1,159 research outputs found

    Social and Economic Characteristics of Financial and Blood Donors in Germany

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    Surveys of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) have shown that Germans donated around 5.3 billion euros in 2009- right in the middle of the financial and economic crisis. The type and amount of donations made is well documented in Germany. However, until recently, there was very little information available on the identity of Germans who share their income with people in need. A new survey in the long-term SOEP study has now made it possible to collect this information systematically for the first time and to investigate questions such as: Which social groups do people who make donations belong to? Does a high income increase the willingness to donate money? Do education and age play a role? Do people who are happy donate more? Do the same motives apply for giving money as, for example, giving blood? In order to find answers to these questions, existing data sources on the Germans' willingness to give were analyzed, verified and matched with SOEP data for the first time. The results are conclusive: Women donate more than men, older people more than younger people. This only applies to donating money, however. As regards giving blood, social and financial differences are of much less importance. Here almost all social groups and classes donate as much-albeit much less frequently. While almost 40 percent of all Germans donated money in 2009, only seven percent gave blood.donations, income, altruistic, SOEP

    Improvements and Future Challenges for the Research: Infrastructure in the Field of Civil Society

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    Despite the obvious existence of civil society organizations (CSOs) and forms of civic engagement, the data available for this sector remains inadequate. This expert report provides a comprehensive view of the current data situation, reveals existing gaps, and offers suggestions on how these gaps might be closed. The empirical material currently provided by existing data sources - the Federal Statistical Office, statistics from the CSOs themselves, as well as special data and surveys - only register this area separately and to a limited extent, and even then not in a consistent manner. With respect to both civil society organizations and forms of individual engagement there is an inadequate data situation. Questions that have arisen around whether CSOs will remain oriented toward civil society in a context of increased economic pressure on organizations cannot be answered. Similarly, it is nearly impossible to analyze whether civic engagement belies an increased tendency towards monetarization. Since civil society will undoubtedly continue to gain in political and social importance, the long-term task will be to set up a meaningful and a predominantly self-contained system of data collection and provision. This goal can be reached by following up on the existing surveys and databases described in this paper.civil society; civil society organizations; civic engagement; Volunteers Survey; Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project; Handbook on Nonprofit Institutions in the System of National Accounts

    Untersuchung zur Bedeutung des Transkriptionsfaktors FoxM1 beim humanen Medulloblastom

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    Senior Recital: Michael Priller, Violin

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    Kemp Recital Hall November 10, 2018 Saturday Afternoon 4:30p.m

    Improvements and future challenges for the research: infrastructure in the field of civil society

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    "Despite the obvious existence of civil society organizations (CSOs) and forms of civic engagement, the data available for this sector remains inadequate. This expert report provides a comprehensive view of the current data situation, reveals existing gaps, and offers suggestions on how these gaps might be closed. The empirical material currently provided by existing data sources - the Federal Statistical Office, statistics from the CSOs themselves, as well as special data and surveys - only register this area separately and to a limited extent, and even then not in a consistent manner. With respect to both civil society organizations and forms of individual engagement there is an inadequate data situation. Questions that have arisen around whether CSOs will remain oriented toward civil society in a context of increased economic pressure on organizations cannot be answered. Similarly, it is nearly impossible to analyze whether civic engagement belies an increased tendency towards monetarization. Since civil society will undoubtedly continue to gain in political and social importance, the long-term task will be to set up a meaningful and a predominantly self-contained system of data collection and provision. This goal can be reached by following up on the existing surveys and databases described in this paper." [author's abstract

