75 research outputs found

    Pembuatan dan Karakteristik Resin Melamin Formaldehid sebagai Bahan Coating

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    This research aims to manufacture Melamine Formaldehyde Resin as a raw material coating with a mole ratio that is different and knowing the characteristics of MF resins. The research was carried out by reacting Melamine and Formaldehyde with a mole ratio of 1:2; 1:3; 1:4; 1:5 and 1:6 and characterize the properties of the resulting Melamine Formaldehyde Resin with Viscosity, Pot Life and pH parameter. The conclusión of this research that the best Melamine Formaldehyde Resin is produced on a mole ratio 1:6 of Melamine Formaldehyde with a reaction time of 14 minutes and the following characteristics : viscosity value is 1550 (mm2/s)/centistokes; Pot Life is 3 days and the pH is 6,63

    Pengaruh Suhu dan Konsentrasi NaOH pada Pembuatan Monogliserol dan Digliserol dari Minyak Sawit Mentah

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    This research aims to determine the effect of reaction temperature and the concentrations of NaOH as a catalyst in processing Crude Palm Oil into Monogliserol and Digliserol in etanolisis. The research was done by reacting the Crude Palm Oil and 95 % ethanol by using NaOH catalyst by treatment with the reaction temperature and concentration of NaOH in CPO-ethanol mole ratio of 1:6 and reaction time of 30 minutes.  The results were then analyzed to determine its ability as an emulsifier to view the product’s ability to lower surface tension and stabilize oil-water emulsion. The research result indicated that the product has a capability as an emulsifier containing compounds Monogliserol of 9,42 % and   3,35 % for Digliserol. The factor of the temperature and NaOH concentration significantly effect the stability of the emulsion and the surface tension with  concentration of NaOH the best is 3 % and the best temperature was 50 °C

    Pengaruh Penambahan Larutan Alkali pada Ko-Kristalisasi Buah Nanas

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    Pineapple fruit, nutrient-rich addition also contains pectin and has a pH of 3-4 (acid) which when added sucrose and heated it will form a tough Gell to form crystals, because it required a technology that can make acidic to alkaline so it can be crystallized. This research was conducted with the aim to cultivate pineapple instant drink powder. The method used is the treatment of co-crystallization with the addition of 2% alkaline solution of lime and baking soda as well as the addition of 2% sucrose 200 g, 300 g and 400 g. Total yield of co-crystallization determined pineapple and nutritional analysis done by measuring the amount of sugar, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. A level pollen pineapple made with organoleptic test. Organoleptic test results showed that the panelists preferred sebuk pineapple pineapple is powder with the addition of sucrose solution of lime and 200 g with an average value of A between 3.16 to 3.92 while for the addition of a solution of baking soda and sucrose 400 g with a mean A mean value between 3.21 to 3.91. The results showed that pineapple instant powder with the addition of 2% lime solution and 400 g of sucrose produced the highest yield of 36.92% with 92.7% of the amount of sugar, calcium 223 mg/100 g, 30 mg/100 g of phosphorus and vitamin C 1 , 66 mg/100 g. On the addition of a solution of baking soda and 2% sucrose 400 g produce the highest yield of 30.71% with the amount of sugar 92.9%, calcium 63.4 mg/100 g, 44.3 mg/100 g of phosphorus and vitamin C 1, 19 mg/100 g b

    Tinjauan Yuridis Pembayaran Ganti Kerugian atas Kerusakan dan/atau Kekurangan Barang Muatan dalam Perjanjian Pengangkutan dengan Kapal pada PT. Samudera Indonesia Cabang Medan

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    Pengangkutan merupakan serangkaian perbuatan mulai dari proses negosiasi dan perjanjian, penyerahan dan pemuatan barang ke dalam alat angkut, pemindahan barang ke tempat tujuan, penurunan/ pembongkaran barang di tempat tujuan dan penyelesaian klaim ( ganti kerugian ) sebagai akibat yang timbul dari pengangkutan. Resiko/kerugian selama proses pengangkutan mulai dari pelabuhan muat (Port of loading) sampai pelabuhan bongkar ( Dischdrge port ) bisa terjadi kapan saja karena pemakaian alat - alat pada saat pemuatan dan pembongkaran, kelalaian atau kesalahan baik pengirim/ penerima ataupun pengangkut, bencana alam dan sifat dari barang itu sendiri. Mengingat kondisi geografis negara Indonesia yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau dan wilayah perairan sungai, danau dan lautan yang sangat luas, maka pengangkutan laut mempunyai arti yang sangat penting dalam pendistribusian barang ke seluruh wilayah. Kegiatan pengangkutan barang melalui laut dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu membuat suatu perjanjian, antara pengangkut dan pengirim/penerima berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama dengan mencantumkan ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah disetujui. Dari uraian tersebut diatas maka penulis mengangkat permasalahan yaitu bagaimana pelaksanaan perjanjian pengangkutan barang dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak apakah sudah sesuai dengan hukum perjanjian yang berlaku. Dan bagaimana pelaksanaan pembayaran klaim kerugian atas kerusakan dan/atau kekurangan barang yang terjadi dalam praktek, serta upaya-upaya hukum apa saja yang dapat ditempuh. Untuk menjawab hal tersebut maka peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dimana lebih menitikberatkan pada studi kepustakaan dengan mengutamakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dengan melakukan studi kepustakaan. Sedang survey dan wawancara dilakukan dalam rangka untuk memperoleh data primer guna menunjang data sekunder. Semua data yang diperoleh dianalisa . dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menghasilkan data yang bersifat deskriptif analitik yang jelas dan menyeluruh, dengan tidak menggunakan rumus-rumus maupun angka-angka. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka peneliti berkesimpulan bahwa perjanjian pengangkutan barang melalui laut yang dilakukan oleh PT. Samudera Indonesia pada dasarnya sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum perjanjian yang berlaku. Adanya penetapan syarat-syarat tertentu yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak selama pihak lain menyetujui dan menyanggupinya tidaklah membuat perjanjian batal, tetapi tetap mengikat secara sah. Pelaksanaan pembayaran klaim dilakukan berdasarkan pada ketentuan yang telah dibuat dalam perjanjian dan fakta yang ada di lapangan setelah dilakukan pemeriksaaan, dan tanggungjawab akan dibebankan pada kesalahan/kelalaian pihak yang mengakibatkan kerugian

    Penambahan Polyethylene Glycol Dioleat Pada Pewarnaan Sarung Samarinda

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    Silk sarongs Samarinda produced by home industrie in Samarinda were still pale and faded. It was caused by the improper (or incorrect) coloring process usually done by the industries. This research was done to improve the coloring process and to increase the quality of sarong Samarinda. In this  research,  polyethylene  glycol  dioleat  was  added  into  the  dyeing medium  and the acidity of the medium was measured. Then the silk was washed and dried under the sunshine.  The dried silk was tested for its colour  fastnees  through  washing  and  ironing process.  Results  of  this research  showed that addition of  polyethylene glycol dioleat into dyeing medium of sarong Samarinda can improve the quality of polyester material, but it did not produce good result on silk and cotton material

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Substrat terhadap Kadar Gliserol dan Konstanta Michaelis (Km) pada Hidrolisa CPO secara Enzimatis

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    The aim of this research is to know the effect of substrate concentration on enzymatic hydrolysis reaction of CPO. CPO was hydrolized by water and catalized by lipase enzymes. Amount of water was varied of 50 grams; 100 grams;  150 grams  and  200  grams.  The result  showed  that  substrate concentration had effect on glycerol content and Michaelis Constant (Km).13,28 % glycerol content and   2,04x 10-2 M (gmo/lml) Michaelis Constancy (Km) were produced at 625,86 mg/ml substrate concentratio

    Production and characterization of spray-dried swamp eel (Monopterus albus) protein hydrolysate prepared by papain

