics from 2008 to 2016 were collected. Two anthropometric measures were studied in the research: body mass and body height. Based on the collected data, a statistical analysis was performed to obtain descriptive parameters. A total of 555 achieved results were processed, of which 330 rankings were achieved by men sailors, while 225 rankings were achieved by female sailors. Descriptive data show that average values of height and weight are increasing, with the exception of class 470 and RS:X in which the results differ around the mean values. Based on the obtained results, it is assumed that at the future Olympic Games the majority (min 70%) of the most successful sailors (first 15) will be in the range of the obtained anthropometric characteristics. The obtained values can serve as modal characteristics in sailors and make the selection of the athletes easier


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je definirati utjecaj odreĆ°enih morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika te odabranih testova za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti na učinkovitost usvajanja znanja jedrenja na dasci. U istraživanju je sudjelovala 61 ispitanica, do provedbe istraživanja bez znanja jedrenja na dasci. Neposredno prije početka istraživanja ispitanicama su utvrĆ°ene četiri morfoloÅ”ke mjere te su testirane pomoću Å”est testova za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti. Vrednovanje usvojenog znanja jedrenja na dasci učinjeno je pomoću ocjena pet meĆ°usobno nezavisnih sudaca koji su ocjenjivali demonstracije pet odabranih elemenata tehnike jedrenja na dasci. Regresijskom analizom utvrĆ°en je značajan doprinos testova za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti na razinu usvojenog znanja svih pet ocjenjenih elemenata tehnike jedrenja na dasci: okreta na mjestu za 180Ā° (R2=0,41; p=0.00), starta (R2=0,33; p<0.00), upravljanje jedriljem (R2=0,18; p<0.01), okreta uz vjetar (R2=0,34; p<0.00) te okreta niz vjetar (R2=0,41; p<0.00). Upotrebom faktorske analize izdvojena je nova varijabla, koja predstavlja ukupno znanje jedrenje na dasci. Testovi za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti doprinose razini usvojenog znanja ispitanica i kod izolirane, nove varijable znanja jedrenja na dasci (R2=0,35; p<0.00). S obzirom na dobivene rezultate moguće je zaključiti kako snaga miÅ”iƦa podlaktice i nadlaktice te koordinacija u ritmu pozitivno doprinose ženama tijekom usvajanja jedrenja na dasci.The aim of present research was to determine the influence some morphological characteristics and motor abilities have on learning of windsurfing. 61 female participants were enrolled, which fulfilled the inclusion criteria of never windsurfing. Prior to windsurfing school four morphological measures were determined and participants tested on six tests of motor ability assessment. New knowledge of windsurfing was graded by five independent judges, who evaluated five demonstrated elements of windsurfing technique. All tested motor abilities influenced significantly learning of (tested) elements of windsurfing technique (180Ā° turn in place (R2=0,41; p=0.00), start (R2=0,33; p<0.00), trim (R2=0,18; p<0.01), tacking (R2=0,34; p<0.00) and gybe (R2=0,41; p<0.00). By factor analysis new variable was extracted-knowledge of windsurfing, and it was significantly influenced by results achieved in tests of motor abilities (R2=0,35; p<0.00). Conclusion: According to our results one can conclude that power of upper and lower arm as well as rhythmic coordination positively influence women\u27 learning of windsurfing

    Success in Adopting Technique of Alpine Skiing with Respect to Motor Abilities of the Children Aged 7ā€“8 Years

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    The aim of this research was to determine relations between estimated motor abilities and effi ciency of alpine ski learning in children ski beginners. It included 54 children between 7 and 8 years of age (average 7.44Ā±0.52years). Children were tested for balance, agility, strength, coordination and frequency of movement on ten motor ability tests. After motor abilities were assessed, participants learned alpine skiing during six-day alpine ski school and upon completion of ski school program, were tested on three elements of alpine ski technique (stopping in a snow-plough, uphill turn and turns around the posted marks) by three independent judges. According to achieved level of ski knowledge, they were allocated to three groups differing by the level of success; less successful (N=18; 26ā€“44 points), moderately successful (N=11; 45ā€“48 points) and successful (N=25; 49ā€“55 points). Signifi cant differences in success of adopting basic ski technique were noticed with respect to the results achieved in the task polygon backwards (F=6.162, p=0.004), foot tapping (F=6.337, p=0.003) and crossed arm sit-ups (F=3.099, p=0.053). The participants who successfully adopted the basic ski technique also achieved good results in tests: polygon backwards, foot tapping, crossed arm sit-ups, side steps, balancing on left leg perpendicular on balance board, vertical jump and medium results in tests 20m dash and balancing on right leg perpendicular on balance board. Our results suggest that successful participants have better developed coordination, frequency of movement, strength and agility

