2 research outputs found

    Pattern of Contrast Sensitivity Changes in Acute Central Serous Chorioretinopathy

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    Purpose. To evaluate contrast sensitivity (CS) changes in acute central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC). Methods. Visual acuity (VA), CS, and subretinal fluid (SRF) were evaluated monthly for 6 months. Treatment was considered at 3 months in case of persistent SRF. Results. Twelve of 20 eyes (60%) had spontaneous SRF resolution within 4 months. Five of 8 patients with delayed SRF resolution received either focal laser or photodynamic therapy. The CS was impaired in all spatial frequencies at baseline. There was a negative correlation between the baseline SRF thickness and CS at 3 and 6 cycles per degree (cpd). The CS improved significantly at the time of fluid resolution (p=0.001) and continued to improve in 3 and 6 cpd. The CS at 6 cpd did not recover if compared to a normal fellow eye at 6 months (p=0.018). The CS of 12 cpd at 6 months was superior in the spontaneous resolution group. Conclusion. The impaired CS gradually improved as the SRF reduced at all spatial frequencies. CS at 3 and 12 cpd continued to improve after complete fluid resolution. Despite an excellent final VA, the CS at 6 months did not regain its normal value

    Current practice in the management of ocular toxoplasmosis

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    Background Ocular toxoplasmosis is common across all regions of the world. Understanding of the epidemiology and approach to diagnosis and treatment have evolved recently. In November 2020, an international group of uveitis-specialised ophthalmologists formed the International Ocular Toxoplasmosis Study Group to define current practice. Methods 192 Study Group members from 48 countries completed a 36-item survey on clinical features, use of investigations, indications for treatment, systemic and intravitreal treatment with antiparasitic drugs and corticosteroids, and approach to follow-up and preventive therapy. Results For 77.1% of members, unilateral retinochoroiditis adjacent to a pigmented scar accounted for over 60% of presentations, but diverse atypical presentations were also reported. Common complications included persistent vitreous opacities, epiretinal membrane, cataract, and ocular hypertension or glaucoma. Most members used clinical examination with (56.8%) or without (35.9%) serology to diagnose typical disease but relied on intraocular fluid testing-usually PCR-in atypical cases (68.8%). 66.1% of members treated all non-pregnant patients, while 33.9% treated selected patients. Oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was first-line therapy for 66.7% of members, and 60.9% had experience using intravitreal clindamycin. Corticosteroid drugs were administered systemically by 97.4%; 24.7% also injected corticosteroid intravitreally, almost always in combination with an antimicrobial drug (72.3%). The majority of members followed up all (60.4%) or selected (35.9%) patients after resolution of acute disease, and prophylaxis against recurrence with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was prescribed to selected patients by 69.8%. Conclusion Our report presents a current management approach for ocular toxoplasmosis, as practised by a large international group of uveitis-specialised ophthalmologists