4,026 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the low-energy reporters in a longitudinal national dietary survey

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    The aim of the present study was to establish whether the characteristics of members of a large national birth cohort study who submitted diet diaries with implausibly low-energy intake differed from those whose recorded energy intake was more plausible. Survey members (n 1898) recorded their diets in a 7 d diary in household measures. Those whose reported energy intake (EI) as a fraction of their estimated BMR was less than 1.10, here termed low-energy reporters (LER) but often called under-reporters, constituted 20.6 % of the study population. None of the variables describing dietary, smoking or exercise behaviour bore a significant relationship with low EI/BMR (<1.10), neither did those describing region of residence, subjective adequacy of income, current social class, social relations or the social environment of the subjects. Results of logistic regression analysis showed that the only independently significant characteristic for men was higher BMI. In women, in addition to higher BMI, having been overweight or obese as an adult independently, but less significantly, predicted low EI/BMR, while membership as a child of social class III (nonmanual), having more children in the household and having a paid job marginally but independently decreased the probability of reporting low EI/BMR. Submission of a diary with EI/BMR <1.10 7 years earlier in the same survey was an even more powerful predictor of current low EI/BMR than higher BMI in both sexes. The average reported diet-composition of LER was more micronutrient- and protein-rich than that of the others, indicating different dietary, or diet-recording, behaviour in this group of subjects. LER are not a random sample of the survey population, and their characteristics, definable to some extent, put them at risk for lower health status. Although EI/BMR cut-off points can be used to identify LER, the problem of how to use their data is still unresolved

    Sediment-moss interactions on a temperate glacier: Falljökull, Iceland

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    Full text of this article can be found at: http://www.igsoc.org/annals/ Copyright IGS. DOI: 10.3189/172756408784700734We present the results of preliminary investigations of globular moss growth on the surface of Falljökull, a temperate outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull ice cap, southern Iceland. Supraglacial debris has provided a basis for moss colonization, and several large (>500 m2) patches of moss growth (Racomitrium spp.) are observed on the surface of the glacier. Each area of moss-colonized supraglacial debris shows a downslope increase in sphericity and moss cushion size and a decrease in percentage surface coverage of moss-colonized and bare clasts. It is suggested that moss growth on supraglacial debris allows preferential downslope movement of clasts through an associated increase in both overall mass and sphericity. Thermal insulation by moss cushions protects the underlying ice surface from melt, and the resulting ice pedestals assist in downslope sliding and toppling of moss cushions. The morphology and life cycle of supraglacial globular mosses is therefore not only closely linked to the presence and distribution of supraglacial debris, but also appears to assist in limited down-glacier transport of this debris. This research highlights both the dynamic nature of the interaction of mosses with supraglacial sedimentary systems and the need for a detailed consideration of their role within the wider glacial ecosystem.Peer reviewe

    Electrochemical doping of graphene

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    The electrical properties of graphene are known to be modified by chemical species that interact with it. We investigate the effect of doping of graphene-based devices by toluene (C6H5CH3). We show that this effect has a complicated character. Toluene is seen to act as a donor, transferring electrons to the graphene. However, the degree of doping is seen to depend on the magnitude and polarity of an electric field applied between the graphene and a nearby electrode. This can be understood in terms of an electrochemical reaction mediated by the graphene crystal.The authors thank H. Pinto, R. Jones, A. S. Shytov, S. J. Green and D. W. Boukhvalov for useful discussions, P. R. Wilkins for technical support, and the EPSRC (grant numbers EP/G036101/1 and EP/G041482/1) for funding

    The Impact of Climate Change on Fertility

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    Rising global temperatures are threatening biodiversity. Studies on the impact of temperature on natural populations usually use lethal or viability thresholds, termed the ‘critical thermal limit’ (CTL). However, this overlooks important sublethal impacts of temperature that could affect species’ persistence. Here we discuss a critical but overlooked trait: fertility, which can deteriorate at temperatures less severe than an organism’s lethal limit. We argue that studies examining the ecological and evolutionary impacts of climate change should consider the ‘thermal fertility limit’ (TFL) of species; we propose that a framework for the design of TFL studies across taxa be developed. Given the importance of fertility for population persistence, understanding how climate change affects TFLs is vital for the assessment of future biodiversity impacts

