2,359 research outputs found

    Reactive attachment disorder in the general population: a hidden ESSENCE disorder

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    Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a severe disorder of social functioning. Previous research has shown that children with RAD may have poor cognitive and language abilities; however, findings mainly come from biased, institutionalised samples. This paper describes the characteristics of all children who were given a suspected or likely diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder in an epidemiological study of approximately 1,600 children investigating the prevalence of RAD in the general population. We found that children with RAD are more likely to have multiple comorbidities with other disorders, lower IQs than population norms, more disorganised attachment, more problem behaviours, and poorer social skills than would be found in the general population and therefore have a complex presentation than can be described as ESSENCE. We discuss the clinical and educational implications


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    The U.S. pork sector is evolving from an industry of small, independent firms vertically linked by spot markets to one of substantially larger firms vertically connected through contractual agreements and integration. Potential benefits to this tighter vertical arrangement include lower consumer pork prices, although the true nature of this benefit is still under debate. At the same time, there is concern of market foreclosure because highly vertically integrated industry may prevent independent hog producers from having access to open markets in which to sell their output. The objective of this paper is to develop an econometric model to estimate the extent of backward integration by pork processing firms into the upstream hog production stage, taking into account the oligopsonistic nature of the processors, and to simulate the effect of vertical integration on consumer and producer prices and welfare.backward vertical integration, oligopsony, pork, Industrial Organization, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Randomized Benchmarking as Convolution: Fourier Analysis of Gate Dependent Errors

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    We provide an alternative proof of Wallman's [Quantum 2, 47 (2018)] and Proctor's [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 130502 (2017)] bounds on the effect of gate-dependent noise on randomized benchmarking (RB). Our primary insight is that a RB sequence is a convolution amenable to Fourier space analysis, and we adopt the mathematical framework of Fourier transforms of matrix-valued functions on groups established in recent work from Gowers and Hatami [Sbornik: Mathematics 208, 1784 (2017)]. We show explicitly that as long as our faulty gate-set is close to some representation of the Clifford group, an RB sequence is described by the exponential decay of a process that has exactly two eigenvalues close to one and the rest close to zero. This framework also allows us to construct a gauge in which the average gate-set error is a depolarizing channel parameterized by the RB decay rates, as well as a gauge which maximizes the fidelity with respect to the ideal gate-set

    Origin and Growth of Parliamentary Government

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    Nanomechanical Quantum Memory for Superconducting Qubits

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    Many protocols for quantum computation require a quantum memory element to store qubits. We discuss the accuracy with which quantum states prepared in a Josephson junction qubit can be stored in a nanoelectromechanical resonator and then transfered back to the junction. We find that the fidelity of the memory operation depends on both the junction-resonator coupling strength and the location of the state on the Bloch sphere. Although we specifically focus on a large-area, current-biased Josesphson junction phase qubit coupled to the dilatational mode of a piezoelectric nanoelectromechanical disk resonator, many our results will apply to other qubit-oscillator models.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Minnesota Agricultural Economist 689

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    Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Dependence of CMI Growth Rates on Electron Velocity Distributions and Perturbation by Solitary Waves

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    We calculate growth rates and corresponding gains for RX and LO mode radiation associated with the cyclotron maser instability for parameterized horseshoe electron velocity distributions. The velocity distribution function was modeled to closely fit the electron distribution functions observed in the auroral cavity. We systematically varied the model parameters as well as the propagation direction to study the dependence of growth rates on model parameters. The growth rate depends strongly on loss cone opening angle, which must be less than 90o90^{o} for significant CMI growth. The growth rate is sharply peaked for perpendicular radiation (k=0k_{\parallel} = 0), with a full-width at half-maximum 1.7o1.7^{o}, in good agreement with observed k-vector orientations and numerical simulations. The fractional bandwidth varied between 104^{-4} and 102^{-2}, depending most strongly on propagation direction. This range encompasses nearly all observed fractional AKR burst bandwidths. We find excellent agreement between the computed RX mode emergent intensities and observed AKR intensities assuming convective growth length LcL_c\approx20-40 km and group speed 0.15cc. The only computed LO mode growth rates compatible observed LO mode radiation levels occurred for number densities more than 100 times the average energetic electron densities measured in auroral cavities. This implies that LO mode radiation is not produced directly by the CMI mechanism but more likely results from mode conversion of RX mode radiation. We find that perturbation of the model velocity distribution by large ion solitary waves (ion holes) can enhance the growth rate by a factor of 2-4. This will result in a gain enhancement more than 40 dB depending on the convective growth length within the structure. Similar enhancements may be caused by EMIC waves.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. J. Geophys. Res. 2007 (accepted