    Correlation between microclimatic working conditions and seat comfort with the health of bus drivers

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    Brojne studije rađene u svijetu otkrivaju da gradski vozači autobusa imaju visoku učestalost bolova u miÅ”ićnokoÅ”tanom sustavu. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu povezanosti mikroklimatskih uvjeta rada i udobnosti sjedala sa zdravljem vozača autobusa. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 115 muÅ”kih vozača autobusa u dobi od 40 do 55 godina, zaposlenih u gradskoj tvrtki ZET. Podaci su prikupljeni uz pomoć Upitnika za procjenu neergonomskih uvjeta rada (SNUR). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da neudobno sjedalo predstavlja najveći problem u ergonomskim aspektima uvjeta rada s prosječnom ocjenom (4,2) a najmanji nedovoljno osvjetljenje kabine (2,6). Rezultati ukazuju da su neergonomski uvjeti na radnome mjestu značajno povezani sa zdravljem miÅ”ićno-koÅ”tanog (ƖMPQ upitnik). Dobiveni podatci trebali bi poslužiti kao smjernice u oblikovanja preventivnih intervencijskih mjera za unapređenje zdravlja profesionalnih vozača autobusa.Numerous studies conducted around the world have found that urban bus drivers have a high prevalence rate of musculoskeletal pain. The aim of this study was to determine the level of correlation between microclimatic working conditions and seat comfort with the health of bus drivers. The survey was conducted on a sample of 115 male bus drivers aged 40 to 55, employed in public transportation company, the city of Zagrebā€™s company. Data were collected using the non-ergonomic working conditions assessment questionnaire (SNUR). The results of this study show that an uncomfortable seat was the biggest problem in the ergonomic aspects of working conditions with an average rating (4.2) and the least problem was insufficient cabin lighting (2.6). The results indicate that non-ergonomic workplace conditions are significantly related to musculoskeletal health (ƖMPQ questionnaire). The data obtained should serve as guidelines in designing preventive interventional measures to improve the health of professional bus drivers

    Correlation between microclimatic working conditions and seat comfort with the health of bus drivers

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    Brojne studije rađene u svijetu otkrivaju da gradski vozači autobusa imaju visoku učestalost bolova u miÅ”ićnokoÅ”tanom sustavu. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu povezanosti mikroklimatskih uvjeta rada i udobnosti sjedala sa zdravljem vozača autobusa. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 115 muÅ”kih vozača autobusa u dobi od 40 do 55 godina, zaposlenih u gradskoj tvrtki ZET. Podaci su prikupljeni uz pomoć Upitnika za procjenu neergonomskih uvjeta rada (SNUR). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da neudobno sjedalo predstavlja najveći problem u ergonomskim aspektima uvjeta rada s prosječnom ocjenom (4,2) a najmanji nedovoljno osvjetljenje kabine (2,6). Rezultati ukazuju da su neergonomski uvjeti na radnome mjestu značajno povezani sa zdravljem miÅ”ićno-koÅ”tanog (ƖMPQ upitnik). Dobiveni podatci trebali bi poslužiti kao smjernice u oblikovanja preventivnih intervencijskih mjera za unapređenje zdravlja profesionalnih vozača autobusa.Numerous studies conducted around the world have found that urban bus drivers have a high prevalence rate of musculoskeletal pain. The aim of this study was to determine the level of correlation between microclimatic working conditions and seat comfort with the health of bus drivers. The survey was conducted on a sample of 115 male bus drivers aged 40 to 55, employed in public transportation company, the city of Zagrebā€™s company. Data were collected using the non-ergonomic working conditions assessment questionnaire (SNUR). The results of this study show that an uncomfortable seat was the biggest problem in the ergonomic aspects of working conditions with an average rating (4.2) and the least problem was insufficient cabin lighting (2.6). The results indicate that non-ergonomic workplace conditions are significantly related to musculoskeletal health (ƖMPQ questionnaire). The data obtained should serve as guidelines in designing preventive interventional measures to improve the health of professional bus drivers


