180 research outputs found

    Managing Implementation of English Medium of Instruction in Higher Education in Kazakhstan: Practices and Challenges

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    The implementation of Strategy 2050 in Kazakhstan amplified the importance of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in education within the frame of trilingual policy (TLP). In achieving this goal some higher educational institutions in Kazakhstan started to introduce EMI into their curriculum. Thus, it is important to explore how it is being implemented. This study aimed at exploring how English as a medium of instruction in higher education is managed within the frame of trilingual policy implementation in Kazakhstan. More precisely, research aimed at addressing perceptions of university administrators and faculty towards TLP and EMI, management practices in EMI implementation and challenges that accompany implantation of this process. The study employed qualitative case study design with face-to-face in-depth interviews with three administrators and seven faculty members selected by means of maximal variation sampling in one state university and document analysis as another document to elicit insights into the practices and challenges EMI implementation. The study revealed that participants perceive TLP and EMI positively considering it as beneficial for social cohesion, modernization of current education and better competitiveness of graduates. Various practices in managing EMI implementation were revealed with workload reduction and possibility for professional development courses as examples of good practices and student admission process and organizational problems in EMI program as instances of poor management practices. Some external factors such as top-down management approach on the side of Ministry of Education and Science and lack of resources for EMI execution were identified as challenges hindering successful EMI implementation. The findings imply the need for establishing better collaboration between policy makers and universities to address immediate problems of universities for successful EMI management as well as the necessity for providing faculty with better facilities and proper organization of EMI groups on the side of university administration. Реализация Стратегии 2050 в Казахстане усилила значение английского как языка обучения в образовании в рамках трехъязычной политики. Для достижения этой цели некоторые высшие учебные заведения в Казахстане начали внедрять английский как язык обучения в свою учебную программу. Таким образом, важно изучить, как осуществляется внедрение английского как языка обучения. Данное исследование посвящено изучению того, как управляется внедрение английского как языка обучения в высшем образовании в рамках реализации политики трехъязычия в Казахстане. Исследование направленно на рассмотрение отношения администраторов и преподавателей университетов к политики трехъязычия и к английскому как языку обучения, далее рассматриваются методы управления, затем следует выявление проблем, сопровождающих управление. В исследовании использовался квалитативный метод кейс-стади с использованием индивидуальных детальных интервью с тремя администраторами и семью преподавателями, отобранными методом максимальной выборки, и анализом документов в качестве другого исследовательского инструмента в одном государственном университете, для того чтобы получить представление о практиках и сложностях в реализации внедрения английского как языка обучения. Исследование показало, что участники воспринимают политику трехъязычия и внедрение английского как языка обучения положительно, считая их необходимыми для социальной сплоченности, модернизации образования и лучшей конкурентоспособности выпускников. Были продемонстрированы различные методы управления внедрением английского как языка обучения. Так, сокращение рабочей нагрузки и возможность посещения курсов повышения квалификации были названы положительными примерами методов управления. В то время как слабый процесс отбора студентов и большие группы в программе с английским в качестве языка обучения рассматривались как примеры недочетов в методах управления. Некоторые внешние факторы, такие как нисходящее управление со стороны министерства образования и нехватка ресурсов для успешного внедрения английского как языка обучения, были определены как сложности, препятствующие успешной реализации программы. Выводы предполагают необходимость налаживания более тесного сотрудничества между министерством образования и университетами для решения неотложных проблем для успешного управления английского как языка обучения. В свою очередь администраторам необходимо предоставление преподавателям более лучших условий для работы и надлежащей организации групп с английским в качестве языка обучения

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of working memory in obstructive sleep apnea patients before and after treatment with continuous positive airway pressure

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    Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Neurologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 201

    Leader-Follower Unity: A Grounded Theory Based on Perceptions of Leadership and Followership Experts in the United States

