1 research outputs found

    Influenţa stimulării electrice funcţionale asupra excitabilităţii corticale la pacienţii cu boala Parkinson

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    The functional evaluation of the pyramidal tract is very important in neurology. Because of its anatomical position, the spinal cord is diffi cult to investigate by usual neurophysiological methods. Imagistic techniques can only show structural damage (presence or absence of morphological abnormalities of the spinal cord), and provide limited information regarding etiology or functional impact. The lack of correlation between imagistic lesions and symptoms is not uncommon. Certifi cation of the disfunction, as well as differentiation between spinal and root damage (following compression, irritation, trauma) may hold an important role in diagnosis and therapeuthical approach. Magnetic stimulation represents a non-invasive and painless technique able to assess the cortico-spinal tract at any level, and able to provide clear data about its function. This method is useful in degenerative myelopathy, rheumatological inflammatory diseases (ex. ankylosing spondylitis), radiculopathy, spinal trauma, demielination, etc