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    Ovim istraživanjem utvrđen je uticaj motoričkih sposobnosti na proces učenja alpskog skijanja. Takođe, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi uticaj određenih morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika na savladavanje skijaÅ”kih znanja. Na početku istraživanja ispitanici su bili testirani pomoću testova za procjenu: ravnoteže, agilnosti, eksplozivne i statičke snage, frekvencije pokreta, te fleksibilnosti. Nakon procjene motoričkih sposobnosti, ispitanicima su utvrđene osnovne morfoloÅ”ke karateristike, te su pristupili Å”koli alpskog skijanja u trajanju od sedam dana. Po zavrÅ”etku učenja alpskog skijanja svi ispitanici demonstrirali su sedam elemenata skijaÅ”ke tehnike ispred pet nezavisnih ispitivača. Analiza rezultata pokazala je kako agilnost pozitivno utiče pri učenju svih ispitanih elemenata skijaÅ”ke tehnike (kosi spust, Ī² = 0,38; Ī² = 0,26; zavoj ka padini, Ī² = 0,33; Ī² = 0,23; osnovni zavoj, Ī² = 0,18; paralelni zavoj, Ī² = 0,32; vijuganje, Ī² = 0,34). Rezultati ispitanika u testu izdržaj u čučnju kojim se procjenjuje statička snaga nogu pozitivno utiče kod učenja zavoja ka padini (Ī² = 0,19), osnovnog zavoja (Ī² = 0,35), te paralelnog zavoja (Ī² = 0,27). Test za procjenu ravnoteže (ravnotežni položaj lijeve noge uzdužno) značajno utiče pri učenju osnovnih elemenata skijaÅ”ke tehnike (kosi spust u desnu stranu, Ī² = 0,23; kosi spust u lijevu stranu, Ī² = 0,28; zavoj ka padini u lijevu stranu, Ī² = 0,24). Tjelesna visina skijaÅ”a početnika negativno utiče na efikasnost usvajanja skijaÅ”kih znanja (Ī² = -0,5), Å”to znači da će viÅ”im skijaÅ”ima biti teže usvajati skijaÅ”ka znanja u odnosu na niže skijaÅ”e. S obzirom na rezultate ovog istraživanja moguće je istaknuti agilnost, statičku snagu, te ravnotežu kao one motoričke sposobnosti koje najviÅ”e doprinose skijaÅ”kim početnicima prilikom učenja skijaÅ”ke tehnike


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    Sportska prehrana jedan je od najvažnijih čimbenika koji utječu na uspjeh u sportu. Uslijed ograničenih financijskih izvora edukaciju i brigu o prehrani mladih sportaÅ”a najčeŔće preuzimaju sportski teneri i roditelji. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti znanje o prehrani te prehrambene navike budućih sportskih pedagoga i roditelja djece sportaÅ”a. Dodatno istraživanjem se htio utvrditi utjecaj koji prehrambeno znanje roditelja te njihove prehrambene navike imaju na navike djece. U istraživanje je uključeno 108 ispitanika; od toga 58 studenata KinezioloÅ”kog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu (39 muÅ”kog, 19 ženskog spola; prosječne dobi 22.3 Ā± 1.65 godina) te 50 roditelja djece sportaÅ”a uključenih u 16 različitih sportova (17 muÅ”kog i 33 ženskog spola; prosječne dobi 45 Ā± 7.4 godina). Podaci su prikupljeni kroz upitnik sastavljen od 40 pitanja za procjenu prehrambenog znanja, grupiranih u sedam kategorija ovisno o tome jesu li procjenjivali znanje o bjelančevinama, ugljikohidratima, mastima, vitaminima i mineralima, hidraciji, dijeti ili utjecaju prehrane na sportski uspjeh. Pitanja su dodatno stratificirana prema kriteriju važnosti znanja za profesiju trenera u tri kategorije: osnovno znanje, preporučeno znanje, napredno znanje. Najbolje znanje budući sportski pedagozi i roditelji pokazali su u kategorijama utjecaj prehrane na sportski uspjeh i hidracija (72.3% i 71.8%), dok su najloÅ”iji rezultati dobiveni na pitanja vezana uz bjelančevine i masti (44.0% i 56.0%). Analiza rezultata prema kategorijama znanja pokazala je pak najbolje osnovno (bazično) znanje (77.4% točnih odgovora), no s težinom pitanja smanjivao se udio točnih odgovora pa je tek 67.5% točnih odgovora zabilježeno u kategoriji preporučenog znanja, a samo 49.8% u kategoriji naprednog znanja. Spearman-ovim koeficijentom korelacije (rs) pokazana je statistički značajna povezanost između znanja o prehrani i prehrambenih navika u obje grupe ispitanika (rs =0.30, rs =37; p<0.05). prehrana, roditelji djece sportaÅ”aSports nutrition is one of the most important factors for sport performance and success. Due to limited financial resources young athletes\u27 education and care about nutrition is usually assumed by coaches and parents. The aim of the study was to investigate nutrition-related knowledge and dietary habits of future sports pedagogues and young athletes\u27 parents. Secondary aim of this study was to investigate the impact of parental nutrition-related knowledge and dietary habits on the quality of athlete children\u27s nutrition habits. The sample consisted of 108 subjects, students from Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (39 male, 19 female; age 22.3 Ā± 1.65) and parents of young athletes participating in 16 different sports (17 male, 33 female; age 45 Ā± 7.4). Data were collected using the method of written questionnaires consisting of 40 nutrition knowledge questions. Questions were grouped into 7 categories testing specific knowledge on proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, hydration, diet and influence of nutrition on sport performance, and were additionally classified according to importance of a particular question for the profession of a coach into three categories: basic knowledge, advisable knowledge and advanced knowledge. Best overall knowledge was noticed for the influence of nutrition on sport performance and hydration (72.3% and 71.8%) and the worst on proteins and fats (44.0% and 56.0%). When answers were analyzed across the three nutritional knowledge categories, the highest percentage of correct answers was in the group of basic knowledge (77.4%). However, as the level of question difficulty increased, the number of correct answers decreased in each category, indicating almost linear decline of knowledge (advisable knowledge 67.5%, advanced knowledge 49.8% of correct answers). Spearman\u27s rank correlation coefficient (rs) showed statistically significant correlations between nutrition knowledge and dietary habits were noticed in both groups (rs=0.30, rs=37; p<0.05)

