17 research outputs found

    Tracing crustal evolution in the NW Iberian Peninsula through the Rb---Sr and U---Pb systematics of Palaeozoic granitoids: a review

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    The abundant granitoids in the Palaeozoic basement of the northwestern Iberian Peninsula include 470-440 Ma old suites (Early-Middle Ordovician, now present as orthogneisses) and several Variscan suites. The age data presently available suggest that the latter have been generated in three separate time intervals, ~ 330-320 Ma ago (Late Visean-Early Namurian), ~ 310-300 Ma ago (Westphalian)~ and 290-280 Ma ago (Late Stephanian-Autunian). Rb---Sr whole-rock and U---Pb zircon systematics, along with field and chemical evidence, testify to the generation of the Early and Late Palaeozoic granitoids from Lower Palaeozoic and Precambrian (maximum age ~ 1.7-1.6 Ga) sedimentary sequences, respectively. The source rocks contained zircons derived from a late Archaean-Early Proterozoic continental crust that probably underlies the whole of western Europe, although for the greater part modified beyond recognition by younger crustal reworking

    Tracing crustal evolution in the NW Iberian Peninsula through the Rb---Sr and U---Pb systematics of Palaeozoic granitoids: a review

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    The abundant granitoids in the Palaeozoic basement of the northwestern Iberian Peninsula include 470-440 Ma old suites (Early-Middle Ordovician, now present as orthogneisses) and several Variscan suites. The age data presently available suggest that the latter have been generated in three separate time intervals, ~ 330-320 Ma ago (Late Visean-Early Namurian), ~ 310-300 Ma ago (Westphalian)~ and 290-280 Ma ago (Late Stephanian-Autunian). Rb---Sr whole-rock and U---Pb zircon systematics, along with field and chemical evidence, testify to the generation of the Early and Late Palaeozoic granitoids from Lower Palaeozoic and Precambrian (maximum age ~ 1.7-1.6 Ga) sedimentary sequences, respectively. The source rocks contained zircons derived from a late Archaean-Early Proterozoic continental crust that probably underlies the whole of western Europe, although for the greater part modified beyond recognition by younger crustal reworking

    Dataciones Rb/Sr en el complejo plutónico Táliga Barcarrota (CPTB) (Badajoz)

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    The Plutonic Complex of Táliga-Barcarrota crops out in the core of the Olivenza-Monesterio anticline, where it intrudes the Upper Precambrian and Lower Cambrian metasediments. As this Complex is made of a) the Circular Pluton of Barcarrota, where the core is constituted by gabbros, diorites and pegmatoides and the outer rim shows quartz monzonites, quartz syenites and hypersolvus granites, and b) the NW-SE elongated Táliga Massif, almost entirely made of biotite orthogneisses, the sampling and the analyses were done in accordance with this double character of the Complex. Taking into account the K/Ar ages obtained on amphiboles, biotites and muscovites and the two Rb/Sr "isochrones" (whole rocks), it is concluded that 1) the Táliga Massif has an intrusion age of 525±2.5 M.A and a subsecuent pervasive recrystallization during the first hercynian phase, 385 ± 11 M.A, and 2) the Barcorrota Complex has an intrusion age of 505±5 M.A, as it is shown by the K/Ar and the Rb/Sr systematics. Also the Barcarrota Plutonic rocks have lower initial Sr87/Sr86 (O,7031±5X1O-6 than the Táliga orthogneisses (0.70836±9Xl0-5) pointing to a mantle versus. Crostal origin for both groups of magmas

    K-Ar age of hornblende from a hornblendite vein in the Alpine-type ultramafic mass of the Étang de Lers (Ariège), French Pyrenees

