11 research outputs found

    Data Relay Constellation for high-performance links supply to future Martian missions

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    Over the last decade, the scientific interest in Mars drastically increased. The planned growth of the number of robotic missions, together with the sensors' increasing data acquisition capabilities and the expected crewed expeditions, entails a significant increase in data flow between the Martian assets and Earth both in volume and frequency of contact. In particular, crewed missions would lead to the need for nearly continuous communication with Martian assets. The keystone to avoid the future Martian telecommunication deadlock resides in specialising assets on specific functionalities through infrastructures. In this regard, the paper proposes a distributed Mars -based orbiting system servicing as a communication relay for any scientific and technological mission operating on the red planet's surface. The paper explores the design of a small satellites Martian constellation to maximise the surface coverage and visibility time with respect to ground users while reducing the station keeping efforts of the assets. A relatively novel proposed approach is to exploit the socalled Trans Areostationary Orbits (TASO), which allow low drift of the spacecraft with respect to Mars' surface, with an improved orbital stability than the perfectly stationary orbits. The paper aims at extending the available options by exploring trajectories that leverage the third body gravitation from the two Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, to possibly further improve stability, coverage of the surface, communication datarates, and manoeuvres costs in general. The costs include the operative phase, as well as all the transfers from Earth to the Martian sphere of influence.As a final contribution, the paper explores the concept of Linked, Autonomous, Interplanetary Satellite Orbit Navigation (LiAISON) (Hill, 2007) for the proposed constellation configurations, to verify the possibility of reconstructing the spacecraft states through relative -only measurements. (c) 2024 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY -NC -ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    ORIGO: A mission concept to challenge planetesimal formation theories

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    Comets are generally considered among the most pristine objects in our Solar System. There have thus been significant efforts to understand these bodies. During the past decades, we have seen significant progress in our theoretical understanding of planetesimal/cometesimals (the precursors of comets) formation. Recent space missions—such as ESA’s Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko—have provided observations claimed by proponents of different comet formation theories to validate their scenarios. Yet, no single formation paradigm could be definitively proven. Given the importance of understanding how the first bodies in our Solar System formed, we propose a dedicated mission to address this issue. ORIGO will deliver a lander to the surface of a cometary nucleus where it will characterise the first five m of the subsurface. With remote sensing instruments and the deployment of payload into a borehole, we will be able to study the physico-chemical structure of ancient, unmodified material. The mission has been designed to fit into the ESA M-class mission budget

    Origo - an ESA M-class mission proposal to challenge planetesimal formation theories.

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    The Origo mission was submitted in response to the 2021 call for a Medium-size mission opportunity in ESA's Science Programme.The goal of Origo is to inform and challenge planetesimal formation theories. Understanding how planetesimals form in protoplanetary disks is arguably one of the biggest open questions in planetary science. To this end, it is indispensable to collect ground truths about the physico-chemical structure of the most pristine and undisturbed material available in our Solar System. Origo seeks to resolve the question of whether this icy material can still be found and thoroughly analysed in the sub-surface of comets.Specifically, Origo aims to address the following immediate science questions:Were cometesimals formed by distinct building blocks such as e.g. "pebbles", hierarchical sub-units, or fractal distributions? How did refractory and volatile materials come together during planetesimal growth e.g. did icy and refractory grains grow separately and come together later, or did refractory grains serve as condensation nuclei for volatiles? Did the building blocks of planetesimals all form in the vicinity of each other, or was there significant mixing of material within the protoplanetary disk? To answer these questions Origo will deliver a lander to a comet where we will characterise the first five meters of the subsurface with a combination of remote-sensing and payloads lowered into a borehole. Our instruments will examine the small scale physico-chemical structure. This approach will allow us to address the following objectives, each of which informs the respective science question: Reveal the existence of building blocks of a cometary nucleus from the (sub-)micron to metre scale by exploring unmodified material. Determine the physical structure of these building blocks, in particular, the size distribution of components and how refractory and volatile constituents are mixed and/or coupled. Characterise the composition of the building blocks by identifying and quantifying the major ices and refractory components. Over the past decade, significant theoretical advances have been achieved in working out possible planetesimal formation scenarios.The two leading hypotheses for how planetesimals formed from sub-micron dust and ice particles in the proto-planetary nebula can be classified into two groups:the hierarchical accretion of dust and ice grains to form planetesimals; and the growth of so-called pebbles, which are then brought to gentle gravitational collapse to form larger bodies by e.g. the streaming instability. These competing theories only have indirect proof from observations.Direct evidence, i.e. ground truths, about the building blocks of planetesimals remain hidden. Origo would challenge these theories by examining the physico-chemical structure of the most pristine material available in our Solar System. Though the proposal was not retained for step 2 we present our concept for community discussion

