23 research outputs found

    Leveraging Groebner bases and SAT for hardware/software verification

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    Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: University of UtahFacult

    Guiding CNF-SAT Search by Analyzing Constraint-Variable Dependencies and Clause Lengths

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    The type of decision strategies employed for CNF-SAT have a profound effect on the efficiency and performance of SAT engines. Over the years, a variety of decision heuristics have been proposed; each has its own achievements and limitations. This paper re-visits the issue of decision heuristics and engineers a new approach that takes an integrated view of the overall problem structure. Our approach qualitatively analyzes clause-variable dependencies by accounting for variable/literal activity, clause connectivity, distribution of variables among clauses of different lengths, and correlation among variables, to derive an initial static ordering for SAT search. To account for conflict clauses and their resolution, a corresponding dynamic variable order update strategy is also presented. Quantitative metrics are proposed that are used to devise an algorithmic approach to guide overall SAT search. Experimental results demonstrate that our strategy significantly outperforms conventional approaches

    Dynamic Analysis of Constraint-Variable Dependencies to Guide SAT Diagnosis

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    An important aspect of the Boolean Satisfiability problem is to derive an ordering of variables such that branching on that order results in a faster, more efficient search. Contemporary techniques employ either variable-activity or clause-connectivity based heuristics, but not both, to guide the search. This paper advocates for simultaneous analysis of variable-activity and clause-connectivity to derive an order for SAT search. Preliminary results demonstrate that the variable order derived by our approach can significantly expedite the search. As the search proceeds, clause database is updated due to added conflict clauses. Therefore, the variable activity and connectivity information changes dynamically. Our technique analyzes this information and re-computes the variable order whenever the search is restarted. Preliminary experiments show that such a dynamic analysis of constraint-variable relationships significantly improves the performance of the SAT solvers. Our technique is very fast and this analysis time is a negligible (in milliseconds) even for instances that contain a large number of variables and constraints. This paper presents preliminary experiments, analyzes the results and comments upon future research directions

    2009 ACM TODAES best paper award

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