15 research outputs found
Artikel Kajian Peranan dan Pola Akumulasi Proline Tanaman pada Adaptasi Cekaman Kekeringan
Para ahli klimatologi memperkirakan dampak pemanasan global akan menyebabkan terjadinya periode kekeringan yang lama. Periode kekeringan sering berasosiasi dengan peristiwa ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation). Dibanding dekade sebelumnya, peristiwa ENSO diramalkan akan lebih sering terjadi di masa datang. Saat musim kering panjang dan berasosiasi dengan peristiwa ENSO sering diiringi oleh penurunan pertumbuhan bahkan kematian tanaman. Tanaman yang mengalami cekaman kekeringan akan berusaha untuk melakukan Perubahan-Perubahan fisiologi sebagai bentuk adaptasinya. Salah satu bentuk adaptasi tersebut adalah kemampuan tanaman untuk mempertahankan tekanan osmotik dengan mengakumulasi senyawa osmolit sel sebagai respon terhadap Perubahan potensial air dari lingkungan sel. Sebagai konsekuensi dari akumulasi ini, potensial osmotik sel lebih rendah dan cenderung untuk menjaga tekanan turgor. Proline bebas sering terakumulasi selama tanaman mengalami kekeringan yang disebabkan oleh aktivasi biosintesa dan inaktivasi degradasi proline. Seringkali peningkatan jumlah proline dianggap merupakan indikasi toleransi terhadap kekeringan. Namun demikian masih terjadi kontrovesi tentang fungsi proteksi dari akumulasi proline karena beberapa kasus menunjukkan jika terjadi over produksi proline justru dapat berakibat buruk saat tanaman menghadapi kondisi cekaman kekeringan. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji peranan dan pola akumulasi proline pada tanaman dalam menghadapi cekaman kekeringan
Efektifitas Penambahan Ragi Dan Pupuk Terhadap Kadar Alkohol Bioetanol Dengan Bahan Baku Jambu Citra
Improvement of bioethanol production using various raw materials had been developed. Jambu citra is one of the raw materials abundantly available. Least of infornation concering the production treatment to provide qualified bioethanol product becomes the problem in optimizing thee productivity of bioethanol. This research aimed to study the alcohol concentration produced from bioethanol production using Jambi citra wastes and to study the optimum composition of yeast and fertilizer to produce bioethanol with good alcohol concentration. This research was conducted through experiment including treatment of congrol (without yeast and fertilizer), 1R1P (45 gr yeast + 45 gr fertilizer), 2R1P (90 gr yeast + 45 gr fertilizer), 1R2P (45 gr yeast + 90 gr fertilizer), dan 2R2P (90 gr yeast + 90 gr fertilizer) for each 100 gr of jambu citra samples and 3 days of fermentation period. The result showed that alcohol concentration of each treatment was 2,2% (control); 5,3% (1R1P); 6,7% (2R1P); 5,3% (1R2P); dan 4,0% (2R2P). To extract bioethanol resulted from the fermentation process, the extraction periods required for each treatment was 80.3 minutes; 71.3 minutes; 70.7 minutes; 62.0 minutes and 85.0 minutes for treatment control, 1R1P, 2R1P, 1R2P dan 2R2P respectively. The volume of alcohol resulted from each treatments was 5.0 ml; 11.7 ml; 7.8 ml; 11.6 ml dan 8.5 ml. The combination of yeast and fertilizer required to optimize the production of bioethanol from 100 gr of jambu citra wastes was by adding 45 gr of yeast and 90 gr of fertilizer
Uji Penggunaan Limbah Sagu Sebagai Media Tanam Anggrek (Dendrobium SP.)