    Xenopus laevis and Emerging Amphibian Pathogens in Chile

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    Amphibians face an extinction crisis with no precedence. Two emerging infectious diseases, ranaviral disease caused by viruses within the genus Ranavirus and chytridiomycosis due to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), have been linked with amphibian mass mortalities and population declines in many regions of the globe. The African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) has been indicated as a vector for the spread of these pathogens. Since the 1970s, this species has been invasive in central Chile. We collected X. laevis and dead native amphibians in Chile between 2011 and 2013. We conducted post-mortem examinations and molecular tests for Ranavirus and Bd. Eight of 187 individuals (4.3 %) tested positive for Ranavirus: seven X. laevis and a giant Chilean frog (Calyptocephallela gayi). All positive cases were from the original area of X. laevis invasion. Bd was found to be more prevalent (14.4 %) and widespread than Ranavirus, and all X. laevis Bd-positive animals presented low to moderate levels of infection. Sequencing of a partial Ranavirus gene revealed 100 % sequence identity with Frog Virus 3. This is the first report of Ranavirus in Chile, and these preliminary results are consistent with a role for X. laevis as an infection reservoir for both Ranavirus and Bd

    The Initial Mass Function of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in Young Clusters

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    We have obtained images of the Trapezium Cluster (140" x 140"; 0.3 pc x 0.3 pc) with the Hubble Space Telescope Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS). Combining these data with new ground-based K-band spectra (R=800) and existing spectral types and photometry and the models of D'Antona & Mazzitelli, we find that the distributions of ages of comparable samples of stars in the Trapezium, rho Oph, and IC 348 indicate median ages of \~0.4 Myr for the first two regions and ~1-2 Myr for the latter. The low-mass IMFs in these sites of clustered star formation are similar over a wide range of stellar densities and other environmental conditions. With current data, we cannot rule out modest variations in the substellar mass functions among these clusters. We then make the best estimate of the true form of the IMF in the Trapezium by using the evolutionary models of Baraffe et al. and an empirically adjusted temperature scale and compare this mass function to recent results for the Pleiades and the field. All of these data are consistent with an IMF that is flat or rises slowly from the substellar regime to about 0.6 Msun, and then rolls over into a power law that continues from about 1 Msun to higher masses with a slope similar to or somewhat larger than the Salpeter value of 1.35. For the Trapezium, this behavior holds from our completeness limit of ~0.02 Msun and probably, after a modest completeness correction, even from 0.01-0.02 Msun. These data include ~50 likely brown dwarfs. We test the predictions of theories of the IMF against various properties of the observed IMF.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures, for color image see http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~kluhman/trap/colorimage.jp

    How important are aerosol–fog interactions for the successful modelling of nocturnal radiation fog?

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    Forecasting and modelling fog formation, development, and dissipation is a significant challenge. Fog dynamics involve subtle interactions between small‐scale turbulence, radiative transfer and microphysics. Recent studies have highlighted the role of aerosol and related cloud microphysical properties in the evolution of fog. In this article, we investigate this role using very high‐resolution large eddy simulations coupled with a newly developed multi‐moment cloud microphysics scheme (CASIM), which has been designed to model aerosol–cloud interactions. The simulation results demonstrate the sensitivity of the fog structure to the properties of the aerosol population (e.g. number concentration). This study also demonstrates the importance of the treatment of aerosol activation in fog formation and discusses future work required to improve the representation of aerosol–fog interactions for simulations of fog

    Podoconiosis and soil-transmitted helminths (STHs): double burden of neglected tropical diseases in Wolaita zone, rural southern Ethiopia

