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    ABSTRACTA great number of literatures have been documented the destructive effects of the heavy metal toxin on the brain, kidneys, and nervous systems.Mercury is one of such chemicals of the environmental toxin which produces adverse effects causing mercury poisoning a leads to accumulation in thetissues of the body. Mercury occurs in various forms even though they are interchangeable which is the deadly feature of this chemical which is thecause for this mercury poisoning. That is, there are three types, namely, elemental, organic, and inorganic mercury. So, mercury has different effectsin the body according to its chemical forms. Exposure to this chemical occurs in two ways through environmental exposure or due to occupationalexposure. Different forms of mercury target different vital organs of the body, on failure of these organs are crucial for the body which might lead tothe death of the individual. Diagnosis of different types of mercury poisoning can be done by analyzing the samples of hair, urine, whole blood, andcertain tissues of the body. This analysis also gives us the results of recent exposure to the chemical. According to the lab diagnostic report and throughpreliminary clinic examination, the patient is treated according to the duration and dosage of mercury exposed to.Keywords: Mercury poisoning, Environmental toxin, Mercury, Occupational hazards