Dendrobium orchids are the second largest among the genus of the orchid family (Orchidaceae). Waste derived from sago palm tree waste contained in Plajan. Sago waste are not used optimally so that its existence is very abundant and polluting the surrounding environment, therefore sago waste is used as media for Dendrobium that is expected to reduce enviromental pollution caused by waste and sago can find out what kind of sago waste can provide optimal growth for the growth of orchids. Media used include cocnut husk as a control, fresh sago waste and black sago waste with additional media such as charcoal. Pot filled with charcoal third as much as the high pot and then added with coconut conducted in Kajeksan Kudus from 1 August to 7 September 2011 and carried out meassurments of plant height, leaf number, leaf width and length of leaves for one week. The data obtained are presented in tabular form. The study explains that fresh sago waste and black sago waste can have a positive for the growth of orchids and fresh sago waste is a media that can provide optimal growth for orchids
Pengaruh Plastik Pengemas Low Density Polyethylene (Ldpe), High Density Polyethylene (Hdpe)dan Polipropilen (Pp)terhadap Penundaan Kematangan Buah Tomat (Lycopersicon Esculentum.mill )
The increasing demand of tomatoes corresponds to the economic and population growth. To maintain the quality of tomatoes, an effort to holdup the tomato ripeness was done using several kinds of plastic packaging. This research was intended to assess the effects of using plastic packaging and the most effective kind of plastic packaging to extend tomato storage period. The research was done at BSFT Biology Laboratory Diponegoro University and Food Technology Laboratory Soegijapranata Catholic University. The design used in the research was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with some treatments using different plastic packaging type (P 0 = control / without packaging, P1 = Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), P2 = High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and P3 = Polypropylene (PP), each treatment was repeated three times. The parameter observed was the percentage of weight loss, the change in color (using chromameter method); the hardness level (texture analyzer method) and total content of sugar. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) then continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the 95% significance level to find out the difference. The results show that the use of plastic as packaging materials is able to delay tomato ripeness and the effective type plastic-based packaging to weight loss and change color is HDPE and PP
Pengaruh Metode Pengeringan Terhadap Kualitas Simplisia Lempuyang Wangi (Zingiber Aromaticum L.)
Pengeringan merupakan tahapan terpenting dalam menjaga kestabilan senyawa pada simplisia. Simplisia tanaman lempuyang wangi sejak lama dikenal sebagai bahan ramuan obat untuk diare, disentri penyakit kulit dan antimikroba. dikenal sebagai bahan ramuan obat untuk diare, disentri penyakit kulit dan antimikroba. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman dan Obat (B2P2TO2T). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode pengeringan terhadap biomasa, kadar air, rendemen minyak atsiri dan nilai kesukaan terhadap simplisia tanaman lempuyang wangi. Metode pengeringan yang digunakan adalah pengeringan dengan oven 50oC, pengeringan sinar matahari langsung dan kering angin. Parameter yang diamati yaitu biomasa, kadar air, rendemen minyak atsiri dan nilai kesukaan. Hasilnya menunjukkan pengeringan menggunakan oven suhu 50oC merupakan pengeringan yang paling baik dengan kadar air paling sedikit 8.4%, rendemen minyak atsiri paling banyak 0.87 % meskipun biomasa paling sedikit yakni 239,36 g
Pengaruh Kombinasi Urutan Daun Stephania Hernandifolia Walp. Dan Penambahan Volume Air Terhadap Kualitas Dan Sineresis Cincau Selama Penyimpanan
Cincau is a kind of jelly food that is included in functional foods. Stephania hernandifolia Walp. is one type of plants that can be used in cincau production. Cincau was produced from squeezing of S. hernandifolia leaf which has been mixed with water. The sequence of leaves when picking it and the addition of water volume can affect the quality of cincau. This research aims to know the effect of S. hernandifolia combination sequence leaves and addition of water volume in cincau production towards the coagulation time, fiber content, vitamin C content and chlorophyll content, and also to know the syneresis and shrinkage of cincau mass in the different storage time. The research was done at Laboratory of Biology Structure and Function of Plant, Biology Department β Faculty of Mathematics and natural sciences, Diponegoro University in 2011. The design that is used in this research is Completely Randomized Design (CRD) pattern 2 x 3 factorial. Data were analysed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and then continued by Duncan test with 95% level of significance. The result showed that the interaction of the combination sequence leaves and addition of water volume has no effect on coagulation time, chlorophyll, fiber, and cincau vitamin C. The storage time affects the syneresis and shrinkage of cincau mass
Efektivitas Konsentrasi Sorbitol Dalam Medium Purifikasi Dalam Menghasilkan Jumlah Sel Viabel Pada Isolasi Sel Mesofil Daun Pegagan (Centella Asiatica (L.) Urban).
Research abaut used sorbitol on purification media for sum cell viable product and effective sorbitol consentration to highes sum viable cell isolation phase pegagan mesophyl cell. Randomized Complete Design with 6 treatmen and 4 block. Sorbitol consentration in purification media was treatmen 0 g/L, 25 g?L, 50 g/L, 75 g/L, 100 g/L and 125 g/L. Parameter was sum of total cell, sum of viabel cell and cell viability. The result of this experiment indicated that the sorbitol in purification media gave the significant effect on the sum cell viabel and cell viability. Effective sorbitol consentration was 25 g/L with obtain sum cell 13,19 x 107 cell/ml and cell viability 99,39%