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    Leaders and followers are equally important for organizational success and development. While leadership training is widely available, very few training sessions and courses are offered on cultivating follower skills. It is essential to educate and transform individuals to become effective followers. This study identifies the most important characteristics to be exhibited by individuals in the follower role as perceived by followership and leadership experts in the United States. The theoretical framework used for this study is 12 follower attributes proposed by Antelo, Henderson, and St. Clair (2010). Seven scholars were interviewed: Ira Chaleff, Dr. Joanne Ciulla, Dr. Gene Dixon, Dr. Barbara Kellerman, Dr. Rob Koonce, Dr. Jean Lipman-Blumen, and Dr. Ron Riggio. The grounded theory constructed as a result of the study reveals that (a) scarcity of followership courses in academic curricula can be explained by the negative stereotype of the term follower prevalent in the Western society, (b) follower skills can be taught, (c) followership should be taught every time leadership is taught at academic levels ranging from high school to post graduate, and (d) 17 follower attributes are suggested for the purpose of teaching individuals. A taxonomy of leadership theories with the follower component is developed to acknowledge the presence of followers in the leadership process. For the first time, the model of Leader–Follower Unity is proposed to portray an individual’s ability to act as a follower and a leader. The importance of teaching from a Leader-Follower Unity standpoint that integrates the roles of leaders and followers is addressed. An implementation of a Leader–Follower course that teaches the identified follower attributes is suggested

    Follower Attributes: Perceptions of Leadership and Followership Experts in the United States

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    This study identifies the most important characteristics of followers as perceived by followership and leadership experts in the United States. The grounded theory constructed as a result of the study reveals that (a) scarcity of followership courses in academic curricula can be explained by the negative stereotype of the term follower prevalent in the Western society, (b) follower skills can be taught, (c) followership should be taught every time leadership is taught at academic levels ranging from high school to post graduate, and (d) 17 follower attributes are suggested for the purpose of teaching individuals

    Demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil - WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign Against Epilepsy - A foreword

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    In 2002, ASPE (Assistência à Saúde de Pacientes com Epilepsia)* initiated an Epilepsy Demonstration Project (DP) in Brazil as part of the Global Campaign Against Epilepsy "Epilepsy out of the Shadows", led by the World Health Organization (WHO), the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE)1-4. Demonstration Projects have been carried out in several countries and their main aim is to develop treatment models for people with epilepsy in primary health care settings, improving the quality of life of people with epilepsy and their families5-9. The project in Brazil has targeted areas in Campinas and São José do Rio Preto municipalities, both in São Paulo State, in Southeastern region8. A task force has been established to assess strategies to expand this nationwide. The DP was carried out in six phases as shown in Figure 1. The Brazilian DP was officially closed during the IV Workshop of the WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign Against Epilepsy "Epilepsy out of the Shadows", held on May 4-5th 2006, in Campinas. The workshop reviewed the results of the project and discussed the establishment of a National Epilepsy Policy. This supplement presents some results from all phases of the Brazilian DP which were discussed during the Workshop. In brief, we believe that the DP had an impact in our society and brought a new perspective on epilepsy. Awareness campaigns are now carried out on September 9th (Epilepsy Awareness Day) annually in many sites around the country. Regulations and Bills related to epilepsy have been proposed in several regions. Epilepsy has been officially adopted as a theme to be considered in elementary education by the Ministry of Education. Currently, a National Epilepsy Programme, endorsed by the main Brazilian non-governmental organizations in the field of epilepsy, is under review at the Ministry of Health. We hope that this will benefit some of the many people with epilepsy in the country and will eventually bring epilepsy out of the shadows in Brazil

    Assessing Effective Attributes Of Followers In A Leadership Process

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    Followership, being an understudied concept, raises fundamental questions: How did followership develop? Why do people submit into becoming followers? The developmental trajectory for the development of individual attributes is as yet, uncharted. Current study provides an overview of assessed attributes of followers, as proposed by Antelo (2010). Statistical survey design and correlation procedures are applied to assess selected variables and their relationship when examining the results of a multicultural survey conducted among leaders and followers in Russia, Belarus, United States, Bolivia, Mexico and Italy, totaling in over 400 members. Findings indicate that individual worker motivation influences performance and productivity.  Results of the study also illustrate that leaders typically rate themselves higher than followers do. The study discusses the need to understand how individual traits are developed, discovered, and how individuals can be formed, nurtured and prepared to become effective leaders as well as effective followers. The criticality of certain attributes characteristic to both leaders and followers is examined along with the need to analyze how some attributes can be changed.  Evolutionary approach in personal development and formation of individual attributes is taken into a great consideration.   &nbsp

