22 research outputs found
How to maintain oral health in children with respiratory diseases: Literature review
The most frequent chronic respiratory problems in childhood are asthma and cystic fibrosis (CF). The purpose of this paper is to review basic knowledge and recent advances in oral health and associated dental morbidities in children with asthma and CF. This review considered clinical trials and systematic reviews related to oral health in children with CRD. An online base Medline was searched to determine relevant papers, using the combination of the following terms: 'asthma', 'cystic fibrosis', 'caries', 'dental erosion', and 'oral health'. Oral health problems in children with chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) may be influenced by natural course of the disease, pharmacotherapy (inhalation therapy with bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids in asthmatic patients, systemic antibiotics and pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in CF patients), medication administration technique and nutritional habits. Children with CRD may have higher prevalence of oral diseases. Patients and their parents, but also general paediatricians and pulmonologists, should be aware of importance of good oral health. Dental practitioners should be more informed about risk factors and specificities of oral health in these patients. Preventive measures, early diagnosis and effective treatment strategies in children with CRD can reduce occurrence of oral diseases and improve patient's quality of life
Lean Concept in Transmitter Production
The algorithm for providing improvement of production processes in the company of small-batch type of production has been intrduced in this paper. Lean manufacturing or concept in the process of improving production is used increasingly. However, the concept is designed for large enterprises. The process of production transmitters or the possibility of implementing the concept according to the known principles has been analyzed in this paper. Credibility of the algorithm is reflected in giving recommendations on how to eliminate the short comings in the production process through transmitters: regular movement of employees, regular sequence of operations, products design, and cooperation with customers, reducing inventory and control introduction in all stages of the process. The production process with the implemented process of reproduction makes an integral part of Lean concept. The paper gives an example of how to save on material and other resources in the company arising as large losses in the production process
Stanje oralnog zdravlja kod dece obolele od astme
Introduction It has been suggested that asthmatic patients may have a higher risk for oral diseases, both as a result of the medical condition and effects of medications. Objective The aim of the study was to determine the oral health status of children with asthma and to evaluate the oral health parameters according to the medications and severity of the disease. Methods The study group consisted of 158 children with asthma and 100 healthy control subjects aged 2-18 years. The diagnosis of dental caries was performed using the Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT/dmft) criteria. The oral hygiene, periodontal status and gingival health were assessed with the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (Greene-Vermillion), Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs and Gingival Index (Loe-Silness), respectively. Results Thirty (19%) patients with asthma and 43 (43%) healthy children were caries-free (p lt 0.001). There were no significant differences between asthmatic and control children in caries experience (for children with asthma mean DMFT=2.1Ā±}1.8, mean dmft=4.2Ā±}3.3; for healthy children mean DMFT=2.5Ā±}0.9, mean dmft=5.2Ā±}1.3). Level of asthma control did not have influence on dental health, while dose of inhaled corticosteroid had impact on primary dentition. Periodontal status and gingival health did not differ between asthmatic and control children. However, children with asthma had poorer oral hygiene (p lt 0.001). Conclusion Results of the study do not show a relationship between asthma and oral diseases. However, further improvement could be made in educating children and parents on the importance of good oral hygiene and prevention of oral diseases.Uvod Stavovi o oralnom zdravlju dece obolele od astme joÅ” nisu usaglaÅ”eni, a moguÄi nepovoljni uticaji lekova koji se koriste u leÄenju nisu potpuno definisani. Cilj rada Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi stanje oralnog zdravlja dece obolele od astme i ispita povezanost primene lekova i stepena kontrole bolesti na pojavu oralnih oboljenja kod ove dece. Metode rada U istraživanje je ukljuÄeno 158 dece obolele od astme i 100 zdrave dece uzrasta 2-18 