2,480 research outputs found

    Ultracold atomic Fermi-Bose mixtures in bichromatic optical dipole traps: a novel route to study fermion superfluidity

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    The study of low density, ultracold atomic Fermi gases is a promising avenue to understand fermion superfluidity from first principles. One technique currently used to bring Fermi gases in the degenerate regime is sympathetic cooling through a reservoir made of an ultracold Bose gas. We discuss a proposal for trapping and cooling of two-species Fermi-Bose mixtures into optical dipole traps made from combinations of laser beams having two different wavelengths. In these bichromatic traps it is possible, by a proper choice of the relative laser powers, to selectively trap the two species in such a way that fermions experience a stronger confinement than bosons. As a consequence, a deep Fermi degeneracy can be reached having at the same time a softer degenerate regime for the Bose gas. This leads to an increase in the sympathetic cooling efficiency and allows for higher precision thermometry of the Fermi-Bose mixture

    Asymptotic lower bound for the gap of Hermitian matrices having ergodic ground states and infinitesimal off-diagonal elements

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    Given a M×MM\times M Hermitian matrix H\mathcal{H} with possibly degenerate eigenvalues E1<E2<E3<\mathcal{E}_1 < \mathcal{E}_2 < \mathcal{E}_3< \dots, we provide, in the limit MM\to\infty, a lower bound for the gap μ2=E2E1\mu_2 = \mathcal{E}_2 - \mathcal{E}_1 assuming that (i) the eigenvector (eigenvectors) associated to E1\mathcal{E}_1 is ergodic (are all ergodic) and (ii) the off-diagonal terms of H\mathcal{H} vanish for MM\to\infty more slowly than M2M^{-2}. Under these hypotheses, we find limMμ2limMminnHn,n\varliminf_{M\to\infty} \mu_2 \geq \varlimsup_{M\to\infty} \min_{n} \mathcal{H}_{n,n}. This general result turns out to be important for upper bounding the relaxation time of linear master equations characterized by a matrix equal, or isospectral, to H\mathcal{H}. As an application, we consider symmetric random walks with infinitesimal jump rates and show that the relaxation time is upper bounded by the configurations (or nodes) with minimal degree.Comment: 5 page

    Exact ground state for a class of matrix Hamiltonian models: quantum phase transition and universality in the thermodynamic limit

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    By using a recently proposed probabilistic approach, we determine the exact ground state of a class of matrix Hamiltonian models characterized by the fact that in the thermodynamic limit the multiplicities of the potential values assumed by the system during its evolution are distributed according to a multinomial probability density. The class includes i) the uniformly fully connected models, namely a collection of states all connected with equal hopping coefficients and in the presence of a potential operator with arbitrary levels and degeneracies, and ii) the random potential systems, in which the hopping operator is generic and arbitrary potential levels are assigned randomly to the states with arbitrary probabilities. For this class of models we find a universal thermodynamic limit characterized only by the levels of the potential, rescaled by the ground-state energy of the system for zero potential, and by the corresponding degeneracies (probabilities). If the degeneracy (probability) of the lowest potential level tends to zero, the ground state of the system undergoes a quantum phase transition between a normal phase and a frozen phase with zero hopping energy. In the frozen phase the ground state condensates into the subspace spanned by the states of the system associated with the lowest potential level.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figure

    Analytical probabilistic approach to the ground state of lattice quantum systems: exact results in terms of a cumulant expansion

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    We present a large deviation analysis of a recently proposed probabilistic approach to the study of the ground-state properties of lattice quantum systems. The ground-state energy, as well as the correlation functions in the ground state, are exactly determined as a series expansion in the cumulants of the multiplicities of the potential and hopping energies assumed by the system during its long-time evolution. Once these cumulants are known, even at a finite order, our approach provides the ground state analytically as a function of the Hamiltonian parameters. A scenario of possible applications of this analyticity property is discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Effective Constraints and Physical Coherent States in Quantum Cosmology: A Numerical Comparison

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    A cosmological model with a cyclic interpretation is introduced, which is subject to quantum back-reaction and yet can be treated rather completely by physical coherent state as well as effective constraint techniques. By this comparison, the role of quantum back-reaction in quantum cosmology is unambiguously demonstrated. Also the complementary nature of strengths and weaknesses of the two procedures is illustrated. Finally, effective constraint techniques are applied to a more realistic model filled with radiation, where physical coherent states are not available.Comment: 32 pages, 25 figure

    Chaotic properties of quantum many-body systems in the thermodynamic limit

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    By using numerical simulations, we investigate the dynamics of a quantum system of interacting bosons. We find an increase of properly defined mixing properties when the number of particles increases at constant density or the interaction strength drives the system away from integrability. A correspondence with the dynamical chaoticity of an associated cc-number system is then used to infer properties of the quantum system in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 4 postscript figures included with psfig; Completely restructured version with new results on mixing properties added

    Cooling dynamics of ultracold two-species Fermi-Bose mixtures

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    We compare strategies for evaporative and sympathetic cooling of two-species Fermi-Bose mixtures in single-color and two-color optical dipole traps. We show that in the latter case a large heat capacity of the bosonic species can be maintained during the entire cooling process. This could allow to efficiently achieve a deep Fermi degeneracy regime having at the same time a significant thermal fraction for the Bose gas, crucial for a precise thermometry of the mixture. Two possible signatures of a superfluid phase transition for the Fermi species are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure