17 research outputs found

    An unprecedented large mesonephric cyst posing diagnostic dilemma and surgical challenge

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    Mesonephric cyst is a vestigial remnant of the Wolffian duct in females. Occasionally, the mesonephric duct persists lateral to the vagina and uterus, and cystic lesions may sometimes develop into neoplastic lesions. Mesonephric cysts are very rare. Here we report an unprecedented large left broad ligament mesonephric cyst in a 27 year old lady that posed diagnostic and surgical challenges. Ultrasound findings included cystic swelling probably arising from left ovary suggestive of left ovarian cyst. Plain abdominal computed tomography scan showed large simple left paraovarian cystic mass with no solid areas. During laparotomy, we found a large left thin walled cyst with smooth external surface with vascular prominence measuring 20x13x11 cm arising within the broad ligament stretching the left Fallopian tube, close to left ovary and adherent to recto-sigmoid. Cystectomy was done with preservation of left ovary. Histopathology report was consistent with mesonephric cyst. Mesonephric duct cyst should be considered in the diagnosis of abdomino-pelvic masses in females of adolescent and early reproductive age

    Coexistence of microfilaria with metastatic adenocarcinomatous deposit from breast in axillary lymph node cytology: A rare association

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    Filariasis is a global social health problem of tropical and sub tropical countries like India. W.bancrofti accounts for 95% of cases of lymphatic filariasis. Microfilaria in cytosmears are a rare finding. We report a case of 55 year old female presented with right axillary swelling with ipsilateral breast lump. Cytosmears from the lymph node aspirate showed metastatic adenocarcinomatous deposits and a bunch of microfilariae surrounding the tumor cells and the aspirate from the breast shows ductal carcinoma. We report an additional case of a rare association of microfilaria co-existing with carcinomatous deposit in the lymph node

    Lipoleiomyoma of the left broad ligament with dermoid cyst in ipsilateral ovary and synchronous multiple benign lesions of female genital tract: An unusual association

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    Lipoleiomyoma of the uterus is a rare variant of leiomyoma, and lipoleiomyoma of the broad ligament is still rarer, with only a handful of cases being reported. The present case was a perimenopausal woman who presented with a huge lower abdominal mass. Ultrasonography and computed tomography showed a heterogeneous solid mass in the left adnexa. The histopathological findings confirmed the nature of the lesions as a benign lipoleiomyoma with dermoid cyst of the left ovary and its other associated benign lesions, were the interesting features seen in this case which were not suspected clinically and radiologically

    Primary extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A 3-year record-based descriptive study from a tertiary care center in Southern India

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    Introduction: Primary extranodal lymphoma (pENL) refers to group of disorders arising from tissues other than lymph nodes and even from sites, which normally do not contain lymphoid tissue. This study was undertaken to ascertain the prevalence, anatomical distribution, and histological subtypes of extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) from a tertiary care institute in Southern India. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the Department of Pathology over a period of 3-years. Detailed clinical history, routine complete blood count, microbiological status was obtained from the medical records. Hamatoxylin and eosin slides were reviewed and immunohistochemistry was performed using a panel of antibodies depending on the morphology. All cases were classified based upon morphologic and immunophenotypic criteria according to World Health Organization 2008 classification. Results: Primary extranodal NHL constituting 22.6% (68/300) of all NHL and the majority of patients were from higher age group with peak incidence seen in fourth to fifth decade of life. In the pediatric population, the most common site is ileo-caecal region (42.8%) and the most common morphology is lymphoblastic lymphoma (42.8%). Similarly in the adult population head and neck was the most common site constituting 36% and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is the most common morphological subtype comprising 54% of all extranodal lymphomas. Conclusion: Although the reported incidence of pENL is low in India compared to other parts of the world, the possibility of pENL should always be kept in mind even though it arises in an extranodal site

    Malignant phyllodes tumor with heterologous differentiation: Clinicopathological spectrum of nine cases in a tertiary care institute in Eastern India

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    Phyllodes tumors are uncommon fibroepithelial neoplasms of breast. Heterologous sarcomatous differentiation of malignant phyllodes tumor (MPT) is a rare phenomenon as shown in the literature. Herein we report a series of nine cases from a tertiary care centre in Eastern India. Patients demographic data and clinical details were obtained from the medical records. Histopathology and immunohistochemical studies were analysed and diagnosed accordingly. Out of 38 cases of PT, 13 were found to be MPT, of which 9 cases showed heterologous differentiation in the form of angiosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, undifferentiated sarcoma, extensive squamous differentiation and with lipomatous metaplasia. Proper diagnosis and subtyping of the sarcomatous component is essential for deciding the correct treatment modality and prognostication of the disease. However there is no clear cut treatment protocol is available because of paucity of data

    Ancient Schwannoma of Ansa Cervicalis: A Rare Clinical Entity and Review of the Literature

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    Ancient schwannoma is an uncommon variant of schwannoma, a benign tumor arising from the nerve sheath. It is reported to arise from any nerves except optic and olfactory. However, only six cases of ancient schwannomas arising from ansa cervicalis nerve have been reported to date in English literature. Proper preoperative evaluation is necessary to rule out other causes of neck mass such as thyroid lesions, lymphadenopathy, and carotid body tumor. We report a case of ancient schwannoma arising from the ansa cervicalis nerve. The origin of the lesion from ansa cervicalis was confirmed by intraoperative finding. Postoperative histopathological examination revealed degenerative changes including pleomorphism, cellular atypia, large nuclei with prominent nucleoli, and paucity of mitotic figures. Periphery of the mass showed nuclear palisading with characteristic verocay bodies. Immunohistochemical evaluation for S-100 showed diffuse positivity of the tumor cells, thereby confirming the diagnosis of schwannoma. We consider that schwannoma of cervical region can have origin from any nerve and should try to identify the origin pre- and intraoperatively. The postoperative complications depend on the nerve of origin and the precision of the surgery performed

    Bilateral Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Chronic Silicosis: A Case Report

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    Silicosis is an occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica. People working in occupations like sandblasting, surface drilling, tunneling, silica flour milling, ceramic making, and so forth are predisposed to develop silicosis. Crystalline forms of silica are more fibrogenic than the amorphous forms, highlighting the importance of the physical form in pathogenesis. Lung biopsy is rarely performed for the diagnosis of silicosis as it can easily be detected by occupational history and radiological features. Patients with silicosis can develop complications like tuberculosis, lung cancer, progressive massive fibrosis, cor pulmonale, broncholithiasis, or tracheobronchial compression by lymph nodes. Pleural involvement in silicosis is rare. Spontaneous pneumothorax is a pleural complication that can develop in such patients. Usually in silicosis pneumothorax is unilateral. We hereby report the lung biopsy findings and discuss the mechanism of pneumothorax development in a case of chronic silicosis who, later on died during the course of the disease

    A Prospective Observational Study of Diagnostic Reliability of Semiquantitative and Quantitative High b-Value Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Distinguishing between Benign and Malignant Lung Lesions at 3 Tesla

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    Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of high b-value diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) to differentiate benign and malignant lung lesions in 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)