    Sky visibility analysis for astrophysical data return maximization in HERMES constellation

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    HERMES is a scientific mission composed of 3U nanosatellites dedicated to the detection and localization of high-energy astrophysical transients, with a distributed space architecture to form a constellation in Earth orbits. The space segment hosts novel miniaturized detectors to probe the x-ray temporal emission of bright events, such as gamma-ray bursts, and the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events, playing a crucial role in future multimessenger astrophysics. During operations, at least three instruments separated by a minimum distance shall observe a common area of the sky to perform a triangulation of the observed event. An effective detection by the nanosatellite payload is achieved by guaranteeing a beneficial orbital and pointing configuration of the constellation. The design has to cope with the limitations imposed by small space systems, such as the lack of on-board propulsion and the reduced systems budgets. We describe the methodologies and the proposed strategies to overcome the mission limitations, while achieving a satisfactory constellation visibility of the sky throughout the mission duration. The mission design makes use of a high-fidelity orbit propagator, combined with an innovative mission analysis tool that estimates the scientific performances of the constellation. The influence of the natural relative motion, which is crucial to achieve an effective constellation configuration without on-board orbit control, is assessed. The presented methodology can be easily extended to any kind of distributed scientific space applications, as well as to constellations dedicated to Earth and planetary observation. In addition, the visibility tool is applicable in the context of the constellation flight dynamics operations, yielding optimized results and pointing plans based on actual satellite orbital positions

    The scientific payload on-board the HERMES-TP and HERMES-SP CubeSat missions

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    none103siHERMES (High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites) Technological and Scientific pathfinder is a space borne mission based on a LEO constellation of nano-satellites. The 3U CubeSat buses host new miniaturized detectors to probe the temporal emission of bright high-energy transients such as Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). Fast transient localization, in a field of view of several steradians and with arcmin-level accuracy, is gained by comparing time delays among the same event detection epochs occurred on at least 3 nano-satellites. With a launch date in 2022, HERMES transient monitoring represents a keystone capability to complement the next generation of gravitational wave experiments. In this paper we will illustrate the HERMES payload design, highlighting the technical solutions adopted to allow a wide-energy-band and sensitive X-ray and gamma-ray detector to be accommodated in a CubeSat 1U volume together with its complete control electronics and data handling system.noneEvangelista, Yuri; Fiore, Fabrizio; Fuschino, Fabio; Campana, Riccardo; Ceraudo, Francesco; Demenev, Evgeny; Guzman, Alejandro; Labanti, Claudio; La Rosa, Giovanni; Fiorini, Mauro; Gandola, Massimo; Grassi, Marco; Mele, Filippo; Morgante, Gianluca; Nogara, Paolo; Piazzolla, Raffaele; Pliego Caballero, Samuel; Rashevskaya, Irina; Russo, Francesco; Sciarrone, Giulia; Sottile, Giuseppe; Milankovich, Dorottya; Pál, András; Ambrosino, Filippo; Auricchio, Natalia; Barbera, Marco; Bellutti, Pierluigi; Bertuccio, Giuseppe; Borghi, Giacomo; Cao, Jiewei; Chen, Tianxiang; Dilillo, Giuseppe; Feroci, Marco; Ficorella, Francesco; Lo Cicero, Ugo; Malcovati, Piero; Morbidini, Alfredo; Pauletta, Giovanni; Picciotto, Antonino; Rachevski, Alexandre; Santangelo, Andrea; Tenzer, Chistoph; Vacchi, Andrea; Wang, Lingjun; Xu, Yupeng; Zampa, Gianluigi; Zampa, Nicola; Zorzi, Nicola; Burderi, Luciano; Lavagna, Michèle; Bertacin, Roberto; Lunghi, Paolo; Monge, Angel; Negri, Barbara; Pirrotta, Simone; Puccetti, Simonetta; Sanna, Andrea; Amarilli, Fabrizio; Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni; Bechini, Michele; Citossi, Marco; Colagrossi, Andrea; Curzel, Serena; Della Casa, Giovanni; Cinelli, Marco; Del Santo, Melania; Di Salvo, Tiziana; Feruglio, Chiara; Ferrandi, Fabrizio; Fiorito, Michele; Gacnik, Dejan; Galgóczi, Gabor; Gambino, Angelo Francesco; Ghirlanda, Giancarlo; Gomboc, Andreja; Karlica, Mile; Efremov, Pavel; Kostic, Uros; Clerici, Aurora; Lopez Fernandez, Borja; Maselli, Alessandro; Nava, Lara; Ohno, Masanori; Ottolina, Daniele; Pasquale, Andrea; Perri, Matteo; Piccinin, Margherita; Prinetto, Jacopo; Riggio, Alessandro; Ripa, Jakub; Papitto, Alessandro; Piranomonte, Silvia; Scala, Francesca; Selcan, David; Silvestrini, Stefano; Rotovnik, Tomaz; Virgilli, Enrico; Troisi, Ivan; Werner, Norbert; Zanotti, Giovanni; Anitra, Alessio; Manca, Arianna; Clerici, AuroraEvangelista, Yuri; Fiore, Fabrizio; Fuschino, Fabio; Campana, Riccardo; Ceraudo, Francesco; Demenev, Evgeny; Guzman, Alejandro; Labanti, Claudio; La Rosa, Giovanni; Fiorini, Mauro; Gandola, Massimo; Grassi, Marco; Mele, Filippo; Morgante, Gianluca; Nogara, Paolo; Piazzolla, Raffaele; Pliego Caballero, Samuel; Rashevskaya, Irina; Russo, Francesco; Sciarrone, Giulia; Sottile, Giuseppe; Milankovich, Dorottya; Pál, András; Ambrosino, Filippo; Auricchio, Natalia; Barbera, Marco; Bellutti, Pierluigi; Bertuccio, Giuseppe; Borghi, Giacomo; Cao, Jiewei; Chen, Tianxiang; Dilillo, Giuseppe; Feroci, Marco; Ficorella, Francesco; Lo Cicero, Ugo; Malcovati, Piero; Morbidini, Alfredo; Pauletta, Giovanni; Picciotto, Antonino; Rachevski, Alexandre; Santangelo, Andrea; Tenzer, Chistoph; Vacchi, Andrea; Wang, Lingjun; Xu, Yupeng; Zampa, Gianluigi; Zampa, Nicola; Zorzi, Nicola; Burderi, Luciano; Lavagna, Michèle; Bertacin, Roberto; Lunghi, Paolo; Monge, Angel; Negri, Barbara; Pirrotta, Simone; Puccetti, Simonetta; Sanna, Andrea; Amarilli, Fabrizio; Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni; Bechini, Michele; Citossi, Marco; Colagrossi, Andrea; Curzel, Serena; Della Casa, Giovanni; Cinelli, Marco; Del Santo, Melania; Di Salvo, Tiziana; Feruglio, Chiara; Ferrandi, Fabrizio; Fiorito, Michele; Gacnik, Dejan; Galgóczi, Gabor; Gambino, Angelo Francesco; Ghirlanda, Giancarlo; Gomboc, Andreja; Karlica, Mile; Efremov, Pavel; Kostic, Uros; Clerici, Aurora; Lopez Fernandez, Borja; Maselli, Alessandro; Nava, Lara; Ohno, Masanori; Ottolina, Daniele; Pasquale, Andrea; Perri, Matteo; Piccinin, Margherita; Prinetto, Jacopo; Riggio, Alessandro; Ripa, Jakub; Papitto, Alessandro; Piranomonte, Silvia; Scala, Francesca; Selcan, David; Silvestrini, Stefano; Rotovnik, Tomaz; Virgilli, Enrico; Troisi, Ivan; Werner, Norbert; Zanotti, Giovanni; Anitra, Alessio; Manca, Arianna; Clerici, Auror