    Differences between Students of two Different Study Programs in Assessment of Water Sports Teaching Standard

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    The aim of the research was to determine if there was a difference in assessment of pedagogical-material standard in Water sports teaching between students of the Old study program in the period from year 2001 to year 2007 and students of the New (Bologna) study program in the period from year 2010 to 2015. The research was conducted on 2400 students, of which 1797 student entered the sample. Students have assessed 12 variables on a five-grade Lickert type scale through anonymous questionnaire. Variables of assessment were traveling, accommodation, food, teachers, assistants, vessels, climate and curricula for sailing, windsurfing, rowing and kayaking. The results of the arithmetic means for each variable were more positive for students in the new study program. Total arithmetic mean for the Old study program was 4.15, and for the New study program it was 4.46. Based on the results acquired it is determined that there is a difference in assessment between the students of the Old study program and the students of the New study program

    Anthropological characteristics of sailors regarding different sailing classes

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    Jedrenje i jedrenje na dasci su specifični sportovi koji se za razliku od mnogih drugih sportova provode na vodi, samim time priprema sportaÅ”a mora biti specifična. Potrebna je visoka razina tehničko taktičke inteligencije kako bi ostvareni rezultati jedriličara bili na najviÅ”oj mogućoj razini, no opće je poznato kako na uspjeÅ”nost u sportu, pa tako i u jedrenju antropometrijske karakteristike imaju značajan utjecaj. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi koji je optimalan raspon antropoloÅ”kih mjera tjelesne visine i tjelesne mase među jedriličarima i jedriličarkama u ukupno 8 olimpijskih klasa u jedrenju. Za potrebe istraživanja su prikupljeni podaci prvih 15 najbolje plasiranih jedriličara i jedriličarki na OI od 2008. do 2016. godine. U istraživanju su proučavane dvije antropometrijske mjere: tjelesna masa i tjelesna visina. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka napravljena je statistička analiza za dobivanje deskriptivnih parametara. Ukupno je obrađeno 555 ostvarenih rezultata, od čega su 330 plasmana ostvarili jedriličari, dok su 225 plasmana ostvarile jedriličarke. Deskriptivni podaci govore kako su prosječne vrijednosti visine i mase sve veće, a iznimku predstavljaju klase 470 i RS:X u kojima su rezultati varirali oko srednjih vrijednosti. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata pretpostavlja se da će na budućim Olimpijskim Igrama većina (min.70%) najuspjeÅ”nijih jedriličara (prvih 15) biti u rasponu dobivenih antropometrijskih karakteristika. Dobivene vrijednosti mogu poslužiti kao modalne karakteristike kod jedriličara te nam olakÅ”avaju selekciju sportaÅ”a.Sailing and windsurfing are specific sports that differ from many other sports activities in water, therefore the preparation of athletes must be specific. High level of technical and tactical intelligence is required to ensure that the results achieved in sailing are at the highest possible level, but it is widely known that success in sport, and therefore also in sailing, is gratly affected by anthropometric characteristics . The aim of this study was to determine the optimal range of anthropological measures of body height and body mass among sailors, both male and female, in a total of 8 Olympic classes in sailing. For the purposes of the research, the data of the first 15 best placed male and female sailors at the Olympics from 2008 to 2016 were collected. Two anthropometric measures were studied in the research: body mass and body height. Based on the collected data, a statistical analysis was performed to obtain descriptive parameters. A total of 555 achieved results were processed, of which 330 rankings were achieved by men sailors, while 225 rankings were achieved by female sailors. Descriptive data show that average values of height and weight are increasing, with the exception of class 470 and RS:X in which the results differ around the mean values. Based on the obtained results, it is assumed that at the future Olympic Games the majority (min 70%) of the most successful sailors (first 15) will be in the range of the obtained anthropometric characteristics. The obtained values can serve as modal characteristics in sailors and make the selection of the athletes easier