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    Protein hydrolysate from swamp eel (Monopterus albus) has been prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis process using papain enzyme. Evaluation of the extent of protein hydrolysis was conducted by measuring the degree of hydrolysis (DH). The optimization of protein hydrolysate production has been carried out by analyzing the influences of papain enzyme concentration, temperature, and time of hydrolysis on the degree of hydrolysis (DH) using RSM design. The optimized product was spray-dried and analyzed the proximate (moisture, lipid, protein) content and the yield (%). The fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) powder product was characterized by the foaming capacity and stability, and also by FTIR, DSC and PSA methods. The optimum condition of enzymatic hydrolysis of swamp eel protein was obtained by an addition 0.49 % of papain enzyme at 45 oC for 9 hours. The degree of hydrolysis (DH) of this product was 7.96 % with a yield of 14.72 %. The foaming capacity of swamp eel protein hydrolysate powder was between 12.5 - 62.5 % and the foaming stability was between 3.22 - 31.25 %. The highest foaming capacity and stability of this product was reached at pH 4.0. Based on the spectrum FTIR analysis, the FPH product contained amines, aromatics, aliphatics, amide B and amide II groups. DSC analysis of the FPH product showed two peaks (Tm) at 65 oC and 108.5 oC. The particle size of the FPH powder product was distributed within 100 nm-1500 nm range with the highest intensity was 8.91 %. This study shows the potential usage of swamp eel for the production of FPH by enzymatic hydrolysis using papain enzyme with high yield and serves as a protein supplement

    Endothelial Dysfunction in Dengue Hemorhagic Fever

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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is characterized by fever, bleeding, and pleural effusion which may be caused by increased vascular permeability. Based on these findings it is assumed that endothelial dysfunction plays a role in the pathogenesis of DHF. The aims of this study was to know whether endothelial dysfunction occurs in DHF by measuring sVCAM-1, vWF, and D dimer. The relationship between endothelial dysfunction and severity of the disease would also be analyzed. This was a cross sectional study which involved 31 DHF patients and 30 non DHF fever patients as control group. The level of sVCAM-1 was determined by ELISA method, vWF by enzyme linked fluorescent assay , and D dimer by sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The results indicated that mean of sVCAM-1 level in DHF group and control group were 1323 ng/mL and 1003 ng/mL, while standard deviation (SD) were 545 ng/mL and 576 ng/mL respectively. The mean of vWF level in DHF group and control group were 284% and 327%, with SD 130% and 141% respectively. The level of sVCAM-1 did not correlate with platelet count, albumin level, D dimer level and severity of disease. There was a weak correlation between vWF level with D dimer and severity of disease ( r = 0,472 and r = -0,450 ). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that endothelial dysfunction occurs in DHF, but there is no correlation between sVCAM-1 with severity of disease, only a weak correlation between vWF with D dimer and severity of disease is found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Larutan Alkali Pada Ko-Kristalisasi Buah Nanas

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    Pineapple fruit, nutrient-rich addition also contains pectin and has a pH of 3-4 (acid) which when added sucrose and heated it will form a tough Gell to form crystals, because it required a technology that can make acidic to alkaline so it can be crystallized. This research was conducted with the aim to cultivate pineapple instant drink powder. The method used is the treatment of co-crystallization with the addition of 2% alkaline solution of lime and baking soda as well as the addition of 2% sucrose 200 g, 300 g and 400 g. Total yield of co-crystallization determined pineapple and nutritional analysis done by measuring the amount of sugar, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. A level pollen pineapple made with organoleptic test. Organoleptic test results showed that the panelists preferred sebuk pineapple pineapple is powder with the addition of sucrose solution of lime and 200 g with an average value of A between 3.16 to 3.92 while for the addition of a solution of baking soda and sucrose 400 g with a mean A mean value between 3.21 to 3.91. The results showed that pineapple instant powder with the addition of 2% lime solution and 400 g of sucrose produced the highest yield of 36.92% with 92.7% of the amount of sugar, calcium 223 mg/100 g, 30 mg/100 g of phosphorus and vitamin C 1 , 66 mg/100 g. On the addition of a solution of baking soda and 2% sucrose 400 g produce the highest yield of 30.71% with the amount of sugar 92.9%, calcium 63.4 mg/100 g, 44.3 mg/100 g of phosphorus and vitamin C 1, 19 mg/100 g b

    Pengaruh Waktu Inkubasi dan Perbandingan Mol pada Reaksi Transesterifikasi Enzimatis antara Minyak Zaitun dan polyethylene glycol

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    The aim of this research is to know the optimum condition and the effect of mole ratio and incubation time of transesterification reaction between olive oil and polyethylene glycol.Olive oil was transesterircated by polyethylene glycol and catalyzed by liposes enzymes in oil-woter emulsion system.The result of this research,showed that mole ratio and incubation time had significant effect to reaction of conversion.  The optimum mole ratio between olive oil and polyethylene glycol was 1:9 and optimum time needed for transesterificotion   was four hours in pH 7and temperature  400C