5 research outputs found

    Semantic and Sentiment Analysis

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    Abstract-Sentiment and Semantic analysis is a very powerful tool in today's internet. It is very important to find out the correct context and sense in which a particular sentence has been written on the internet because there is no physical contact to find out the meaning of the sentence. A number of methods and techniques are followed in order to classify the defined statement as positive or negative. This classification helps to actually find out the context of a sentence remotely. This paper aims at surveying a number of such algorithms, methods and techniques to classify any sentence as positive, negative or neutral and also discuss the issues related to each method faced during implementation and execution. The essential issues in sentiment analysis are to identify how sentiments are expressed in texts and whether the expressions indicate positive (favorable) or negative (unfavorable) opinions toward the subject and how efficiently and correctly sentences are classified

    Late onset Descemet's membrane detachment 20 years after penetrating keratoplasty

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    This paper reports a case of spontaneous Descemet's Membrane (DM ) detachment 20-years after penetrating keratoplasty (PK). The patient presented with acute onset blurred vision in the right eye associated with mild ocular discomfort. There was no prior history of trauma. The patient had undergone PK in the right eye 20 years back. Detailed ophthalmic examination showed best corrected visual acuity of hand movements close to face in the right eye and 20/80 in the left eye. The right eye showed diffuse graft edema but no congestion, epithelial defect, or loss of continuity of graft-host junction to suggest a traumatic etiology. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography showed DM break with a detachment in the right eye, which was treated with an intracameral C3F8 injection. DM break with detachment post-PK has been very sparsely reported in literature and is an important differential to remember when faced with an edematous graft, in addition to the diagnosis of graft rejection or failure