godina kod koje je analizirano stanje oralnog zdravlja. Ispitani su: zastupljenost oboljenja zuba (indeks KEP/kep), stanje gingive (Loe-Silnesov gingivalni indeks), zastupljenost parodontalnih oboljenja (zajedniÄki parodontalni indeks) i nivo oralne higijene (Grin-Vermilionov indeks). Rezultati Tridesetoro dece obolele od astme (19,0%) i 43 zdrave dece (43,0%) imalo je sve zdrave zube (p lt 0,001). ProseÄna zastupljenost karijesa kod zdravih ispitanika(proseÄna vrednost indeksa KEP bila je 2,5Ā±}0,9, a indeksa kep 5,2Ā±}1,3) i dece obolele od astme (proseÄna vrednost indeksa KEP bila je 2,1Ā±}1,8, a indeksa kep 4,2Ā±}3,3) bila je bez znaÄajne razlike. Stepen kontrole astme nije uticao na zdravlje zuba, dok je doza inhalacionih kortikosteroida pokazala uticaj u mleÄnoj denticiji. Parodontalni status i zdravlje gingive nisu se razlikovali izmeÄu dece obolele od astme i zdravih ispitanika. Deca obolela od astme imala su znaÄajno loÅ”iju higijenu usta i zuba (p lt 0,001). ZakljuÄak Rezultati istraživanja ne ukazuju na povezanost astme i oralnih oboljenja kod dece. LoÅ”a higijena usta i zuba kod dece obolele od astme ukazuje na potrebu dodatne edukacije i primene posebnih programa prevencije, kako bi se rizici za nastanak ovih oboljenja sveli na najmanju meru
The importance of genomic profiling for differential diagnosis of pediatric lung disease patients with suspected ciliopathies
Uvod/Cilj Izmenjena funkcija aksonemalne strukture dovodi do ciliopatija (motornih i senzornih), koje su do sada povezane sa brojnim pedijatrijskim poremeÄajima, ukljuÄujuÄi i respiratorne. Primarna cilijarna diskinezija (PCD) najÄeÅ”Äa je ciliopatija, koja nastaje kao posledica poremeÄaja u motornim cilijama. Promenjena struktura i/ ili funkcija motornih cilija dovodi do neonatalnog respiratornog distresa, hroniÄnog vlažnog kaÅ”lja, simptoma nazalne sekrecije, bronhoektazija, hroniÄne upale sinusa i uha, a 50% bolesnika ima i situs inversus. Ovi simptomi su priliÄno uobiÄajeni kod male dece i u drugim stanjima; stoga je uspostavljanje precizne dijagnoze otežano. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ukazivanje na znaÄaj genomskog profilisanja bolesnika i dizajniranje strategije za genetiÄku analizu podataka kod bolesnika suspektnih na ciliopatije sa kliniÄkom slikom sliÄnom drugim bolestima pluÄa. Metode Sproveli smo bioinformatiÄku analizu podataka dobijenih metodom sekvenciranja nove generacije 21 bolesnika sa potvrÄenom ili suspektnom dijagnozom PCD-a. Analizirano je 93 gena: 29 PCD gena, 45 gena asociranih sa pojedinaÄnim simptomima pluÄnih bolesti i 19 gena asociranih sa senzornim ciliopatijama. Rezultati Dizajnirani algoritam za genetiÄku analizu NAM je omoguÄio da potvrdimo kliniÄku i uspostavimo genetiÄku dijagnozu kod 17/21 (80,95%) bolesnika, meÄu kojima je 11/21 (52,38%) PCD bolesnika. Kod 3/21 (14,28%) bolesnika detektovane su monoalelske varijante u PCD genima, kod 6/21 (28,57%) bolesnika detektovane su varijante u genima relevantnim za druga pluÄna oboljenja, dok je kod 1/21 (4,76%) bolesnika genetiÄka osnovna bolesti ostala nerazjaÅ”njena. ZakljuÄak Dizajniranje strategije za lakÅ”e i brže uspostavljanje konaÄne dijagnoze ciliopatija je obavezno i ukljuÄuje i kliniÄku i genetiÄku potvrdu bolesti.Introduction/Objective Dysfunction of the axonemal structure leads to ciliopathies. Sensory and mo-tile ciliopathies have been associated with numerous pediatric diseases, including respiratory diseases. Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is ciliopathy linked to the dysfunction of motile cilia. Motile ciliary dys-function in childhood leads to chronic rhinosinusitis, persistent cough, neonatal respiratory distress, bronchiectasis, and situs inversus (SI) have 50% of patients. These symptoms are common among pediatric lung diseases, which additionally makes it difficult to establish the accurate diagnosis. The aim of the study was to point out the significance of genomic profiling for patients with suspected ciliopathies and to design a strategy for genomic analysis relevant for differential diagnosis of lung disease patients with suspected ciliopathies. Methods We conducted a bioinformatic analysis of data generated by New Generation Sequencing (NGS) approach of 21 patients with final or suspected diagnosis of PCD. It was analyzed 93 genes: 29 PCD genes, 45 genes related to individual symptoms of lung diseases, and 19 genes related to sensory ciliopathies. Results the algorithm we have designed, enabled us to establish the clinical and genetic diagnosis for 17/21 (80.95%) patients, among which 11/21 (52.38%) were PCD patients. In 3/21 (14.28%) patients we detected monoallelic variants in PCD disease-causing genes. In 6/21 (28.57%) patients, variants in genes for other pulmonary diseases were detected, and for one patient, genetic background of disease remained unclear. Conclusion an improved strategy for easier and faster establishment of final diagnosis of ciliopathies is mandatory and includes both, clinical and genetic confirmation of disease