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    The Alpine-type ultramafic mass of Étang de Lers in the French Pyrenees (the type locality of lherzolite) is transected by a number of hornblendite veins. These veins cut through the lherzolite-pyroxenite layering and obviously are the youngest ultramafic rocks present. Geological field evidence and petrofabric analysis indicate that the whole mass, including the hornblendite veins, was emplaced among Mesozoic sediments as a solid block in Upper Albian or Lower Cenomanian time, immediately before the main phase of Alpine orogenic movements. The rocks of the ultramafic mass are metamorphic tectonites affected by two Alpine sets of fracture cleavages. They do not show, however, any effects of the Alpine low-grade regional metamorphism that affected the country rocks. A detailed study of this ultramafic mass is given in the Ph. D. thesis by Avé Lallemant (1967). K-Ar age measurements were made on the hornblende from a hornblendite vein. The sample was collected at an altitude of 1365 m, about 175 m E. of the northern shore of l’Estagnon (the small pond S. W. of the Etang de Lers). Hornblende makes up about 75 % of the vein rock. Subordinate constituents are brownish augite and opaque ore minerals. The hornblende has a somewhat patchy appearance, with pleochroism from Z = dark yellowish brown (locally with slightly greenish tinge) to Y = brown to chesnut-brown and X = colourless, nz = 1.702 ± 0.002, nx 48 1.672, Z/c = 6° and 2VX = 80°. Part of the hornblende crystals are slightly bent

    Geochronological and palaeomagnetic reconnaissance survey in parts of Central and Southern Sweden

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    Palaeomagnetic investigations and isotopic age determinations were made on various Precambrian and Palaeozoic rocks from southern and central Sweden. (1) In Dalarna (central Sweden), Rb-Sr determinations show that the Upper Dala volcanics and the Dala “Garberg granite” have a Gothian age of 1405 ± 30 million years. K-Ar measurements on these rocks and on Jotnian basalts evidence processes of (partial) argon loss in younger time. Palaeomagnetic measurements reveal that the rocks in this region have been remagnetized in Lower Palaeozoic (probably Caledonian) time. (2) K-Ar measurements suggest that the Precambrian hyperite-dolerite dykes in the “central schistosity zone” (southern Sweden) were intruded about 1550 ± 100 million years ago. In the southern part of this zone the dykes show “over-printed” ages of 800–900 million years. The hyperite-dolerite dykes indicate a magnetic pole position at approximately 15° S and 135° W. This Precambrian pole position is thought to have an age of about 1550 + 100 million years. (3) Palaeozoic dolerite sills in Västergötland (southern Sweden) and dykes in Skåne show an Upper Palaeozoic initial remanent magnetic direction with a pole position at approximately 35° N and 175° E, which is in excellent agreement with the K-Ar age of 282 ± 5 million years (Permian/Carboniferous) measured on two sills

    In grote lijnen: Thema's in de natuurwetenschappen

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    Wie kent het verhaal niet? Van 1831-1836 maakte de jonge natuuronderzoeker Charles Robert Darwin een reis om de wereld mee op het Britse oorlogschip Beagle. Drieëntwintig jaar later publiceerde hij On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, waarin hij de theorie uitwerkt dat alle soorten planten en dieren zich uit voorgaande vormen hebben ontwikkeld; dat er een evolutie heeft plaatsgevonden. De implicatie dat dus ook de mens een voorgaande vorm moet hebben gekend, betekende een hernieuwde confrontatie tussen kerk en wetenschap. Darwin zelf wilde daar in eerste instantie zijn vingers niet aan branden (hij had tenslotte ook theologie gestudeerd in Cambridge); pas in 1871 ging hij in op de afstamming van de mens (The Descent of Man). Het bestaan van evolutie betekende een revolutie voor de wetenschap. De evolutietheorie werd een van de belangrijkste natuurwetenschappelijke theorieen. Survival of the Fittest en Natural Selection werden begrippen die overal, zowel binnen als buiten de wetenschap, gebruikt maar ook misbruikt werden. De evolutietheorie vormt een van de grote thema's in de natuurwetenschappen die in deze Studium Generale bundel In grote lijnen aan de orde komt

    Denken over het ontstaan van de aarde, leven en de mens. De lezingen

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    "In den beginne schiep God de hemel en de aarde." Je kan daarin geloven of niet. Te bewijzen is bet niet. Daarmee is meteen bet verschil aangegeven tussen wetenschappers die met behulp van experimenten en daaruitvolgend bewijsmateriaal proberen ontstaan en ontwikkeling van aarde en leven te reconstrueren, en creationisten die uitgaan van bet dogma van de bijbel en van daaruit alles invullen. Overigens betogen ook creationisten volgens wetenschappelijke methoden te werk te gaan, maar het eerder genoemde dogma staat bij hen niet ter discussie. Daar is het dan ook een dogma voor