    Wer spendet in Deutschland? Eine sozialstrukturelle Analyse

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    Das Spenden von Geld für gemeinnützige Zwecke hat in Deutschland eine lange Tradition. Auch in den aktuellen Diskursen zur Zivilgesellschaft erfreuen sich die Spenden der Bürger steigender Aufmerksamkeit. Die vorliegende Studie geht mittels deskriptiver Analysen vorhandener Umfragedaten den Fragen nach, wie hoch die jährliche Spendensumme in Deutschland ist, wer von den Bundesbürgern spendet und welche Faktoren das Spendenverhalten beeinflussen. In den Ergebnissen zeigt sich, dass Umfang und Ausmaß von Spenden in Deutschland durch ein hohes Maß an Kontinuität und Stabilität gekennzeichnet sind. Alter, höhere Bildung, bessere wirtschaftliche Situation und eine starke religiöse Bindung wirken sich förderlich auf die Spendenbereitschaft aus. Die Spendenbeteiligung und Spendenhöhe steigt mit zunehmendem Einkommen, doch spenden untere Einkommensgruppen von ihrem Einkommen prozentual mehr. Bürger, die in Vereinen oder Verbänden engagiert sind, geben häufiger und mehr als nicht engagierte Bürger. -- Giving to nonprofit organisations has a long tradition in Germany. The donations of citizens enjoy increasing attention in current discourses on civil society. This study, by means of descriptive analyses of existing survey data, investigates which German citizens donate and how much yearly, in addition to the factors influencing their donation behaviour. The results show that the extent and volume of donations in Germany are characterised by a high degree of continuity and stability. Age, higher education, a better economic situation and a strong religious commitment positively affect the readiness to give money. The willingness to donate and the amount donated increase with income, though lower income groups give by percentage more. Citizens, who are members in associations, give more frequently and higher amounts than citizens who are not.

    European Civil Societies Compared: Typically German-Typically French?

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    International audienceFrance and Germany rely on different historic, religious, administrative and political traditions. In spite of these fundamental differences which should structure the non profit sector of every country, according to the theory of social origins (Salamon1998), the German and French thirdsectors converged during the last decade. They are closer by their economic weight, their composition, the growth of their volunteers and their relations with public authorities more competitive. Two differences remain however: a higher rate of membership and a more important weight of the foundations in GermanyLa France et l'Allemagne relèvent de traditions historiques, religieuses, administratives et politiques complètement différentes. En dépit de ces différences fondamentales qui devraient structurer le secteur non lucratif de chaque pays, selon la théorie institutionnaliste des social origins (Salamon 1998), les tiers secteurs allemands et français ont fortement convergé au cours de la dernière décennie. Ils sont de plus en plus proches par leur poids économique, leur composition par secteur d'activité, la croissance du bénévolat et des relations avec les pouvoirs publics plus concurrentielles. Deux différences subsistent cependant: un taux d'adhésion et un poids des fondations plus important en Allemagn

    Associations et fondations en France et en Allemagne : traditions et convergence

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    Asociaciones y fundaciones en Francia y en Alemania: tradiciones y convergencia Francia y Alemania se basan en tradiciones históricas, religiosas, administrativas y políticas distintas. Según la teoría institucionalista de los social origins, sus sectores sin fines de lucro deberían igualmente ser muy diferentes. Sin embargo, han coincido en muchos puntos en el curso de la ultima década (peso económico, predominio de los servicios sociales, modalidades de los financiamientos públicos, feminización y carácter atípico del empleo). En ambos países, el voluntariado aumenta al mismo ritmo que el empleo asalariado, implicando una relación macroeconómica de complementariedad, más bien que de sustitución, como en los países anglosajones. Dos diferencias históricas subsisten sin embargo: una menor tasa de participación en Francia, un menor número y menores peso económico e importancia política de las fundaciones, a pesar de una recuperación confusa desde la Ley Aillagon de 2003.La France et l'Allemagne relèvent de traditions historiques, religieuses, administratives et politiques distinctes. Selon la théorie institutionnaliste des social origins(Salamon&Anheier), leurs secteurs non lucratif devraient également être très différents. Ils ont pourtant largement convergé au cours de la dernière décennie (poids économique, prédominance des services sociaux, modalités des financements publics, féminisation et caractère atypique de l'emploi). Dans les deux pays, le bénévolat augmente en même temps que l'emploi salarié, suggérant une relation macroéconomique de complémentarité, plutôt que de substitution comme dans les pays anglo-saxons. Deux différences historiques subsistent néanmoins : un moindre taux de participation en France, et un moindre nombre, poids économique et importance politique des fondations, en dépit d'un rattrapage confus depuis la loi Aillagon de 2003