    The scientific payload on-board the HERMES-TP and HERMES-SP CubeSat missions

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    The HERMES-technologic and scientific pathfinder

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    HERMES-TP/SP (High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites Technologic and Scientific Pathfinder) is a constellation of six 3U nano-satellites hosting simple but innovative X-ray detectors, characterized by a large energy band and excellent temporal resolution, and thus optimized for the monitoring of Cosmic High Energy transients such as Gamma Ray Bursts and the electromagnetic counterparts of Gravitational Wave Events, and for the determination of their positions. The projects are funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and by the Italian Space Agency, and by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No. 821896. HERMES-TP/SP is an in-orbit demonstration, that should be tested starting from 2022. It is intrinsically a modular experiment that can be naturally expanded to provide a global, sensitive all sky monitor for high-energy transients

    Timing techniques applied to distributed modular high-energy astronomy: the H.E.R.M.E.S. project

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    The association of GW170817 with GRB170817A proved that electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events are the key to deeply understand the physics of NS-NS merges. Upgrades of the existing GW antennas and the construction of new ones will allow to increase sensitivity down to several hundred Mpc vastly increasing the number of possible electromagnetic counterparts. Monitoring of the hard X-ray/soft gamma-ray sky with good localisation capabilities will help to effectively tackle this problem allowing to fully exploit multi-messenger astronomy. However, building a high energy all-sky monitor with large collective area might be particularly challenging due to the need to place the detectors onboard satellites of limited size. Distributed astronomy is a simple and cheap solution to overcome this difficulty. Here we discuss in detail dedicated timing techniques that allow to precisely locate an astronomical event in the sky taking advantage of the spatial distribution of a swarm of detectors orbiting Earth