17 research outputs found

    Collision of two identical hypersonic stellar winds in binary systems

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    We investigate the hydrodynamics of two identical hypersonic stellar winds in a binary system. The interaction of these winds manifests itself in the form of two shocks and a contact surface between them. We neglect the binary rotation and assume that the gas flow ahead of the shocks is spherically symmetrical. In this case the contact surface that separates the gas emanated from the different stars coincides with the midplane of the binary components. In the shock the gas is heated and flows away nearly along the contact surface. We find the shock shape and the hot gas parameters in the shock layer between the shock and the contact surface.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    X-ray Variability in the Young Massive Triple theta2 Ori A

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    Massive stars rarely show intrinsic X-ray variability. The only O-stars credited to be intrinsically variable are theta1 Ori C due to effects from magnetic confinement of its wind, and theta2 Ori A suspected of similar activity. Early Chandra observations have shown that the most massive star system in the Orion Trapezium Cluster, theta2 Ori A, shows rapid variability on time scales of hours. We determine X-ray fluxes and find that the star shows very strong variability over the last 5 years. We observed a second large X-ray outburst in November 2004 with the high resolution transmission grating spectrometer on-board Chandra. In the low state X-ray emissivities indicate temperatures well above 25 MK. In the high state we find an extended emissivity distribution with high emissivities in the range from 3 MK to over 100 MK. The outburst event in stellar terms is one of the most powerful ever observed and the most energetic one in the ONC with a lower total energy limit of 1.5x10^37 ergs. The line diagnostics show that under the assumption that the line emitting regions in the low states are as close as within 1 -- 2 stellar radii from the O-star's photosphere, whereas the hard states suggest a distance of 3 -- 5 stellar radii. The two outbursts are very close to the periastron passage of the stars. We argue that the high X-ray states are possibly the result of reconnection events from magnetic interactions of the primary and secondary stars of the spectroscopic binary. Effects from wind collisions seem unlikely for this system. The low state emissivity and R-ratios strengthen the predicament that the X-ray emission is enhanced by magnetic confinement of the primary wind. We also detect Fe fluorescence indicative of the existence of substantial amounts of neutral Fe in the vicinity of the X-ray emission.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Main Journa

    A dozen colliding wind X-ray binaries in the star cluster R136 in the 30Doradus region

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    We analyzed archival Chandra X-ray observations of the central portion of the 30 Doradus region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The image contains 20 X-ray point sources with luminosities between 5×10325 \times 10^{32} and 2×10352 \times 10^{35} erg s−1^{-1} (0.2 -- 3.5 keV). A dozen sources have bright WN Wolf-Rayet or spectral type O stars as optical counterparts. Nine of these are within ∼3.4\sim 3.4pc of R136, the central star cluster of NGC2070. We derive an empirical relation between the X-ray luminosity and the parameters for the stellar wind of the optical counterpart. The relation gives good agreement for known colliding wind binaries in the Milky Way Galaxy and for the identified X-ray sources in NGC2070. We conclude that probably all identified X-ray sources in NGC2070 are colliding wind binaries and that they are not associated with compact objects. This conclusion contradicts Wang (1995) who argued, using ROSAT data, that two earlier discovered X-ray sources are accreting black-hole binaries. Five of the eighteen brightest stars in R136 are not visible in our X-ray observations. These stars are either single, have low mass companions or very wide orbits. The resulting binary fraction among early type stars is then unusually high (at least 70%).Comment: 23 pages, To appear in August in Ap

    A Spectroscopic Survey of WNL Stars in the LMC: General Properties and Binary Status

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    We report the results of an intense, spectroscopic survey of all 41 late-type, nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) observable with ground-based telescopes. This survey concludes the decade-long effort of the Montr\'eal Massive Star Group to monitor every known WR star in the Magellanic Clouds except for the 6 crowded WNL stars in R136, which will be discussed elsewhere. The focus of our survey was to monitor the so-called WNL stars for radial-velocity (RV) variability in order to identify the short- to intermediate-period (P \la 200 days) binaries among them. Our results are in line with results of previous studies of other WR subtypes, and show that the binary frequency among LMC WNL stars is statistically consistent with that of WNL stars in the Milky Way. We have identified four previously unknown binaries, bringing the total number of known WNL binaries in the LMC to nine. Since it is very likely that none but one of the binaries are classical, helium-burning WNL stars, but rather superluminous, hence extremely massive, hydrogen-burning objects, our study has dramatically increased the number of known binaries harbouring such objects, and thus paved the way to determine their masses through model-independent, Keplerian orbits. It is expected that some of the stars in our binaries will be among the most massive known. With the binary status of each WR star now known, we also studied the photometric and X-ray properties of our program stars using archival MACHO photometry as well as Chandra and ROSAT data. We find that one of our presumably single WNL stars is among the X-ray brightest WR sources known. We also identify a binary candidate from its RV variability and X-ray luminosity which harbours the most luminous WR star known in the Local Group.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures; accepted for MNRA

    The Effect of Particulate Air Pollution on Emergency Admissions for Myocardial Infarction: A Multicity Case-Crossover Analysis

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    Recently, attention has focused on whether particulate air pollution is a specific trigger of myocardial infarction (MI). The results of several studies of single locations assessing the effects of ambient particular matter on the risk of MI have been disparate. We used a multicity case-crossover study to examine risk of emergency hospitalization associated with fine particulate matter (PM) with aerodynamic diameter < 10 μm (PM(10)) for > 300,000 MIs during 1985–1999 among elderly residents of 21 U.S. cities. We used time-stratified controls matched on day of the week or on temperature to detect possible residual confounding by weather. Overall, we found a 0.65% [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.3–1.0%] increased risk of hospitalization for MI per 10 μg/m(3) increase in ambient PM(10) concentration. Matching on apparent temperature yielded a 0.64% increase in risk (95% CI, 0.1–1.2%). We found that the effect size for PM(10) doubled for subjects with a previous admission for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or a secondary diagnosis of pneumonia, although these differences did not achieve statistical significance. There was a weaker indication of a larger effect on males but no evidence of effect modification by age or the other diagnoses. We also found that the shape of the exposure–response relationship between MI hospitalizations and PM(10) is almost linear, but with a steeper slope at levels of PM(10) < 50 μg/m(3). We conclude that increased concentrations of ambient PM(10) are associated with increased risk of MI among the elderly

    Cosmological Models of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We review models of cosmological gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The statistical and Îł\gamma-ray transparency issues are summarized. Neutron-star and black-hole merger scenarios are described and estimates of merger rates are summarized. We review the simple fireball models for GRBs and the recent work on non-simple fireballs. Alternative cosmological models, including models where GRBs are analogs of active galactic nuclei and where they are produced by high-field, short period pulsars, are also mentioned. The value of neutrino astronomy to solve the GRB puzzle is briefly reviewed.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, uuencoded compressed postscript file. Invited review to appear in the proceedings of the 29th ESLAB Symposium "Towards the Source of Gamma-Ray Bursts," Noordwijk, Netherlands, 25-27 April, 199