    Nonprofit-Organisationen im Umweltbereich: Strukturen, Tätigkeitsfelder und Beschäftigungspotentiale

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der steigenden arbeitsmarktpolitischen Bedeutung und durch den hohen zivilgesellschaftlichen Stellenwert gemeinnütziger Organisationen richtet sich die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit gegenwärtig verstärkt auf den Nonprofit-Sektor. Ökologisch orientierte Nonprofit-Organisationen stellen international und in Deutschland nur einen geringen Anteil der Arbeitsplätze im Nonprofit-Sektor. Dennoch weist die Entwicklung in den 90er Jahren auf eine starke Zunahme der Beschäftigung und damit auf eine hohe Dynamik in diesem Bereich hin. Anliegen des Beitrags ist es, ein Profil der Umweltorganisationen hinsichtlich der Besonderheiten ihrer Organisationsstruktur, Tätigkeitsfelder, Finanzierungsquellen und Beschäftigungsstruktur zu erstellen. Die Betrachtung basiert auf empirischen Ergebnissen der Organisationserhebung „Gemeinnützige Organisationen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel“, die 1998 mit Unterstützung der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung von der Wilhelms Universität Münster und dem Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung durchgeführt wurde. Inhaltlich und methodisch ist die Untersuchung in das international vergleichende Johns Hopkins-Projekt eingebunden. Die empirische Analyse ergab, daß es sich bei den befragten Umweltorganisationen um relativ junge Organisationen handelt. Sie zeichnen sich zudem durch einen hohen Grad an Spezialisierung aus. Deutlich lassen sich Tendenzen einer zunehmenden Institutionalisierung und Professionalisierung erkennen. Umweltorganisationen sind aber weiterhin stark durch ehrenamtliche und sonstige unbezahlte freiwillige Arbeit gekennzeichnet. Im Finanzierungsmix der Umweltorganisationen werden eigenerwirtschaftete Mittel künftig weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. Lediglich die Hälfte der hauptamtlichen Mitarbeiter in Umweltorganisationen ist gegenwärtig voll- bzw. teilzeitbeschäftigt. Perspektivisch erwarten die Umweltorganisationen einen zunehmenden Trend zur Flexibilisierung der Beschäftigungsverhältnisse. Er wird zur weiteren Zunahme der Teilzeitbeschäftigung und Honorartätigkeit und zu einer Abnahme der Vollzeitbeschäftigung führen. -- The rising significance of Nonprofit organizations for labor market policy and their weight in civil society has drawn the public attention to this sector more intensively. Although ecologically orientated Nonprofit organizations constitute only a minor percentage of working places internationally as well as in Germany, the development of the 1990s shows a quickly rising number of employees and a high dynamic in this sector. This paper gives an outline of the environmental organizations in Germany, of their organizational structure, activities, resources and their employment patterns. This analysis is based on empirical results of the survey “Nonprofit organizations in a changed society“, which had been carried out by the Muenster University and the Scientific Center of Social Research of Berlin and had been sponsored by the Hans Boeckler Foundation. The subject and the methods of this survey had been closely connected with the Johns Hopkins International Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project. The empirical analysis has shown that most of the environmental organizations are relatively young, and they are highly specialized. A rising institutionalization and professionalization are clearly distinguishable trends. Environmental organizations are predominantly characterized by voluntary and other non-paid activities. And there are signs that in the future internally raised funds as well as external fund raising will play a rising role in the financial base of environmental organizations. It is only half of the environmental organizations’ staff that are working full-time or parttime. And for the future a flexibilization of employment is to be expected that will lead to a further rise of part-time work and paid services as well as to a decrease of full-time employment.