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    Background Both podoconiosis and soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections occur among barefoot people in areas of extreme poverty; however, their co-morbidity has not previously been investigated. We explored the overlap of STH infection and podoconiosis in Southern Ethiopia and quantified their separate and combined effects on prevalent anemia and hemoglobin levels in podoconiosis patients and health controls from the same area. Methods and Principal Findings A two-part comparative cross-sectional study was conducted in Wolaita zone, southern Ethiopia. Data were collected from adult patients presenting with clinically confirmed podoconiosis, and unmatched adult neighborhood controls living in the same administrative area. Information on demographic and selected lifestyle factors was collected using interviewer-administered questionnaires. Stool samples were collected and examined qualitatively using the modified formalin-ether sedimentation method. Hemoglobin level was determined using two different methods: hemoglobinometer and automated hematology analyzer. A total of 913 study subjects (677 podoconiosis patients and 236 controls) participated. The prevalence of any STH infection was 47.6% among patients and 33.1% among controls (p<0.001). The prevalence of both hookworm and Trichuris trichiura infections was significantly higher in podoconiosis patients than in controls (AOR 1.74, 95% CI 1.25 to2.42, AOR 6.53, 95% CI 2.34 to 18.22, respectively). Not wearing shoes and being a farmer remained significant independent predictors of infection with any STH. There was a significant interaction between STH infection and podoconiosis on reduction of hemoglobin level (interaction p value = 0.002). Conclusions Prevalence of any STH and hookworm infection was higher among podoconiosis patients than among controls. A significant reduction in hemoglobin level was observed among podoconiosis patients co-infected with hookworm and ‘non-hookworm STH’. Promotion of consistent shoe-wearing practices may have double advantages in controlling both podoconiosis and hookworm infection in the study area

    Multi-modal signal evolution in birds: re-examining a standard proxy for sexual selection

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    Sexual selection is proposed to be an important driver of speciation and phenotypic diversification in animal systems. However, previous phylogenetic tests have produced conflicting results, perhaps because they have focused on a single signalling modality (visual ornaments), whereas sexual selection may act on alternative signalling modalities (e.g. acoustic ornaments). Here, we compile phenotypic data from 259 avian sister species pairs to assess the relationship between visible plumage dichromatism-a standard index of sexual selection in birds-and macroevolutionary divergence in the other major avian signalling modality: song. We find evidence for a strong negative relationship between the degree of plumage dichromatism and divergence in song traits, which remains significant even when accounting for other key factors, including habitat type, ecological divergence and interspecific interactions. This negative relationship is opposite to the pattern expected by a straightforward interpretation of the sexual selection-diversification hypothesis, whereby higher levels of dichromatism indicating strong sexual selection should be related to greater levels of mating signal divergence regardless of signalling modality. Our findings imply a 'trade-off' between the elaboration of visual ornaments and the diversification of acoustic mating signals, and suggest that the effects of sexual selection on diversification can only be determined by considering multiple alternative signalling modalities

    Combination of a fusogenic glycoprotein, pro-drug activation and oncolytic HSV as an intravesical therapy for superficial bladder cancer

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    Background: There are still no effective treatments for superficial bladder cancer (SBC)/non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. Following treatment, 20% of patients still develop metastatic disease. Superficial bladder cancer is often multifocal, has high recurrences after surgical resection and recurs after intravesical live Bacillus Calmette-Guérin. Oncovex GALV/CD, an oncolytic herpes simplex virus-1, has shown enhanced local tumour control by combining oncolysis with the expression of a highly potent pro-drug activating gene and the fusogenic glycoprotein. Methods: In vitro fusion/prodrug/apoptotic cell-based assays. In vivo orthotopic bladder tumour model, visualised by computed microtomography. Results: Treatment of seven human bladder carcinoma cell lines with the virus resulted in tumour cell killing through oncolysis, pro-drug activation and glycoprotein fusion. Oncovex GALV/CD and mitomycin C showed a synergistic effect, whereas the co-administration with cisplatin or gemcitabine showed an antagonistic effect in vitro. Transitional cell cancer (TCC) cells follow an apoptotic cell death pathway after infection with Oncovex GALV/CD + with or without 5-FC. In vivo results showed that intravesical treatment with Oncovex GALV/CD prodrug (5-FC) reduced the average tumour volume by over 95% compared with controls.Discussion: Our in vitro and in vivo results indicate that Oncovex GALV/CD can improve local tumour control within the bladder, and potentially alter its natural history