ZnaÄaj reproizvodnje u proizvodnji transmitera
This paper presents a algorithm for the improvement of the manufacturing process developed and tested for small-scale enterprise. The validity of the algorithm can be seen through: defining basic elements, defining environmental factors, the importance of resources, and the analysis of input and output in the manufacturing process. The algorithm incorporates implemented strategies: remanufacturing and 4Rs. The paper analyzed the temperature transmitter at the end of its life circle. Reuse transmitter is realized through: checking, disassembly, replacement parts, cleaning, re-assembling and testing. The work provides an example of how to save energy and materials which appear as large losses in the manufacturing process.ovom radu prikazan je algoritam za obezbeÄenje unapreÄenja procesa proizvodnje u preduzeÄu maloserijskog tipa proizvodnje. Verodostojnost algoritma se ogleda kroz: definisanje osnovnih elemenata, definisanje faktora okruženja, znaÄaj resursa, analizu ulaza i izlaza u procesu proizvodnje. Algoritam u sebi sadrži implementirane strategije: reproizovdnju i 4R. U radu analiziran je transmiter temperature na kraju životnog veka. Ponovna upotreba transmitera se realizuje kroz: proveru, rastavljanje, zamenu delova, ÄiÅ”Äenje, ponovno sastavljenje i testiranje. Rad daje primer kako uÅ”tedeti na materijalu i energiji koji se javljaju kao veliki gubici u procesu proizvodnje
Model za unapreÄenje ispitivanja transdjusera u maloserijskoj proizvodnji
Research in CMTM improves the development of static characteristic sensors or transducers. Automation of measurements with existing interface gives us the ability to classify and analyze important information about the device we are studying. This paper analyzes the models to improve the measurement process on existing equipment. .Istraživanja u CMTM-u obuhvataju usavrÅ”avanje statiÄkih karakteristika senzora ili transdjusera. Automatizacija procesa merenja na postojeÄoj aparaturi pruža nam moguÄnost da klasifikujemo i analiziramo važne informacije o ureÄaju koji ispitujemo. U radu su analizirani modeli kako unaprediti proces merenja se stanoviÅ”ta iskoriÅ”Äenja postojeÄe opreme.
Model za unapreÄenje ispitivanja transdjusera u maloserijskoj proizvodnji
Research in CMTM improves the development of static characteristic sensors or transducers. Automation of measurements with existing interface gives us the ability to classify and analyze important information about the device we are studying. This paper analyzes the models to improve the measurement process on existing equipment. .Istraživanja u CMTM-u obuhvataju usavrÅ”avanje statiÄkih karakteristika senzora ili transdjusera. Automatizacija procesa merenja na postojeÄoj aparaturi pruža nam moguÄnost da klasifikujemo i analiziramo važne informacije o ureÄaju koji ispitujemo. U radu su analizirani modeli kako unaprediti proces merenja se stanoviÅ”ta iskoriÅ”Äenja postojeÄe opreme.
Oral health in children with asthma
Introduction. It has been suggested that asthmatic patients may have a higher
risk for oral diseases, both as a result of the medical condition and effects
of medications. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine the oral
health status of children with asthma and to evaluate the oral health
parameters according to the medications and severity of the disease. Methods.
The study group consisted of 158 children with asthma and 100 healthy control
subjects aged 2-18 years. The diagnosis of dental caries was performed using
the Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT/dmft) criteria. The oral
hygiene, periodontal status and gingival health were assessed with the
Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (Greene-Vermillion), Community Periodontal
Index of Treatment Needs and Gingival Index (Lƶe-Silness), respectively.
Results. Thirty (19%) patients with asthma and 43 (43%) healthy children were
caries-free (p<0.001). There were no significant differences between
asthmatic and control children in caries experience (for children with asthma
mean DMFT=2.1Ā±1.8, mean dmft=4.2Ā±3.3; for healthy children mean DMFT=2.5Ā±0.9,
mean dmft=5.2Ā±1.3). Level of asthma control did not have influence on dental
health, while dose of inhaled corticosteroid had impact on primary dentition.
Periodontal status and gingival health did not differ between asthmatic and
control children. However, children with asthma had poorer oral hygiene
(p<0.001). Conclusion. Results of the study do not show a relationship
between asthma and oral diseases. However, further improvement could be made
in educating children and parents on the importance of good oral hygiene and
prevention of oral diseases