15 research outputs found

    Асоцијативни речник српског језика

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    Pierwsza część słownika asocjacyjnego języka serbskiego

    Studi di linguistica slava. Nuove prospettive e metodologie di ricerca

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    The present paper examines the Russian discourse markers мол and дескать as Renarrative markers that generally are considered conventional means to indicate information sources. Etymologically, they derive from verba dicendi. In this paper, relying on a large amount of occurrences taken from Russian Italian bilingual corpus composed by the author, a qualitative analysis of their semantics is carries out. They can express different meanings: referring to someone else's text with accurate or inaccurate quoting, pointing to their information source, expressing doubts about the reliability of transmitted information, interpreting gestures through verbal means and sometimes have contact-establishing and intensifying functions. The survey allows to affirm that these markers indicate evidentiality, because they create a distance between the information and the person which communicates this information and make an important contribution to evaluate the truthfulness of a proposition

    First principles high throughput screening of oxynitrides for water-splitting photocatalysts

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    In this paper, we present a first principles high throughput screening system to search for new water-splitting photocatalysts. We use the approach to screen through nitrides and oxynitrides. Most of the known photocatalytic materials in the screened chemical space are reproduced. In addition, sixteen new materials are suggested by the screening approach as promising photocatalysts, including three binary nitrides, two ternary oxynitrides and eleven quaternary oxynitrides.United States. Dept. of Energy (contract DE-FG02-96ER4557)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (TeraGrid resources under Grant No. TG-DMR970008S)Pittsburgh Supercomputing CenterUniversity of Texas at Austin. Texas Advanced Computing CenterEni-MIT Solar Frontiers Cente

    O prostoru u srpskoj jezičkoj slici sveta

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    Sto godina Juznoslovenskog filologa

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    O grammatike predela

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    (ruski) V nastojaščej stat'e rassmatrivajutsja obščie i častnye voprosy vyraženija predela kak semantičeskogo kriterija, ob''edinjajuščego rjad semantičeskih kategorij, otličajuščihsja drug ot druga formoj i stepen'ju grammatikalizovannosti, takih kak lokalizovannost', temporal'nost' aspektual'nost', akcional'nost', količestvennost', gradual'nost' i dr. Značenie predela kak časti kakogo-nibud' javlenija, differencirujuščej ego ot okružajuščih ego javlenij, založeno v osnovu rjada grammatičeskih kategorij leksiko-grammatičeskih razrjadov i leksičeskih podsistem, formirujuščih v celom gipperkategorial'nyj kompleks predel'nosti, ohvatyvajuščij značenija ob''edinennye obščim priznakom granicy, prohodjaščim meždu otličajuščimisja drug od druga suščnostjami. Grammatičeskie sredstva vyraženija predela v doklade rassmatrivajutsja v ramkah teorii semantičeskih lokalizacij (Piper 1997, 2001) i teorii grammatičeskih metafor, razrabatyvajuščejsja v ramkah kognitivnoj lingvistiki. Osoboe vnimanie v stat'e udeljaetsja raznovidnostjam semantičeskogo kriterija predela, takimi kak vnutrennij i vnešnij predel sil'no vyražennyj i slabo vyražennyj predel, linejnyj i točečnyj predel i t. d

    Ivana Antonić - Vremenska rečenica

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    O uvodnim dijalozima u slovenskim jezicima

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