3,587 research outputs found

    Residual Stresses in Layered Manufacturing

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    Layered Manufacturing processes accumulate residual stresses during materialbuildup. These stresses may cause part warping and layer delamination. This paper presents work done on investigating residual stress accumulation andp(i,rt distortion of Layered Manufactured artifacts. A simple analyticaLmodel was developed and used to determine how the number of layers and the layer thickness influences part warping. Resllits show that thin layers produce lower part deflection as compared with depositing fewer and thicker layers. In addition to the analytical work, a finite element model wasdeveloped and used to illvestigate the deposition pattern's influence on. the part deflection. Finite element model and corresponding experimental analysis showed that the geometry of the deposition pattern significantly affects the resulting part distortion. This finite element model was also used to investigate an inter-layer surface defect,. known as the Christmas Thee Step, that is associated with Shape Deposition Manufacturing. Results indicate that the features of this defect are influenced only by the material deposited close. to the part·surface and the particular material deposited. The step is not affected by the deposition pattern.Mechanical Engineerin

    Adsorption, Segregation and Magnetization of a Single Mn Adatom on the GaAs (110) Surface

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    Density functional calculations with a large unit cell have been conducted to investigate adsorption, segregation and magnetization of Mn monomer on GaAs(110). The Mn adatom is rather mobile along the trench on GaAs(110), with an energy barrier of 0.56 eV. The energy barrier for segregation across the trenches is nevertheless very high, 1.67 eV. The plots of density of states display a wide gap in the majority spin channel, but show plenty of metal-induced gap states in the minority spin channel. The Mn atoms might be invisibl in scanning tunneling microscope (STM) images taken with small biases, due to the directional p-d hybridization. For example, one will more likely see two bright spots on Mn/GaAs(110), despite the fact that there is only one Mn adatom in the system

    Nuclear spin pumping and electron spin susceptibilities

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    In this work we present a new formalism to evaluate the nuclear spin dynamics driven by hyperfine interaction with non-equilibrium electron spins. To describe the dynamics up to second order in the hyperfine coupling, it suffices to evaluate the susceptibility and fluctuations of the electron spin. Our approach does not rely on a separation of electronic energy scales or the specific choice of electronic basis states, thereby overcoming practical problems which may arise in certain limits when using a more traditional formalism based on rate equations.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Accuracy of circular polarization as a measure of spin polarization in quantum dot qubits

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    A quantum dot spin LED provides a test of carrier spin injection into a qubit, as well as a means of analyzing carrier spin injection in general and local spin polarization. The polarization of the observed light is, however, significantly influenced by the dot geometry so the spin may be more polarized than the emitted light would naively suggest. We have calculated carrier polarization-dependent optical matrix elements using 8-band strain-dependent k.p theory for InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) for electron and hole spin injection into a range of quantum dot sizes and shapes, and for arbitrary emission directions. The observed circular polarization does not depend on whether the injected spin-polarized carriers are electrons or holes, but is strongly influenced by the SAQD geometry and emission direction. Calculations for typical SAQD geometries with emission along [110] show light that is only ~5% circularly polarized for spin states that are 100% polarized along [110]. Therefore observed polarizations [Chye et al. PRB 66, 201301(R)] of ~1% imply a spin polarization within the dot of ~20%. We also find that measuring along the growth direction gives near unity conversion of spin to photon polarization, and is the least sensitive to uncertainties in SAQD geometry.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Interaction Effects in Conductivity of Si Inversion Layers at Intermediate Temperatures

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    We compare the temperature dependence of resistivity \rho(T) of Si MOSFETs with the recent theory by Zala et al. This comparison does not involve any fitting parameters: the effective mass m* and g*-factor for mobile electrons have been found independently. An anomalous increase of \rho with temperature, which has been considered a signature of the "metallic" state, can be described quantitatively by the interaction effects in the ballistic regime. The in-plane magnetoresistance \rho(B) is qualitatively consistent with the theory; however, the lack of quantitative agreement indicates that the magnetoresistance is more susceptible to the sample-specific effects than \rho(T).Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. References update

    InGaAs/GaAs/alkanethiolate radial superlattices: Experimental

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    A radial InGaAs/GaAs/1-hexadecanethiol superlattice is fabricated by the roll-up of a strained InGaAs/GaAs bilayer passivated with a molecular self-assembled monolayer. Our technique allows the formation of multi-period inorganic/organic hybrid heterostructures. This paper contains the detailed experimental description of how to fabricate these structures.Comment: 2 pages, no figures, Version 2; minor changes (fixed typos and update references
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