349 research outputs found

    Rule-Based Semantic Sensing

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    Rule-Based Systems have been in use for decades to solve a variety of problems but not in the sensor informatics domain. Rules aid the aggregation of low-level sensor readings to form a more complete picture of the real world and help to address 10 identified challenges for sensor network middleware. This paper presents the reader with an overview of a system architecture and a pilot application to demonstrate the usefulness of a system integrating rules with sensor middleware.Comment: Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium and Poster Session of the 5th International Symposium on Rules (RuleML 2011@IJCAI), pages 9-16 (arXiv:1107.1686

    Semantic Support for Computational Land-Use Modelling

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    Politics, Sentiment and Virality: A Large-Scale Multilingual Twitter Analysis in Greece, Spain and United Kingdom

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    Social media has become extremely influential when it comes to policy making in modern societies especially in the western world (e.g., 48% of Europeans use social media every day or almost every day). Platforms such as Twitter allow users to follow politicians, thus making citizens more involved in political discussion. In the same vein, politicians use Twitter to express their opinions, debate among others on current topics and promote their political agenda aiming to influence voter behaviour. Previous studies have shown that tweets conveying negative sentiment are likely to be retweeted more frequently. In this paper, we attempt to analyse tweets of politicians from different countries and explore whether their tweets follow the same trend. Utilising state-of-the-art pre-trained language models we performed sentiment analysis on hundreds of thousands of tweets collected from members of parliament of Greece, Spain and United Kingdom, including devolved administrations. We achieved this by systematically exploring and analysing the differences between influential and less popular tweets. Our analysis indicates that politicians' negatively charged tweets spread more widely, especially in more recent times, and highlights interesting trends in the intersection of sentiment and popularity.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, for code and data used see https://github.com/cardiffnlp/politics-and-virality-twitte