    Rainbow Of Followers Attributes In A Leadership Process

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    While the breeze of leadership is swaying the continent of North America with irresistible appeal, followership is left to rest in the shade. The subject has been given a very limited attention, thus, the paper attempts to address this deficiency and propose attributes of effective followers. Statistical survey design and correlation procedures are applied to assess selected variables and their relationship when examining the results of a multicultural survey conducted among leaders and followers of six countries. The results of the sample countries Russia and Belarus are being reviewed. Findings indicate that respondents tend to have an involuntary inclination towards group work and camaraderie, and are comfortable in the atmosphere of togetherness. Results also illustrate that respondents of the sample have a different understanding of notion of tolerance than respondents in the United States. The study discusses the need to understand how individual traits are assessed and developed, and how individuals can be formed, nurtured and prepared to become effective followers. The criticality of certain attributes characteristic to followers is examined along with practical suggestions of how some attributes can be brought to a more advanced level. The significance of having a leader inside every follower is emphasized. Uncomplicated, yet effective strategies on how to unleash and sustain followership capacity in individuals are described

    Оцінка мікробіологічних, фізико–хімічних показників та гідротехнічна характеристика води у ставах для вирощування товарної риби Національного природничого парку «Подільські Товтри»

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    The results of the study of the basic physical, chemical, microbiological and hydrochemical characteristics of water ponds for growing freshwater fish. Data analysis hydrochemical regime studied ponds throughout the observation period showed that it was relatively stable fluctuated within small and do not exceed the maximum allowable substances in water. PH of water management ponds research ranged 6.1 – 7.5. Nitrites and nitrates were also in small concentrations that do not exceed regulatory and amounted to 0.1 mg N/l and 1.1 mg N/l. Established in the summer studied water samples contained more E.coli, than in the spring and autumn months and had a circle–titer less than 0.1 in 18.3% of cases. Indicator KMAFAnM water was almost 13 times higher in summer compared to spring and autumn. KilkistE.coli fall in surface water was on average within 1 – 3 CFU / cm3, and in the summer 6– 9. In the bottom water kilkistE.coli autumn was on average within 0 – 1 CFU / cm3, and in the summer 5 – 9 cfu / cm3. Indicator Value KMAFAnM in the mud was higher than the value in the bottom water fall nearly 210 times in the summer – in 417 times.Наведені результати вивчення основних фізико–хімічних, мікробіологічних показників та гідрохімічної характеристики води  ставів з вирощування прісноводної риби. Аналіз даних гідрохімічного режиму досліджуваних ставів  протягом всього періоду спостережень показав, що він був відносно стабільним, коливався в незначних межах і не перевищував гранично допустимих речовин у воді. Рівень рН води дослідних ставів господарства коливався в межах 6,1 – 7,5. Нітрити і нітрати знаходилися також у незначних концентраціях, які не перевищували нормативних і становили відповідно  0,1 мг N/л та 1,1 мг N/л. Встановлено, що влітку досліджувані проби води містили більшу кількість E.coli, ніж у  весняно–осінні місяці та мали колі–титр менше 0,1 у 18,3% випадків. Показник КМАФАнМ у воді був майже в 13 разів більшим влітку порівняно із весняно–осіннім періодом. КількістьE.coli в поверхневій воді  восени була в середньому в межах 1–3 КУО/см3 , а влітку 6–9. У придонній воді кількістьE.coli  восени була в середньому в межах 0–1 КУО/см3 , а влітку 5–9 КУО/см3 . Значення показника КМАФАнМ в мулі було більшим за це значення в придонній воді восени майже в 210 разів, а влітку – в 417 разів

    Assessing Effective Attributes Of Followers In A Leadership Process

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    Followership, being an understudied concept, raises fundamental questions: How did followership develop? Why do people submit into becoming followers? The developmental trajectory for the development of individual attributes is as yet, uncharted. Current study provides an overview of assessed attributes of followers, as proposed by Antelo (2010). Statistical survey design and correlation procedures are applied to assess selected variables and their relationship when examining the results of a multicultural survey conducted among leaders and followers in Russia, Belarus, United States, Bolivia, Mexico and Italy, totaling in over 400 members. Findings indicate that individual worker motivation influences performance and productivity.  Results of the study also illustrate that leaders typically rate themselves higher than followers do. The study discusses the need to understand how individual traits are developed, discovered, and how individuals can be formed, nurtured and prepared to become effective leaders as well as effective followers. The criticality of certain attributes characteristic to both leaders and followers is examined along with the need to analyze how some attributes can be changed.  Evolutionary approach in personal development and formation of individual attributes is taken into a great consideration.   &nbsp